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Dateline PhiliPPines More Filipinos still oppose Charter change, but support for it grew – Pulse Asia

by Beatrice Pinlac Inquirer.net

MANILA — More Filipinos are still opposed to amending the 1987 Constitution although support for it increased since six months ago, according to Pulse Asia’s latest Charter change (Cha-cha) survey released on Tuesday, April 4.


In the poll conducted from March 15-19, Pulse Asia found that revising the Charter remains unfavorable for 45 percent and favorable for 41 percent of 1,200 adult respondents.

Compared with the same survey made in September 2022, however, Pulse Asia noted that Cha-cha has become “more pronounced” in the March audit. To recall, the September 2022 study showed 56 percent disagreed while 31 percent agreed to proposals to tinker with the Constitution.

The March Cha-cha survey was conducted after the House of Representatives passed a bill seeking to implement a resolution calling for a constitutional convention (con-con) to amend or revise the 1987 Constitution.

Of the total respondents, 45 percent opposed constitutional change (Cha-cha), with 31 percent completely against it and 14 percent considering the possibility in the future.

Another 14 percent of the respondents said they had