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accountability, supply chain sustainability and safe, sustainable rates for all transport workers including gig workers, owner drivers, employees and labour hire workers to ensure a safer, fairer and sustainable transport industry.

Scott’s collapse won’t ‘just’ impact the 1500 workers who are now tragically without a job – it will have effects throughout supply chains including the average shopper expecting groceries to be on shelves. It is also a warning that without change, there will be more mayhem because of profit-hungry clients like Aldi.


Wealthy companies must be made accountable for the strain they impose upon operators and transport workers. They must take responsibility for safety, fairness and sustainability throughout their supply chains.

It’s time to stop the practice of giving out work to the cheapest bidder – safety must be the cornerstone of transport contracts.

Last year the Federal Government committed to crucial reform that would see enforceable minimum standards set across the transport industry. Federal Parliament must now pass those reforms to make transport work fairer, safer and more sustainable for all participants; reform intended to prevent more instances like the Scott’s collapse.