19 minute read

Directory of Central Fabrication Facilities


Acme Braceworks LLC 411 NE Baker Road Stuart, FL 34994 (777) 934-6943 www.acmebraceworks.weebly.com Email: acmebraceworks@comcast.net

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower Limb, Stance Control, Upper- Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger

ACOR Orthopaedic Inc. 18530 S. Miles Pkwy. Cleveland, OH 44128 (800) 237-2267 www.acor.com Email: info@acor.com

Orthotic Categories: Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Crow Walkers Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot

Adaptec Prosthetics LLC 1501 West Campus Drive, Suite J Littleton, CO 80120 (720) 433-1212 www.adaptecprosthetics.com Email: rae@adaptecprosthetics.com

Orthotic Categories: Thermoplastics Lower-Limb, Thermoplastics Foot Orthoses Lower-Limb Prosthetic Categories: Below-Knee Endoskeletal, Knee Disarticulation Endoskeletal, Above-Knee Endoskeletal, Partial Hand Upper- Limb, Wrist Disarticulation Upper-Limb, Below- Elbow Upper-Limb, Above-Elbow Upper-Limb, Below-Elbow Endoskeletal, Elbow Disarticulation Endoskeletal, Above-Elbow Endoskeletal,

Other—Vacuum Sockets Utilizing 5280 Internal Vacuum Systems

Advanced O&P Solutions 8647 W. 95th Street Hickory Hills, IL 60457 (866) 914-2677 www.aopsolutions.com Email: mangelio@aopsolutions.com

Orthotic Categories: Cervical, Spinal Metal and Leather, Spinal Thermoplastics, Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Lower-Limb Tone Reducing AFOs—Pediatric, Lower-Limb Stance Control, Crow Walkers, Reciprocating Gait Orthoses, Spinal Scoliosis—Milwaukee, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Custom Cranial Helmets, Upper-Limb Shoulder, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper Hand Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger, Other—Protective Face Mask Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper- Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices, Other

Alatheia Prosthetics 504 Grants Ferry Road Brandon, MS 39047 (601) 919-3112 www.alatheia.com Email: info@alatheia.com

Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower- Limb Above Knee, Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper- Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Other—Above- Knee and Below-Knee Covers

Alternative Prosthetic Services Inc. 191 Bennett Street Bridgeport, CT 06605 (203) 367-1212 www.alternativeprosthetics.com

American Central Fabrication 3240 Mabel Street Shreveport, LA 71103 (318) 636-3751 Email: americancenfab@aol.com

Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Prostheses, Upper-Limb Prostheses

Amfit Inc. 3611 NE 68th Street Vancouver, WA 98661 (360) 573-9100 www.amfit.com Email: sales@amfit.com

Orthotic Categories: Foot Orthoses

Facilities Accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics

8 O&P News | September/October 2018

Directory of Central Fabrication Facilities

AOD CFAB 12315 Judson Road, #200 San Antonio, TX 78233 (210) 657-8100 www.aodcfab.com Email: info@aodcfab.com

Orthotic Categories: Spinal, Lower-Limb Orthoses

Apis Footwear Co. 2239 Tuler Avenue South El Monte, CA 91733 (626) 448-8905 www.apisfootwear.com Email: sales@apisfootwear.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Orthoses

Arizona AFO Inc. 4825 E. Ingram Street Mesa, AZ 85205 (480) 222-1580 www.arizonaafo.com Email: info@arizonaafo.com

Orthotic Categories: Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Crow Walkers Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot

ARTech Laboratory Inc. 309 W. Avenue F Midlothian, TX 76065 (888) 755-5501 www.artechlab-prosthetics.com Email: mholt36107@aol.com

Orthotic Categories: Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger, Other Prosthetic Categories: Other—Above- Knee and Below-Knee Covers for Feet, Toes, Heels, Custom Cosmetic Silicone Restoration Fingers and Hands, Below-Elbow and Above- Elbow Passives, Below-Elbow and Above-Elbow Myos and L-limbs, Ears and Noses

Atlanta Prosthetics 1625 Rock Mountain Blvd. Stone Mountain, GA 30083 (800) 543-7660 www.aibracing.com Email: mhortman@deroyal.com

Orthotic Categories: Cervical, Spinal Thermoplastics, Spinal Scoliosis—Milwaukee

Atlantic Rim Brace Mfg. Corp. 25 B Progress Avenue Nashua, NH 03062 (603) 886-8130 www.spinalbraces.com Email: sales@spinalbraces.com

