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Bird’s Eye View

BIRDS EYE VIEW by Carol Messenger

SBT – Our Story


In the August edition of WA Transport Magazine the article uncovering the reality of SBT to the transport industry was brave and important.

For too long, the discussion of SBT has been taboo. “Don’t talk about it for fear of copycats” however, it is the transport industry that is being affected and as many of these acts are ‘planned’ and not just random - we must talk about it.

It is a subject that I have wanted to tackle for a long time but walking that fine line between ‘empathy and blame’ is hard. I applaud Karen-Maree’ Kaye for her balanced and factual approach in the article and wanting to bring this subject into the open.

“Don’t talk about it for fear of copycats” however, it is the transport industry that is being affected and as many of these acts are ‘planned’ and not just random - we must talk about it

You see, many of us in this industry will come face to face with this issue - sadly many will not survive the encounter and

Plan ahead as road safety upgrades underway in the South-West

those who do will be scarred for life.

SBT ‘needs’ to be discussed and drivers and companies be aware that this happens regularly on our roads. Hiding the figures and not reporting on SBT will not make it go away.

We were totally unaware of SBT until it happened to us.

After the fact, the Policeman told me that ours was the 11th such incident that year on that stretch of road - and it was only July.

I personally have no problem with someone committing suicide. It is your life to choose to do with as you will.

I understand that when people are deeply troubled, they may not consider the

More than $41 million of upgrades and safety improvements are currently underway across the South-West, as part of the biggest regional road safety upgrade program the State has seen.

Road Safety Minister Paul Papalia reminded motorists to be patient and plan ahead, as major roadworks are completed.

Traffic management remains in place on the Bussell Highway as stage one of the $85 million duplication project, which includes five kilometres of dual carriageway between Spurr Street and Hutton Road, nears completion.

Safety improvement work to realign three-kilometres of the South Western Highway near Brookhampton has also commenced, along with pre-construction