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Come Together

COME TOGETHER for comics

I’ve never been to San Diego Comic Con or C2E2, but once I started attending New York Comic Con I heard from con-attending fans that NYCC was the convention for real comic fans. While SDCC had more of an entertainment and gaming focus and Chicago focused on creators, NYCC focused on comics. The fans are passionate and come out in droves to purchase classic books and support the major publishers. Or at least that used to be the case. NYCC21 suffered the absence of all of the major publishers. Comixology had a large presence to celebrate Scottober, but traditional print comic publishers were definitely missed. Hopefully 2022 sees an end to the pandemic and a return to large activations from the major comic distributors. —LV

or so we thought

As we are still in the throes of a pandemic, I was pretty resolute that NYCC21 wasn’t happening for me. The closer we got to the event, I definitely started to feel FOMO. I began thinking, Maybe I’ll go if Jose can get me tickets. In the weeks leading up to the event a rash of cancellations—Tom King, Mitch Gerads, Doc Shaner (my three favorite current creators) and all the major publishers (DC, Marvel, Image, Dark

Horse)—made my decision much easier. I skipped NYCC for the first time in more than a decade. Luckily when Jose came through with the a free ticket, Madeline was able to go and cover the show for ADW. —LV