Orthotic Categories: Spinal Thermoplastics, Spinal Scoliosis—Milwaukee, Other—CAD/ CAM Carving, Supplies Prosthetic Categories: Other—CAD/CAM Carving, Services, and Supplies

Becker Orthopedic Appliance Co. 635 Executive Drive Troy, MI 48083 (248) 588-7480 www.beckerorthopedic.com Email: cbecker@beckerorthopedic.net

Orthotic Categories: Spinal Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower- Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Lower-Limb Tone-Reducing AFOs— Pediatric, Lower-Limb Stance Control, Crow Walkers, Reciprocating Gait Orthoses, Spinal Scoliosis—Milwaukee, Knee Orthoses, Upper- Limb Shoulder, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger

Best Made Shoes 5143 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15224 (412) 621-9363 www.bestmadeshoes.com Email: footcare@bestmadeshoes.com

Orthotic Categories: Foot Orthoses, Custom Shoes

Bio-Mechanical Composites Inc. 2505 McKinley Avenue Des Moines, IA 50321 (515) 554-6132 www.phatbraces.com Email: nchladek@aol.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Orthoses Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Prostheses, Lower-Limb Orthoses

Boston Orthotics & Prosthetics 20 Ledin Drive Avon, MA 02322 (800) 262-2235 www.bostonoandp.com Email: customerservice@bostonoandp.com

Orthotic Categories: Spinal, Cranial

Cascade Dafo Inc. 1360 Sunset Avenue Ferndale, WA 98248 (800) 848-7332 www.cascadedafo.com Email: bized@dafo.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Tone- Reducing AFOs—Pediatric, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger

Facilities Accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics

O&P News | September/October 20189

Directory of Central Fabrication Facilities

Coyote Design 419 N. Curtis Road Boise, ID 83706 (208) 429-0026 www.coyotedesign.com Email: lab@coyotedesign.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Lower-Limb Tone-Reducing AFOs—Pediatric Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee

Craft Master LLC 1825 N. Willow Hwy. Lansing, MI 48917 (517) 886-5798 Email: khartman@yahoo.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower- Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Tone-Reducing AFOs—Pediatric, Crow Walkers, Reciprocating Gait Orthoses, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger

Create O&P 7 Old Military Road Lake Placid, NY 12946 (518) 302-9198 www.createoandp.com Email: info@createoandp.com

Prosthetic Categories: Lower Limb, Other—CAD/CAM Services

Custom Composite Mfg. Inc. 21 Palmer Avenue Cranston, RI 02920 (401) 275-2230 www.cc-mfg.com Email: info@cc-mfg.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s

Earthwalk Orthotics LLC 500 Vista Avenue SE Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 837-6569 www.earthwalkorthotics.com Email: brigham.earthwalk@gmail.com

Eastern Podiatry Lab Inc. 1702 5th Street Trenton, NJ 08638 (800) 327-8763 www.eplorthotics.com Email: eastpod@verizon.com

Orthotic Categories: Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Lower-Limb Tone Reducing AFOs— Pediatric, Lower-Limb Stance Control Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot

Elite Orthotics Inc. 705 W. Beaver Street Zelienople, PA 16063 (877) 922-8225 www.eliteorthotics.com Email: eo@zoominternet.net

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower- Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Tone-Reducing AFOs—Pediatric, Lower-Limb Stance Control, Crow Walkers, Knee Orthoses, Other

Epica Applied Technologies 2753 Camino Capistrano, Suite A101 San Clemente, CA 92672 (949) 238-6323 www.epicatech.com Email: sales@epicamed.com

Orthotic Categories: Cranial, Spinal, Lower Limb, Other—CAD/CAM

Fabtech Systems LLC P.O. Box 2248 Everett, WA 98213 (425) 349-9557 www.fabtechsystems.com Email: scott@fabtechsystems.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Other—PDE Dynamic Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper- Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices, Other— PDE Dynamic Partial

Farabloc Development Corp. 3030 Lincoln Avenue, #211 Coquitlam, BC V3B 6B4 Canada (866) 941-4711 www.farabloc.com Email: info@farabloc.com

Prosthetic Categories: Upper Limb, Lower Limb, Other—Materials and Lamination Supplies

