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RehaCom Screening Modules

RehaCom Screening Modules

Targeted cognitive therapy is an important instrument in the rehabilitation process. Before starting the therapy, a diagnostic assessment of all brain functions is made in order to pinpoint the impairment as well as determine which functions are still intact. Then, a therapy plan is created to meet the client‘s specific needs, and specific goals are defined together with the client so that the therapy is as successful as possible.

RehaCom is a therapy tool. As such, its focus is on rehabilitation of cognitive impairments. In contrast to a complex assessment, the screening tool just gives a hint according to the deviation from the norm.

Specially adapted screenings can help to identify suspected cognitive weaknesses or impairments. This area can be assessed with further specific diagnostic tools afterwards. The results then give a quick overview on the affected cognitive functions.

The RehaCom Screening Set consists of 9 modules for screening the cognitive status of clients with neurological and/or psychiatric diseases. Evaluate the screening results and get recommendations which training should be used.



In this module the tonic alertness, the phasic alertness, and intrinsic alertness are measured. The first stage of the test is to measure the response time while the client has to push a button as soon as a fully filled square appears on the screen. In the second stage, response time to the same visual stimulus is measured while a signal sound is heard before the square appears. The client has to wait until the square appears on the screen to push the button, not reacting on the sound.

Divided Attention


In this module, the client has to solve a visual and an auditive task simultaneously. One trial contains 80 visual stimuli with about 15% relevant stimuli as well as 160 auditive stimuli with approximately 10% relevant stimuli. For a visual as well as an auditive stimulus, the client has to push the same button on the keyboard.

Selective Attention


The ability to react in an appropriate way under time pressure and simultaneously to control behavioral impulses is examined. It is essential to suppress a triggered reaction by an external stimulus in favour of internally controlled behavior. The focus of attention is directed to a predictable appearance of stimuli and the corresponding reaction, for example to react or not to react.

Working Memory


In this module, the visual-spatial memory span and the visual-spatial memory function will be determined. It is also used for testing the implicit visual-memory learning and the working memory.

Spatial Numbers Search


In this module, basal cognitive performance and selective attention are tested. In addition, the test can be used for screening a visual neglect. The basal cognitive performance is associated in literature with perceptual speed. By selective attention, is meant the ability to turn themselves to the relevant stimulus of a stimuli constellation and ignore irrelevant stimuli of this constellation over a short time period is meant. This task is deduced from the well-known “Digits-Connection-Test” developed by Oswald and Roth 1987.

Memory For Words


This screening measures the client’s ability to memorise and recognise words. Firstly, the client is shown two words at the same time and must indicate whether the words are different or identical. In the second stage, the client will be shown one word at a time on the screen. The client must indicate whether this is the first time the word has appeared, or whether it has appeared before. This module requires the client to use their long-term memory and recognition methods to complete successfully.

Logical Reasoning


This screening measures the client’s ability to complete a sequence. It examines wether the client can identify irregularities and is able to draw logical conclusions. Visual material similar to intelligence tests used by Weiss, Cattell, Horn Sturm and Melchers is used. A visual sequence of four blocks will be displayed on the screen. They must complete the sequence correctly by selecting a 5th block from the options available. This screening is an important part of executive function diagnostics.

Visual Field


This screening measures the visual field and fixation accuracy of the client. In many hospitals, clinics and outpatient facilities, assessment of the visual field is difficult. This module provides them with an accurate tool. The client will be asked to focus on a circle in the centre of the screen. He must indicate when he sees that circle fills with colour. He must also indicate when a line appears from this circle with another circle on its end. He must not react if there is no circle at the end of the line. The results can be printed as a visual field map.

Visual Scanning


This screening measures the client’s ability to explore their visual field - specifically their parallel search (at a glance) and serial search (structured exploration). In the first exercise, the client will be asked to focus on a blue cross in the centre of the screen. When it disappears a letter will appear elsewhere on the screen. The client has to find the letter and indicate what letter he sees using the keyboard. In the second exercise, the client will be shown several letters on screen once the blue cross disappears. He will be asked to look for a particular letter and indicate whether or not it appears on the screen. The screening will show whether the visual field needs training - which is advised after hemianopia and other visual field defects.