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Late Night Thoughts Shirley Dong

Late Night Thoughts

By Shirley Dong


“I don’t think all writers are sad, I think it’s the other way around - all sad people write.” - Lang Leav

I thought that quote represented me well, in a sense that the more time I have to myself, the more thoughts end up in my mind. In my past I left behind, not all thoughts are pleasant— especially in the present, as some of them keep me up at night. As I saw the light that slowly flickers in the distance, I stay awake wondering my existence. Although some people might call me an insomniac, I wish I was an amnesiac. So that all the words I said, all the thoughts inside of my head, all the decisions I chose will not be disclosed. I never wanted to write out my view because the moment that I do, it solidifies these thoughts as true. But the truth I couldn’t tell you, leaves my heart feeling rather blue. In hopes of the day, when I am okay and say the truth I wish to convey. So my thoughts can be at peace, and my mind can then be appeased.