Freedom Fabrication Inc. 815-B N. Main Street Havana, FL 32333 (850) 539-4194 www.freedomfabrication.com Email: freedomfab@aol.com

Orthotic Categories: Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Lower-Limb Tone-Reducing AFOs— Pediatric, Lower-Limb Stance Control, Crow Walkers, Reciprocating Gait Orthoses, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger, Other

Facilities Accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics

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Directory of Central Fabrication Facilities

Freedom Innovations LLC 3 Morgan Irvine, CA 92618 (888) 818-6777 www.freedom-innovations.com Email: info@freedom-innovations.com

Prosthetic Categories: Post-Operative Prostheses, Pediatric Prostheses, Feet, Lower- Limb Electronic Components, Multiple Categories

Friddle’s Orthopedic Appliances Inc. 12306 Belton Honea Path Hwy. Honea Path, SC 29654 (864) 369-2328 www.friddles.com Email: c-fab@friddles.com

Orthotic Categories: Spinal Thermoplastics, Spinal Scoliosis—Milwaukee, Other—CAD Carving Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper- Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices, Other— CAD Carvings

Glaze Prosthetics Ul.Pradnicka 12 Krakow 30002 Poland +48 501 290 485 www.glazeprosthetics.com Email: hello@glazeprosthetics.com

Prosthetic Categories: Upper Limb

Grace Prosthetic Fabrication Inc. 7928 Rutillio Court New Port Richey, FL 34653 (727) 842-2265 www.gpfinc.com Email: grace@gpfinc.com

Orthotic Categories: Cervical, Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower- Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Lower-Limb Tone-Reducing AFOs— Pediatric, Lower-Limb Stance Control, Crow Walkers, Reciprocating Gait Orthoses, Spinal Scoliosis—Milwaukee, Custom Shoes, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Shoulder, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper-Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices, Other—Grace Plate

Grubbs Orthotic & Prosthetic Labs Inc. 3065 Park Circle, Suite 1 Jupiter, FL 33458 (888) 958-5363 www.grubbsoandplabs.com Email: grubbs@aol.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower- Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Stance Control, Crow Walkers, Knee Orthoses. Upper-Limb Elbow Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below the Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation,

Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper-Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation

Hanger/ dba Hanger Fabrication Network 5251 Convoy Court San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 292-6045 www.spsnationallabs.com Email: HFN_support@hanger.com

Orthotic Categories: Cervical, Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower- Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Lower-Limb Tone Reducing AFOs— Pediatric, Lower-Limb Stance Control, Crow Walkers, Reciprocating Gait Orthoses, Spinal Scoliosis—Milwaukee, Custom Shoes, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Shoulder, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper-Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices

Facilities Accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics

O&P News | September/October 201811

Directory of Central Fabrication Facilities

Hanger National Labs – Houston 3260 Willowbend Blvd., Suite 1118A Houston, TX 77054 (281) 824-3210 www.spsnationallabs.com

Orthotic Categories: Cervical, Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower- Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Lower-Limb Tone-Reducing AFOs— Pediatric, Lower-Limb Stance Control, Crow Walkers, Reciprocating Gait Orthoses, Spinal Scoliosis—Milwaukee, Custom Shoes, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Shoulder, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper-Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices

Hersco Ortho Labs 34-28 Crescent Street Long Island City, NY 11101 (800) 301-8275 www.hersco.com Email: fastorthotics@hersco.com

Orthotic Categories: Cervical, Spinal Metal and Leather, Spinal Thermoplastics, Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Tone-Reducing AFOs—Pediatric, Lower-Limb Stance Control, Crow Walkers, Spinal Scoliosis— Milwaukee, Custom Shoes, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger, Other Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow

HiTek 222 Turner Blvd. St. Peters, MO 63376 (636) 385-6372 www.hitekmobility.com Email: sbright@hitekmobility.com

Orthotic Categories: Spinal, Lower-Limb Orthoses, Upper-Limb Orthoses Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Prostheses, Upper-Limb Prostheses

Hutnick Rehab Support Services Inc. 161 Keyland Court Bohemia, NY 11716 (631) 467-3725 www.thehutnickcenter.com Email: hutnickcfab@optimum.net

Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper- Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation

