2 minute read

30-19.30 Concurrent Sessions 1- PÁEZ, Ana Claudia Room A

17- INNOCENTINI, Viviana

Needs and obstacles in English for Research Publication Purposes


Academic writing is mostly dominated by English-medium journals, which are regarded as the main route to prestige and visibility of writers. For multilingual scholars to become active participants in such an international discourse community, they not only need to cope with the demands of writing in a foreign language, but they also need to understand the ‘ropes’ of the academy and satisfy gatekeepers’ expectations in terms of discourse patterns and meaning negotiations. Despite shared assumptions about the challenge of writing in ERPP, little is known about novice scholars’ perceptions. Qualitative data and implications will be shared with the audience.

18- MUCCI, María Rosa and CASTIÑEIRA, Beatriz

So, you want to rap? Rap that argument

Rap battles allow students to engage in tasks completely diverse from the traditional ones. In an attempt to help students, improve their oral, reading and writing performance, the presenters will move away from storytelling and retelling and focus on specific topics not only to compensate for a deficit but to activate creativity thanks to the application of an academic genre approach to the production of arguments. The use of this design will provide an extraordinary opportunity for authentic communication and the possibility to increase fluency and the ability to debate specific topics

Friday, June 4, 18:30 – 19,30

19- PAEZ, Ana Claudia

How can Gamification enhance English for Specific Purposes Classes

During the 2020 pandemic, University level students did not have the possibility to take face-to-face classes. At Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, the teacher in charge of ESP courses, English Level I and II, at the Educational Sciences Teacher Training Course looked for a variety of teaching strategies to work in a virtual context. She found that gamification offered the possibility to include a variety of games in the classes, allowing students to learn in new ways. It is the objective of this demonstration to show how in a technical English class, students can be benefited from learning through games

20- LAURÍA, Patricia and LAVARDA, Julieta

Using English to develop Intercomprehension into Germanic Languages online

In this workshop the presenters will share some of the findings on intercomprehension into Germanic languages (IGL) through English from a research study. The theory behind the research will be briefly summarised and then the audience will be given the opportunity to experience the extent to which English can be an effective bridge to comprehending texts in German and Dutch and have an insight into the online course being currently designed by the presenters and their research team. Conceived as a journey, such a course aims at guiding learners through different parts of an intercomprehensive trip.

21-VILLALBA, Andrés

Using technology to assess the 4 macro skills

Education has extended from the physical space into virtual formats. Teachers have become familiar with different innovative ways of presenting their lessons in this new bi-modality and most already feel confident when interacting with students helping them acquire content and develop language skills. In this respect, EFL teachers focus on the four macro skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing, and as virtual education evolves, they now need to improve the assessment of students’ progress. In this webinar, the presenter will demonstrate strategies designed to assess students’ skills, integrating aspects of traditional assessment with the application of easy-to-use technology. ´