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Taking Our Harm Reduction Impact to the Next Level

Alliance is a welcoming community for everyone —people who use drugs, people exploring or new to recovery from drug use, and people deeply engaged in their recovery journey.

+ WE PROMOTE the dignity, health, and safety of people who use drugs by providing overdose prevention tools and training, a Syringe Service Program, and Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT).

+ WE DISTRIBUTE thousands of harm reduction kits containing fentanyl test strips, Narcan/Naloxone, safer sex materials, and other resources so people who use drugs can protect themselves and others.

+ WE SUPPORT the journey of people entering or sustaining recovery from substance use by offering multiple pathways: outpatient drug treatment services; our Peer-led recovery community; and recovery supports like counseling, mentoring, support groups, relapse prevention, and Peer training.

8,000+ New Yorkers engaged in harm reduction services

192,000+ sterile syringes distributed

1,400+ individuals trained in life-saving overdose response

8 in 10 substance use treatment program participants remained actively engaged in treatment after 90 days

In 2022, Alliance received federal recognition of our effectiveness when the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) awarded us a major grant to expand our opioid treatment and harm reduction services. Over the next five years, across Alliance’s six community centers, we’ll provide hundreds of New Yorkers with MAT, recovery supports, and overdose prevention and reversal services to help turn the tide on New York’s opioid crisis.

Deepening Our DEI Commitment

Founded at the height of the HIV epidemic to serve diverse communities, Alliance has always prioritized diversity, equity, and inclusion. Even so, we’re well aware that we can do more and better. In early 2022, after a diligent search for the right partner, we began working with a DEI consulting firm to guide us through an organizational DEI assessment and capacity-building process that will help us more fully enact our equity values. Stay tuned for updates as this work unfolds.

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