Independent Tech Service LLC 13701 24th Street E., Unit A8 Sumner, WA 98390 (253) 891-1976 www.itsfabrication.com Email: chad@itsfabrication.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower- Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Lower-Limb Tone- Reducing AFOs—Pediatric, Lower-Limb Stance Control, Crow Walkers, Knee Orthoses, Upper- Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Other—BOA Closure System

Facilities Accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics

12 O&P News | September/October 2018

Directory of Central Fabrication Facilities

Infinite Biomedical Technologies 8 Market Place, Suite 500 Baltimore, MD 21202 (443) 451-7175 www.i-biomed.com Email: dan@i-biomed.com

Prosthetic Categories: Upper Limb

Jim Skardoutos C-Fab Inc. 5765 Winfield Blvd., #7 San Jose, CA 95123 (408) 472-7914 www.limbcraftercfab.com Email: limbcrafter@comcast.net

Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Upper- Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper-Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices, Other—Custom Shape Cosmetic and Custom Spray-On Skin

Joint Active Systems 2600 S. Raney Street Effingham, IL 62401 (217) 342-3412 www.jointactivesystems.com Email: info@jointactivesystems.com

Orthotic Categories: Foot Orthoses, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Shoulder, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger

Kinetic Research Inc. 5513 W. Sligh Avenue Tampa, FL 33634 (800) 919-3668 www.kineticresearch.com Email: email@kineticr.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower Limb

KLM Lab Inc. 28280 Alta Vista Avenue Valencia, CA 91355 (661) 295-2600 www.klmlabs.com Email: scottmar@klmlabs.com

Orthotic Categories: Foot Orthoses

Knee Centre 10733 124th Street Edmonton, AB T5M OH2 Canada (800) 387-5053 www.khager.com Email: nhayday@khager.com

Orthotic Categories: Knee Orthoses

L.A. Brace Center 164320 Ventura Blvd., Suite 304 Encino, CA 91436 (818) 570-1611 www.thelabrace.com Email: labrace@thelabrace.com

Orthotic Categories: Spinal Scoliosis— Milwaukee, Other—The L.A. Scoliosis Brace

Lakeshore Central Fab 4605 Detroit Avenue Cleveland, OH 44102 (216) 651-0110 www.lakeshorecfab.com Email: fab@lakeshorecfab.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower- Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper-Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, Other

Life-Like Laboratory 1544 Valwood Pkwy., Ste 104 Carrollton, TX 75006 (972) 620-0203 www.lifelikelab.com Email: info@likelab.com

Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Prostheses, Upper-Limb Prostheses

Limb Shed 4402 Valley Hwy. Charlotte, MI 48813 (517) 543-2737 www.limbshed.com Email: limbshed@hotmail.com

Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Other

Facilities Accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics

O&P News | September/October 201813

Directory of Central Fabrication Facilities

Maramed Orthopedic Systems/ BioSculptor 2480 W. 82nd Street, Unit 1 Hialeah, FL 33016 (305) 823-8300 www.biosculptor.com Email: rholland@biosculptor

Orthotic Categories: Spinal Thermoplastics, Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Tone-Reducing AFOs—Pediatric, Spinal Scoliosis—Milwaukee, Upper-Limb Custom Cranial Helmets, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger, Other—Face Mask Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper-Limb Shoulder Disarticulation

MedSupply 33333 Dequindre Troy, MI 48083 (248) 597-1038 www.med-supply.com Email: drose@med-supply.com

Orthotic Categories: Metal and Leather Lower-Limb, Thermoplastics Lower-Limb Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb, Partial Foot Lower-Limb, Syme’s Lower-Limb, Below Knee Lower-Limb, Knee Disarticulation Lower-Limb, Above-Knee Lower-Limb, Below- Knee Endoskeletal, Knee Disarticulation Endoskeletal, Above-Knee Endoskeletal, Below-Elbow Upper-Limb, Above-Elbow Upper-Limb

Mile High Orthotics Lab Inc. 4970 Monaco Street, Unit A (303) 289-1534 www.mholabs.com Email: info@mholabs.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower Limb

Mountain View Prosthetics Inc. 160 Witter Road Altamont, NY 12009 (518) 872-0374 www.mountainviewprosthetics.com Email: mvprosthetics@yahoo.com

Orthotic Categories: Foot Orthoses, Lower- Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Lower-Limb Tone-Reducing AFOs—Pediatric, Crow Walkers, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper- Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices, Other— CAD/CAM Services

