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Iaqg Defence Group

In 2022, the Defence Group progressed initiatives in specific countries and key organizations. In Japan, the Japanese Ministry of Defence adopted the Japanese Industrial Standards Q 9100 for the QMS Requirements, while the Korean AQG began to align activities in the supply chain for acceptance of the 9100 series. The group also gained ground in shared activities with NATO WG2 in the areas of maintenance, disposal, and counterfeit as well as the Allied Quality Assurance Publications (AQAP) 2210 training material and the Q-Plan.

Additionally, work continues with Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) to develop a partnership with enterprise stakeholders analyzing data to validate effectiveness and efficiency and identify opportunities to improve processes and reduce contract surveillance. These efforts have goals of increasing both efficiency and overall assessment timeliness and a reduction of any major non-conformities.

The year saw NATO recognizing the relevance of ISO 9001 and the impact of the AS EN9100 series quality management system certification on the organization involved in the management life cycle of defence products.

LEAD: Siegfried Brauner, Airbus Helicopters

SPONSOR: Fortunato Giardina, Leonardo

2022 Highlights

Japanese MOD adopted the JIS Q 9100 for the QMS Requirements

Korean AQG aligns activities for acceptance of the 9100 series

Increased shared activities with NATO WG2

Worked with DCMA to analyze data validating effectiveness and efficiency —

NATO now recognized the impact of the AS EN9100 series

Iaqg Space Forum

During 2022, the IAQG Space Forum engaged with stakeholders to promote the value of 9100 in lieu of leveraging additional standards in the space and defence arenas. In the Americas, efforts were invested to support in AS9018 and the team worked with key stakeholders like the DCMA and NASA. The Asia-Pacific Space Forum engaged with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) space agency to integrate the 9100 standard into their space industry, while the European Space Forum worked with the European Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS) to get the adoption and adaptation of 9100 into their set of standards.

The Forum also collaborated with SCMH to provide space application guidance materials and submitted a joint improvement proposal with the IAQG Defence Group to the 9100-writing team based on stakeholder feedback. This year, we witnessed a business shift in which space operates towards commercialization. In response, the Asia Pacific Space Forum began working with insurers of space flight to see if AS9100 certifications would help minimize space-related insurance company premiums and rates.

LEAD: André LaCroix, ArianeGroup

SPONSOR: Fortunato Giardina, Leonardo


Worked with key stakeholders to promote 9100 value

Introduced space application SCMH guidance materials

Engaged with insurance companies to address premiums and rates

Collaborated with IAQG Defence Group to submit 9100 improvement proposal