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The Nashville Hh Hh


Sheriff discusses jail leaks, crowding

By Louie Graves News-Leader staff

For the second month, Sheriff Bryan McJunkins talked with the Howard County Quorum Court about the county’s jail facility which often houses more inmates than it was planned to do.

And in addition, the roof leaks. Last month the sheriff told the court he was reluctant to make the leak correction if a larger construction project loomed.

The jail has a capacity of 40 inmates, a number which is usually exceeded. He told the court Monday, June 20, he had spoken with some jail builders about an expansion that might give the county 18-20 more beds. Last month he cautioned the JPs that an expansion would need more supervisory employees and also incur other operating expenses.

A problem with the crowding is that some persons with misdemeanors who should be jailed are not. The sheriff said that surrounding county jails were having similar problems.

One estimate of the cost of an extension to the existing facility is between $975,000 and $1.2 million. He said he hoped to find a way without raising taxes.

The Nashville Demonstration Organic Garden will offer a Kidz Klub this summer for ages 3-10. It will consist of raised garden beds and will be handicapped accessible.

NDOG said the goal is “to introduce gardening as a fun, hands-on experience through being in ouch with nature and learning gardening skills.”

Children will dig in the dirt, select plants for the garden, plant them and water them. They will also learn about bees, insects and butterflies and their importance to the garden.

IT’S ALL FOR OCC. Vacation Bible School volunteer Abbie Lamb (left) takes a pie in the face from Naomi Sanchez Friday afternoon, June 17, at First United Methodist Church in Nashville. Lamb told the VBS kids that they could slap the pie on her face if they collected $300 for Operation Christmas Child. She added that they could dump cold water on her if they approached $400. The final total was more than $520. Jaylee Hughes poured ice cold water on Lamb. The church held VBS June 13-17.