1 minute read

Imagined Black Future Daisy Remington

The future is so often depicted devoid of natural surrounds. Landscapes of deserts or stark cityscapes A time where no plants grow, nothing of the wildness that is part of our natural world.

Nature has been pillaged to the point of extinction and only the colonial humans have survived Like trees and grass, We do not belong


This is not my future.

My future belongs to forest and meadow, to hill and valley, to mountain and stream. Our future belongs to the very things that support our existence in reciprocity

Instinctually we know, all that we need to feed ourselves mind, body and soul is all around us. We only need to look

The resources of our lives grow beside us

We come together, in relationship, we grow beside the tree. Community is shaped with all living things.

Our lives are an ecosystem feeding into all that surrounds us

Our future has returned to a time when our understanding of the land is as deep as our understanding of ourselves as a part of the great whole

Nature is written in our DNA like the stars written in the sky Moving from East to west the story of our people displaced.

We came from the land, taken from the land and forced to work the land. Turning us against ourselves as we

Turned Away From The Earth

Yet our destiny is to return, for our future is nothing without our past. Our lineage does not break no matter the attempts to hide our history

Our bodies our the soil, our minds are the seeds, our tears the ocean. We breathe the air and we warm ourselves by the fire.

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