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From 2023 all ATG trips will have Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions

What is ‘Net Zero’?

Net Zero refers to a state in which the greenhouse gases going into the atmosphere are balanced by removal out of the atmosphere – for example by planting trees to absorb CO2 produced.

So how does it work?

Exact calculation of each individual client’s greenhouse gas emissions whilst travelling with ATG is an almost impossible task However, as an integral part of its Environmental Management System (EMS), certified annually by ISO14001, ATG has been meticulously measuring and recording its environmental impacts, including greenhouse gas emissions, so has 20 years of data from which to calculate the average environmental impact of each client

ATG, founded on principles of Conservation and Sustainable Development, has had over 40 years to ensure that all trips have very low environmental impact so the Net-Zero contribution is relatively small – about £14 per client.

What does this contingency contribution ‘cover’?

As a contingency it makes provisions for any future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty. It has been calculated to cover:

• All European road, rail and air travel directly relating to ATG trips whether sourced and purchased independently or through ATG (e.g. all flights, trains, taxis etc.)

• All other ‘consumption emissions’ – i e greenhouse emissions accrued in connection with the production and distribution of purchases made or services used, that relate directly to ATG itineraries – including use of light, heating, air-con, hotel laundry, or food and wine etc

• ATG trips outside Europe – as above with flight emissions measured from London (return).

What happens to the contributions?

Funds will be allocated to specific ‘Gold Standard’ -certified and other bonafide ‘Net-Zero’ projects and the results published