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St Patricks day

Last 17 of march we celebrated St Patricks day in the school. This special celebration has its origin in Ireland. The traditional story says that on this day we celebrate the death in honour of St Ptricks. He was a very famous priest that helped Irish people talking about god.


Its common to wear green clothes and accesories like hats, beards etc to represent the shamrock (one of the Irish symbols). Also, the legend says that if you follow the tradition you will have GOOD LUCK and SUCCESS in your life.

At school we did different activities. In 3º course they created a thankful shamrock giving thanks for all the things that they have. In 4º Course we saw a video about St Patricks story and painted a special picture. In 5º course they saw another video and they talked together about St Patricks life.

Con motivo de la celebración del Día Mundial del Sindrome de Down el 21 de marzo, en el colegio se llevaron acabo unas charlas para concienciar al alumnado de todos los cursos sobre el conocimiento y visibilización de este síndrome.

Las Orientadoras, Maestas de Audición y Lenguaje y las de Pedagogía Terapeútica fueron las encargadas de llevar a cabo esta actividad.

Desde aquí queremos agradecerles la labor que realizan ellas, así como la maestra de Minorías y las auxiliares técnico educativo con este alumnado de Necesidades Educativas Especiales tanto en el Aula de Transición del centro como dentro y fuera de las aulas.