National Labs 10524 Euclid Avenue, CB 143 Cleveland, OH 44106 (216) 444-1280 www.spsnationallabs.com Email: HFN_support@hanger.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower- Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Lower-Limb Tone- Reducing AFOs—Pediatric, Lower-Limb Stance Control, Crow Walkers, Knee Orthoses, Upper- Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper- Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow

Northern Arizona Prosthetics 1726 N. Liana Drive Chino Valley, AZ 86323 (928) 583-0707 www.nazprosthetics.com Email: nap@nazprosthetics.com

Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper- Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices

OPTEC USA 975 Progress Circle Lawrenceville, GA 30043 (770) 513-7380 www.optecusa.com Email: sales@optecusa.com

Orthotic Categories: Spinal, Lower-Limb Orthoses, Upper-Limb Orthoses

Orthomerica Products Inc. 6333 N. Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, FL 32810 (800) 446-6770 www.orthomerica.com Email: custserv@orthomerica.com

Orthotic Categories: Cervical, Spinal Metal and Leather, Spinal Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower- Limb Tone-Reducing AFOs—Pediatric, Lower- Limb Stance Control, Crow Walkers, Reciprocating Gait Orthoses, Spinal Scoliosis—Milwaukee, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Custom Cranial Helmets, Upper-Limb Shoulder, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper- Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee

Facilities Accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics

14 O&P News | September/October 2018

Directory of Central Fabrication Facilities

Orthotics & Prosthetics One 527 Park Lane, Suite 200 Waterloo, IA 50702 (800) 408-3598 www.oandp1.com Email: sclark@oandp1.com

Orthotic Categories: Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Tone- Reducing AFOs—Pediatric, Lower-Limb Stance Control, Crow Walkers, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper- Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger, Other—Face Mask Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, Other— Laminated KAFO

Össur Americas Inc. 7199 S. Conway Road, Suite 100 Orlando, FL 32812 (888) 839-6213 www.ossur.com

Orthotic Categories: Knee Orthoses, Multiple Categories Prosthetic Categories: Upper-Limb Electronic Components, Lower-Limb Electronic Components, Multiple Categories

Ottobock 110501 Alterra Pwky, Suite 600 Austin, TX 78758 (800) 328-4058 www.ottobockus.com Email: usa.cumstomerservice@ottobockus.com

Orthotic Categories: Soft Goods/ Readyto-Fit Orthoses, Multiple Categories Prosthetic Categories: Upper-Limb Components, Lower-Limb Endoskeletal Components, Suspension Products & Systems, Multiple Categories

Ottobock HealthCare Canada 54701 Harvester Road Burlington, Ontario L7L 5N5 Canada (800) 665-3327 www.ottobock.ca Email: steve.wall@ottobock.com

Orthotic Categories: Spinal Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Lower-Limb Tone-Reducing AFOs—Pediatric, Lower-Limb Stance Control, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Custom Cranial Helmets, Upper-Limb Shoulder, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger, Other

Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below the Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper- Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices, Other

Phits/RS Print 44650 Helm Court Plymouth, MI 48170 (405) 406-1441 www.phitsinsoles.com Email: blake.norquist@rsprint.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower Limb

Premier O&P LLC 1671 Crane Street, Suite 5 Schenectady, NY 12303 (518) 280-4885 Email: premieroandp@yahoo.com

Orthotic Categories: Cervical, Spinal Metal and Leather, Spinal Thermoplastics, Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower- Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Lower-Limb Tone-Reducing AFOs— Pediatric, Lower-Limb Stance Control, Crow Walkers, Reciprocating Gait Orthoses, Spinal Scoliosis—Milwaukee, Knee Orthoses, Limb

Shoulder, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger, Other

Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper- Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation

Pride Custom Fabrication 22901 Ambassador Blvd. St. Francis, MN 55070 (763) 242-7583 Email: pridecustom@comcast.net

Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper- Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices

Prosthetic Design Inc. 700 Harco Drive Clayton, OH 45315 (937) 836-1464 www.prostheticdesign.com Email: bcarpenter@prostheticdesign. com

Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Other

Facilities Accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics

O&P News | September/October 201815

Directory of Central Fabrication Facilities

Protosthetics 617 4th Street N., Suite 1 Fargo, ND 58102 (701) 478-2001 www.protosthetics.com Email: sales@protosthetics.com

