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What’s in the Cornerstone?

If you’re curious about what’s in Florida’s Supreme Court cornerstone, laid during dedication ceremonies in December 1948, here’s a list:

  • Photo of Prince and Princess Charles Murat at the tomb of Prince and Princess Achille Murat, Tallahassee, 1932

  • Photo of the Supreme Court of Florida, 1936

  • Photo of Governor E. A. Perry and Cabinet on Capitol steps circa 1885

  • Photo of Seminole Chief playing golf at Fort Myers and photo of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Major Wong at Fort Myers

  • Photo of Chief Justice Whitfield administering oath of Governor N. B. Broward, January 3, 1905

  • Photo of Florida's Capitol Building, 1824-1923

  • Photostat of General Jackson's Commission as Governor of the Territories of East and West Florida

  • Chief Justice Whitfield administering the oath to Governor F. P. Cone, January 5, 1937

  • Photo of a painting of Marquis de Lafayette

  • Photostat of sheet from "Dixie" containing a panel of photos and a list of the members of Florida's Secession Convention

  • Page from Miami Herald of January 11, 1925, with photos of Inauguration of Governor John W. Martin

  • Page from Florida Times-Union dated January 4, 1905, with photos of inauguration of Governor Napoleon B. Broward

  • Page from the Floridian containing photos of the inauguration of Governor Millard F. Caldwell

  • Page from Tallahassee Democrat dated March 18, 1945, devoted to the State Centennial

  • Directory of the Confederate States, 1861-1865

  • Photo of Monument marking intersection of Guide Meridian and Base Parallel of Florida

  • Copy of "Political and Legal History of Florida” by James B. Whitfield

  • Official Program of the Inauguration of Governor Spessard L. Holland

  • Official Program of the Inauguration of Governor Millard F. Caldwell

  • Card for the Inaugural Ball of Governor William D. Bloxham

  • Pamphlet containing pictures of State Flag, Flower, Bird, etc.

  • Photo of Governor Caldwell with former Governors Holland and Carlton

  • Print of early Capitol at Tallahassee

  • Print of State Capitol, Tallahassee, 1845 to 1902

  • Photo of Supreme Court of Florida, 1905

  • Enlarged photo of Supreme Court of Florida, 1905

  • Panel of pictures of the Supreme Court Justices of the United States, 1790-1940

  • Page from Florida Highways relating to the Centennial celebration

  • Photograph of President McKinley and party on visit to Tallahassee, 1899

  • Photostat of Confederate Cabinet

  • Page from the Floridian of January 6, 1945, with a photo of Chief Justice Buford administering oath to Governor Caldwell

  • Newspaper clipping regarding inauguration of Governor Caldwell and containing photos of six former governors

  • Photostat of Times-Union the January 6, 1909 inauguration of Governor Albert W. Gilchrist

  • Florida Supreme Court Report, Vol. 158

  • Picture of Supreme Court, January 1948

  • Issues April, May, June, and July of Florida Law Journal Florida Hand Book, 1947-48

  • The Program at Dedication of the 1948 Supreme Court Building

  • Picture of Stanley Forman Reed, Associate Justice United States Supreme Court

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