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The NTC is conducting a full review of the Australian Dangerous Goods Code (the ADG Code).


The work is focusing on the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail.

A high-level update of the ADG Code happens every two years and this will be the first full review since the seventh edition was released in 2007.

NTC has released the Australian Dangerous Goods Code Edition 7.8 which can be used from 1 April 2023.

In summary, the most important changes are

• Inclusion of UN 22 amendments, including new Chapter 6.9 for fibrereinforced plastics portable tanks.

• Inclusion of UN 21 Corrigendum

• Extensive minor amendments aimed at correcting typographical and translation errors that have occurred when incorporating past UN amendments

• Update of terminology, particularly in relation to pressure vessels and their components.

• Update of references, definitions, etc., as relevant,

To read more detail of the changes visit www.ntc.gov.au/sites/default/files/assets/

It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye

Truck drivers having rocks hurled at them tragically came into spotlight in the Northern Territory recently.

The truck driver’s name is Matt, and he had been tasked by his company to remove a stolen car that was involved in an alleged abduction.

He picked up the vehicle and was driving back to the compound to drop it off when a rock came flying through his window and hit him in the eye.

There are concerns he could be left permanently blind.

His employer Andrew Mowles told Sky News Australia's Laura Jayes that his employee had the window down as it was “quite a nice evening”.

“He’s driven past a verge in the road, slightly turning to the left and someone's thrown a rock through the side window and hit Matt in the eye,” he said on AM Agenda. files/D-21-0127496%20-%20ADG%20 7.8%20Explanatory%20Document.pdf

Mr Mowles believes it was an “intentional" attack on the truck driver who was simply doing his job at the time.

“If you’re picking up a rock to throw at a truck or a vehicle, it’s a malicious criminal act. You’re trying to cause harm to the vehicle or the person,” he added.

At this time of writing, the Police had not found the culprits.

NTC is currently seeking stakeholder feedback for the Classification of dangerous goods - Working group paper 1 and Dangerous Goods List (UN entries)Working group paper 2.

These papers are the first two in a series of topic-specific discussion papers and should be read in conjunction with Part 2 - Classification of the draft code which can be found on the NTC website. Opportunities to comment on other provisions in the code will be provided over the next 12 months.

New milestones reached on timesaving Tonkin Gap project

The Tonkin Gap project in Perth continues to motor ahead, with two new milestones finished in March including finishing works on the newly constructed Broun Avenue Bridge.

At more than 60 metres wide, the new bridge will be one of Perth's widest road and bus interchange bridges, accommodating 12 bus stands.

The finishing works on Broun Avenue Bridge come as a newly constructed 300-metre principal shared path located underneath the Redcliffe Bridge is opened.

When complete, the Tonkin Gap project is anticipated to save commuters up to six minutes during morning peak and up to 11 minutes in the afternoon.