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NIADDA in Chicaqo

t t is s mu.h more than a dolt I showrrho* or vou who have aftended a N;tional Antique Doll Dealers' Association show know it is a wekend event, an entertainin8 yet €ducational experience, as well as a wonderful opporhrni, ty to shop amon8 lhe best doll dealere in &e country.

The oveMhelming success of the Ausust 2003 NADDA show prompted a retum trip to the Windy City April 9 and 10. The Sheraton Cateway Suitee a quick shuttle ride from O'Hare Airport, provided a .omfortable venue for the show which on.e again was superbly nanaged by Cisi williams-Giamone, of Gigi's Dolls and Sherry's Teddy Bears.

The ertire fou h floor or the She.aton Gateway Suites was reserved for NADDA dealers and show-goers. Many attendees arrived early to attend the Saturday noon lecture ,ar y lrey MEh Speak, a seminar on the American doll artist Dew€es Cochrarr presented by Shirl€y Butzin and William Zito. Inte.est in the artist was furth€r piqued by a fabulous exhibit of dolls and memorabilia hiSh- lightsof whi.h we will bring you in a futue a icle.

At I :00 p.m. the show opened to an eaSer crowd of shoPPere, who were in no hury to leave as the day pr%ressed. The suite format makes for an enjoyable experience as buy€6 seem to take a more relaxed attitude, often spending considerable time disessing dolls with the dealer in question. And there . b€ no doubt that there is a surge of excitement as each suite beckons with the siren $n8 we all love... "dolls, dolls."

On Sunday moming, Michael Cmdas ed David Robinson's prcgIam Ercn.h Fashion DollsThe Opdcnt En was a reptise of thei unlorgehable exhibit at the Toy and MiniatuE Mueum of Kar$as Ciry enjoyed by many of you d!.in8 last year's UFDC snvention week. S€veral of their most exquisile ermples wee on display for us to drool ove., uP close and Personal.

It was a great weekend and if you missed it, hopetully next time a NADDA event presents itselt you won't think twice. Hop on a planeorget in the cd and 8et thee for a fabuloG shoulde ead with wax limbs and cloth body, blue glas irt €y6,.. r880's, made in England by ltalian artists.

12-1l2 in.h wax baby, poured wax with wax limbs and.loth body, made in England by Italian makeE, c. 1880s.