1 minute read


"It is more than a joy for us to see these young women begin to heal, to see them lift their heads high, to put their shoulders back, to smile again with their eyes, not just their lips. A joy to see them reach their goals and graduate from the program."

Norma Dougherty


In 2022, we witnessed a significant increase in emotional health issues and PTSD, along with an influx of Afghan refugees with limited access to resources In addition to our licensed therapist on staff, we engaged volunteers as language coaches and mentors Our local mentors, shown here, commit their time each week to work with our artisans in small group time, providing support, encouragement, and guidance on their journey. These women make a tremendous impact on our artisans' longterm success!

“When I joined BraveWorks and met the directors, staff & mentors, I was impressed with what you all provide to empower women. Still everything is up to me and I had to put the work in, but BraveWorks helped me the whole way. BraveWorks helped me with my personal empowerment plan, guiding me in figuring out my goals and how to accomplish them. BraveWorks held my hand. You all told me I can do this! Somebody else believed in me. My goals and thoughts were not just words floating around. Having so many ladies believe in me and encourage me made such a difference."

Warrennette, local artisan program alumni

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