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House plenary approves ‘Eddie Garcia Act’ to protect entertainment industry workers

MANILA — The House of Representatives unanimously passed on Monday, February 6 a bill that protects both workers and independent contractors in the film, television and radio entertainment industry.

Voting 240-0, the House of Representatives in a plenary session unanimously approved on final reading the House Bill 1270 or the Eddie Garcia Act. If enacted into law, it will entitle entertainment industry workers to fair working conditions and protection against exploitation and abuse, as well as just compensation and other benefits for their welfare.


The bill is named after prolific actor Eddie Garcia, who died after tripping over loose wires while filming a series in 2019. The incident led several actors in the industry to call out dismal and dangerous working conditions in the entertainment industry.

The filing of the bill in 2020 also stemmed from the veteran actor’s death. The measure is a consolidated version of six related bills, including one authored by Garcia’s stepson, Rep. Mikee Romero (1-Pacman Party-list).

The measure requires employers to provide workers or contractors with a copy of a