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HonestBroker Complete Guide to Knowing the best Home Loan Process in India

Are you confused about the home loan process in India? Well, we have got you all covered! Home loan processes in India help millions of people to buy their dream homes and property However, not everyone is aware of the proper home loan process in India. Meanwhile many home loan applications get rejected consecutively and buyers happen to find themselves in tricky situations where they give up or can't pay their loan in the end. So here is the full guide to knowing about the best housing loan in India processes.


Home loans are given by HFC or housing finance Companies to buyers in exchange for EMI The home or the property which is purchased by the buyer acts as collateral until the buyer pays the full moon Proper verification is done for the property as well as the buyer before the lawn In addition, The loan verification for the buyer is also done In simple words, the home loan process in India is complex and therefore must be understood carefully

How does the Home Loan Process Work in India?

Here are some pointers about home loans in India and how they begin:

● Banks assume that 50% of the income of the buyer is available for repayment of the loan So a higher income can make a buyer eligible for higher loan possibilities

● A down payment is expected by the buyer for the lander concerning 10% or 20% of the property price The financial amount also includes the registration process, stamp duty charges, and transfer process

● The buyer is responsible for informing the banker about the investment type they desire This is because the investment depends upon property prices which are sometimes fixed and sometimes floating

● The home loan also includes additional charges These additional charges consist of registration, technical evaluation, scrutiny charges, legal documents, and others Some lenders might also waive these additional charges

● During the India home loan disbursement process, there are a few documents that are necessary to be submitted These documents include agreement papers, encumbrance certificates, title papers, and allotment papers

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● During the first year of the loan, lenders give a statement to borrowers or buyers about how much principal as well as interest the borrowers are expected to pay.

● During the last year of the loan lenders providers' statement shows the actual principal as well as interest paid by the borrowers This data is used for the purposes of tax.

● Higher prepayment can result in greater savings during home loan payments Partial prepayment can result in reduced total principal as well as interest outgo.

● A loan can be pre-closed before the date of its tenure No charges are applied if the interest rates are constantly changing In addition, charges might apply if interest rates are fixed

● Follow the home loan processing steps given below:

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Steps to avail of a Home Loans

Here are the steps to get home loan:

● Apply: a formal application is applied to the bank for a home loan A few documents are required such as identity Proof address proof bank details employment details age proof and others

● Processing fees: loan processing fees are generated by the bank and are non-refundable GST is also charged on these fees

● Verification: verification is the next process after applying for the loan and processing of loan fees In this process eligibility for a loan is determined Representatives of the Bank visit your home and work area for verification The credit history of buyers is also checked

● Evaluation: verification is the most important part of the loan process in India Depending upon the ability to pay the loan that application can be accepted or denied

● Offer letter: offer letter is given by the bank and contains information including Loan tenure, Mode of repayment, interest applicable, Sanctioned amount, Special scheme, Rate of interest, terms, and conditions A signed copy of the offer letter is submitted to the bank

● Property verification: before the bank branches the loan a property verification is done by their representatives in which all documents of property can be asked for Evaluation of property such as ownership quality of construction and other factors are checked by the bank.

● Home loan: the process of granting a home loan begins after the successful finishing of the above processes. A loan agreement is to be signed by the buyer to continue the process of home loan disbursal. Depending upon the above factors the loan amount will be determined by the bank. This is how home loan works.

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