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A Fair Go for Owner Drivers

Over to you A FAIR GO FOR OWNER DRIVERS by Ray Pratt

An Industry in Deep Trouble


Read any transport magazine or watch any news report involving trucks and it becomes very obvious that we have an industry that is in deep trouble.

We still have a shortage of truck drivers and that shortage is not going to change until conditions improve for truck drivers. I’ve said this a hundred times that no matter what well-meaning bureaucrat’s and politician’s promises us, unless we reform the industry and make life easier and better for our hard working truck drivers then we will never see a change.

Forget about thinking that industry issues will be solved by fast tracking truck licenses, having cameras in trucks and vibrating seats.

Forget about bringing in foreign truck drivers just to get bums in seats. The industry is such that the consequences of putting unqualified people in truck seats is a recipe for disaster.

The real issues are poor wages, poor working conditions and the expectation that drivers will push the boundaries of fatigue management and endurance just to get the job done.

I have been bombarded with calls from older truck drivers over the last couple of years saying that they have had enough and are exiting the industry in droves. These are people who love trucks and wanted to keep driving until retirement as they all have diesel in their veins but the job has all become too hard. The valuable experience and knowledge that these drivers are taking with them is a huge loss to the industry but the industry has failed them.

There is no point whatsoever in enticing new people into our industry just to have them become disenchanted and leave.

The reform of the transport industry must start at the top with the large multi nationals. These are the ones that are socially irresponsible and calling the shots with the push for cheaper rates and unrealistic time schedules - knowing full well that it is not sustainable, but at least they keep their shareholders happy.

The transport companies are next in line and need to get their house in order. For too long transport management have become experts in exploiting their workforce and keeping wages down. Loyal drivers have given their soul to these companies giving their time and life at the expense of a normal family lifestyle.

When I think about the time and effort that drivers dedicated to some of these transport companies only to find out at the end of the day we were just a number in their books that could be used and then discarded at their discretion.

We often joked that these transport managers all went to the same school where they learnt how to be rude and exploit truck drivers. I was lucky as I had a couple of good managers that were good to work for.

The time has come for a complete reform of the transport industry so that we can attract good people and to reward them for a job well done.

It’s not hard to pay a fair wage for a difficult job.

It’s not hard to provide good clean amenities at roadhouses for truck drivers.

It would not be too difficult to provide good parking bays with shade and toilets.

It’s not hard to recognise the importance of our truck drivers and treat them accordingly.

The pool of good drivers is well and truly exhausted and it’s the fault of everyone in the supply chain who have taken our truck drivers for granted.

I make no apology for constantly writing about this issue because it needs to be said and we need to see change. Keep it safe, Ray Pratt.

There is no point whatsoever in enticing new people into our industry just to have them become disenchanted and leave





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