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As we look to close the decade, there are a number of phenomenons that have marked significant changes, pushing an ar- ray of industries forward. When you talk about the music industry and how people are connecting and inspiring fans, landing hits, distributing their music, collaborating with people and finding ways to engage with their communities in an enhanced way. Marshmello has become a larger than life figure in music as a collaborator and producer across genres, a streamer and gamer - his in game concert on Fortnight made him the most listened to DJ without a doubt. His ability to cut across a number of age groups who enjoy his music is easi- ly seen when you're able to see the energy that hits any room that he walks into. We hung out with Marshmello and his man- ager, Moe Shalizi to toast a new business venture with his partnership with Stuffed Puffs who will open a large factory in Beth- lehem, PA. The Philidelphia born DJ and producer sat with us to talk about some of their achievements this year, working across industries, their favorite collabo- rations and about artists that they would have loved to have collaborated with in this cover story.

ATHLEISURE MAG: What was the moment when you guys realized that Marshmello as a brand was something that you want- ed to focus on?

MARSHMELLO + MOE SHALIZI: We al- ways wanted to focus on it, but I think that when we saw things like what you’re seeing right now, kids wearing the cos- tume as such an early thing – we realized that it transcended audiences and demo- graphics of people and things like that. It’s just that the music resonated global- ly with people which is very different. So we knew that we had something on our hands.

AM: How would you define the Marshmel- lo sound?

Number 1 country song with Kane Brown, 'One Thing Right'. We just put a single out that’s an alternative rock single 'Rescue Me' with A Day to Remember, the song with Bastille, 'Happier' hit 3 different cate- gories (editor’s note: it’s worth noting that in 2018, 'Happier' spent an entire year at No 1. on the Billboard Dance Chart – which had never happened before). So the sound is everywhere. He’s a producer at the end of the day.

AM: What are a couple of highlights from being on tour or awards shows that are some of your favorite moments?

M + MS: I think that Fortnite was really one of the biggest things that he had ever done. It was something that no one had ever done before and the impact that it had was insane.

AM: How do you go about deciding on the types of collaborations that you do?

M + MS: We just try to be innovative the same way that Stuffed Puffs is in it’s cate- gory – we try to be as innovative as possi- ble with our collaborations. It’s really easy for us to go and get collaborations with the normal people. But for us, it’s about finding that next top person and to work with them.

AM: Clearly the travel schedule is hectic and you’re always on the go, what are 3 things in your carry-on that you have when you’re about to hop on that next flight?

M + MS: Probably headphones, Tylenol and gum – a lot of gum.

AM: Who are 3 people that are living or dead that you would like to collaborate with?

M + MS: Prince, TuPac – he’d be dope and I wish we had done something with Nipsy - that would have been amazing - he was the man.

boundaries on what it means to lea in a number of fields and how he likes to pres- ent himself. When you think about Marsh- mello, it's hard to not think of actual marsh- mallows and if you're familiar with his fun YouTube show, Cooking with Marshmello, you know that he shares how to cook an array of cool treats - some of them being marshmallows. It's not a surprise to see that he has now partnered with Stuffed Puffs, an innovative approach to making it easier to take your S'mores game to the next level. Each marshmallow has choco- late inside and is ready to eat right out of the package or heated. As is the case with many things that are all about serendipity, Marshmello crossed paths with the found- er of Stuffed Puffs, Michael Tierney and the rest was history. We took a moment to chat with Michael to find out how this partnership took place as well as more about how he came up with the idea of his company.

ATHLEISURE MAG: Prior to launching Stuffed Puffs, what was your back- ground before creating this company?

MICHAEL TIERNEY: Prior to founding Stuffed Puffs, I was in the fine dining world working in the kitchens of The French Laundry and Eleven Madison Park. Since founding Stuffed Puffs, but before bringing it to life this year, I also founded the better for you bak- ing brand, Mikey’s.

AM: Where did the idea for Stuffed Puffs come from?

MT: Not surprisingly, sitting around a campfire. I have always been a foodie but never found traditional s’mores to be appealing. My issue, the choco- late never melted. As I am sure many others have, I carefully pulled apart a marshmallow and inserted a piece of

chocolate before carefully seam- ing the marshmallow back together. Roasted over the fire, the chocolate melted perfectly from the inside out. The idea was the easy part. The execu- tion however, took much longer. I was laughed out of most candy manufac- turers I tried to partner with who said that Stuffed Puffs were impossible to make. Eventually, we did it ourselves and built our own plant to prove up the innovative manufacturing process- es we developed.

AM: When did you launch Stuffed Puffs and when did you know that you had a hit on your hands?

MT: Stuffed Puffs has been seven years in the making and we finally launched at retail with Walmart just before Me- morial Day this year. We knew we had a hit by July 4th, only roughly five weeks later, when we had gone from zero to the number two item in the category by dollars sold.

AM: We're fans of Marshmello, you've been working with him for a bit now - how did this collaboration come about?

AM: What can we expect to see with your partnership between Stuffed Puffs and Marshmello?

MT: Our partnership will only continue to grow through a number of different avenues as we increase our retail foot- print and portfolio of items through- out 2020 and beyond. Stay tuned!

AM: What are 3 ways that you like to enjoy eating Stuffed Puffs?

MT: Roasted over the fire is the obvious choice, but they are also phenomenal in the microwave for seven seconds if you want to enjoy S’mores indoors. For me though, they are best just popped in your mouth right out of the bag!

@Marshmello @StuffedPuffs @JMTierny3

PHOTO CREDITS | Paul Farkas - Front Cover + Back Cover, Pg 20 -23, 26 - 29, 32 |

MT: In September of 2018, I was in- vited to the U.S. Forbes “30 Under 30” conference in Boston, along with Marshmello, who made the cover, and other honorees. I arrived late in the evening Marshmello was performing and got locked out of the packed out- door venue. However, I lingered by the gate, loved the music, and marveled at his ability to mesmerize an audience. Returning to my hotel, I researched the name of his manager, Moe Shalizi, and sent him a note telling him about my marshmallow. I had zero expecta- tion that I would get a response, which ended up arriving just minutes later. The next day, I met Moe in Boston and pitched him the idea. Two months lat- er, Marshmello and Moe joined as my equity partners. They have been phe- nomenal partners and are always pro- moting and otherwise supporting the

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