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210 | CovidReference.com

These recommendations translate into 9 commandments: “Whenever possible:

1. Stay home, if you can 2. Avoid gatherings, both inside and outside your household 3. Avoid enclosed spaces 4. Wear a mask, do not sing or shout! 5. Keep a distance – 2 meters! 6. Ventilate whenever you can 7. Wash hands 8. Disinfect hightouch surfaces (maybe less important?) 9. Get vaccinated as soon as you can!”

Or, according to the more joyful words of UN Women: “The pandemic is hard – spread joy: • Buy someone flowers • Call a loved one

• Deliver groceries to your neighbour • Write a greeting card • Motivate a friend who needs a boost

• Virtually tutor a student • Make face masks to give away”

In a few months, we will learn more about whether and how B.1.1.7, B.1.351 and P.1 will

• Change the clinical presentation of COVID-19 and mortality • Affect the few existing treatment option (corticosteroids, tocilizumab, anticoagulants, etc.) • Increase the number of reinfections

• Affect the immune response to vaccines • Affect the therapeutical benefit from monoclonal antibodies Fortunately, global genomic surveillance and rapid open-source sharing of viral genome sequences have facilitated near real-time detection, compari-