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SALES CALLS HAVE GONE VIRTUAL, AND AI IS LISTENING IN Wooing clients over lunch is out. So companies are deploying software to analyze Zoom pitches and make recommendations.AI sales tools seem to be most popular, for now, among tech-focused companies. But the pandemic could help similar tools gain a foothold in more businesses, and even perhaps encourage a shift away from so many in-person sales meetings.


PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS COULD VERY WELL BE THE FUTURE OF CYBERSECURITY Predictive analytics is gaining momentum in every industry, enabling organizations to streamline the way they do business. This branch of advanced analytics is concerned with the use of data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning to determine future performance. When it comes to data breaches, predictive analytics is making waves. Enterprises with a limited security staff can stay safe from intricate attacks. Predictive analytics tells them where threat actors tried to attack in the past, so it helps to see where they ’ll strike next. Good security starts with knowing what attacks are to be feared.

SPORTS ANALYTICS MARKET WORTH $8.4 BILLION BY 2026 According to a new market research report published by MarketsandMarkets™ , the Sports Analytics Market size to grow from USD 2.5 billion in 2021 to USD 8.4 billion by 2026, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 27.3% during the forecast period. Various factors such as increasing spending on adoption of newer technologies, changing landscape of customer intelligence to drive the market, and proliferation of customer channels are expected to drive the adoption of sports analytics technologies and services.