3 minute read

Bird’s Eye View

BIRDS EYE VIEW by Carol Messenger



Slow Down Road Works Ahead’ must be one of the most dreaded of all the road signs.

There seem to be so many of them, often erected by over-zealous road workers they go up and then they stay there seemingly forever - whether there are road works going on or not.

Used correctly, these signs are critically important in protecting and saving road workers and road user’s lives by staying to a safe speed limit for the road conditions and work being carried out.

However, in this state ‘Slow Down’ signs are in my opinion ‘over used’ and ‘forgotten to be removed’ when road works are completed or not being worked on. This is what I find the most annoying.

I don't think anyone begrudges the 80, 60 or even 40kph signs on the road when there are workers or vehicles on duty carrying out repairs. The problem is these signs are left there often for months on end whilst there is ‘no’ sign of any work being carried out.

Is it because someone ‘forgot’ or was ‘too lazy’ to take them down? That is what it seems like to me or is it something else?

The law states that you ‘have to’ abide by the speed restriction signs regardless of whether there is work going on or not.

Main Roads Department advise that the signs should be removed when the work is either completed or if the area is not being worked on but therein lies the dilemma. What does 'completed' mean and what exactly does 'not being worked on' mean?

We all know those bits of road that lie in a dormant state for months and months on end – nearly, but not quite finished. There is no work going on and the road is safe however those dreaded speed restriction signs remain up. I just don't understand it - do the road contractors get paid extra the longer they delay?

Just get in there and finish it off is what I say. Get the road open to normal traffic and normal speed as quickly as you can.

The new extension bypass of New Norcia is a perfect example. There must have been at least six or eight months where there were 80kph signs for about 30km of the route however no work was being done. Then one day, with no apparent difference in the visual aspect of the road from the day before, the signs just disappeared and life returned to normal.

I have been doing a few trips lately to Leonora through the patch of road out from Southern Cross where Main Roads have been widening the shoulder. There is 30km of road that has a speed restriction of 80kph but I have ‘never’ seen a road worker, road work vehicle of any type or sign or any recent work having been done on that stretch of road any time that I have been passed there.

I have travelled this route weekdays and weekends, mornings, afternoons and nights nut nary a worker in sight. So why then the need for the speed reduction?

in this state ‘Slow Down’ signs are in my opinion ‘over used’ and ‘forgotten to be removed’ when road works are completed or not being worked on

It was a crappy road before and you could do 100kph on it. Some widening has been done (quite a while ago) but now, although it is safer you have to go slower. What is the story there? Absolutely a ‘Yes Minister’ scenario in my mind.

We all respect road workers safety, and the need for traffic to slow down whilst there are workers on the road but guys how about you show a little courtesy and respect for the other road users and either lay down, cover or remove your speed restriction signs when the road is safe to use at the normal speed limit and they are not needed.

It is no wonder that people flaunt the restrictions. It has to be a two way street where both parties play their part.