Orthotic Categories: Spinal, Lower-Limb Orthoses, Upper-Limb Orthoses Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Prostheses, Upper-Limb Prostheses

PSL Fabrication 110 W. Industrial Road Fulton, MO 65251 (573) 642-5554 www.pslab.com Email: pslab5@sbcglobal.net

Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Other—CAD/CAM Services

Richey Lab 2335 Seminole Lane, Suite 1000 Charlottesville, VA 22901 (434) 978-1788 www.richeylab.com Email: richeylab@footandankle-usa.com

Silverado Fabricators and Maker Services 1104 E. Pettigrew Street Durham, NC 22704 (984) 439-1821 www.silveradofabricators.com Email: ben.silveradofab@gmail.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Orthoses, Upper-Limb Orthoses, Thermoplastics Foot Orthoses Lower-Limb, Metal and Leather Lower-Limb, Thermoplastics Lower-Limb, Gauntlet Lower-Limb, Laminated Carbon Composite Lower-Limb, Other Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Prostheses, Lower-Limb, Partial Foot Lower-Limb, Syme’s Lower-Limb, Below-Knee Lower-Limb, Below-Knee Endoskeletal, Above-Knee Endoskeletal, Other

Spinal Solutions Inc. 1971 Old Covington Road Conyers, GA 30013 (800) 922-5155 Email: spinalsolutions@mindspring. com

Orthotic Categories: Cervical, Spinal Thermoplastics, Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Crow Walkers, Spinal Scoliosis— Milwaukee, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Shoulder, Other—Carbon Fiber AFO Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Above Knee

Spinal Technology Inc. 191 Mid Tech Drive West Yarmouth, MA 02673 (800) 253-7868 www.spinaltech.com Email: info@spinaltech.com

Orthotic Categories: Cervical, Spinal Thermoplastics, Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower- Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Crow Walkers, Reciprocating Gait Orthoses, Spinal Scoliosis— Milwaukee, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger, Other Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper-Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices

SPS National Labs 10633 Summit Street Lenexa, KS 66215 (913) 888-4200 www.sps.nationallabs.com Email: HFN_support@hanger.com

Orthotic Categories: Cervical, Spinal Thermoplastics, Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower- Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Crow Walkers, Reciprocating Gait Orthoses, Spinal Scoliosis— Milwaukee, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger, Other Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper-Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices

Facilities Accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics

16 O&P News | September/October 2018

Directory of Central Fabrication Facilities

SPS National Labs 121 23rd Avenue SW Rochester, MN 55902 (507) 536-6103 www.sps.nationallabs.com Email: HFN_support@hanger.com

Orthotic Categories: Cervical, Spinal Thermoplastics, Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower- Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Crow Walkers, Reciprocating Gait Orthoses, Spinal Scoliosis— Milwaukee, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger, Other Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper-Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices

SPS National Labs 4155 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite B-400 Anaheim, CA 92807 (714) 961-2155 www.sps.nationallabs.com Email: HFN_support@hanger.com

Orthotic Categories: Cervical, Spinal Thermoplastics, Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower- Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Crow Walkers, Reciprocating Gait Orthoses, Spinal Scoliosis— Milwaukee, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger, Other Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee,

Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper-Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices

SPS National Labs 9561 Satellite Blvd., Suite 350 Orlando, FL 32837 (678) 455-8852 www.cbb.org Email: HFN_support@hanger.com

Orthotic Categories: Cervical, Spinal Thermoplastics, Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower- Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Crow Walkers, Reciprocating Gait Orthoses, Spinal Scoliosis— Milwaukee, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger, Other Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper-Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices

SPS National Labs 1119 W. Geneva Drive Tempe, AZ 85282 (480) 894-1755 www.spsnationallabs.com Email: HFN_support@hanger.com

Orthotic Categories: Cervical, Spinal Thermoplastics, Foot Orthoses, Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower- Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite, Crow Walkers, Reciprocating Gait Orthoses, Spinal Scoliosis— Milwaukee, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger, Other Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper-Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices

Facilities Accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics

O&P News | September/October 201817

Directory of Central Fabrication Facilities

Startek Enterprises Inc. 4710 Prairie Road Paso Robles, CA 93446 (805) 239-9567 Email: startekcfab@sbcglobal.net

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower- Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb- Tone Reducing AFOs—Pediatric, Crow Walkers Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Partial Foot, Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Lower-Limb Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Endoskeletal Hip Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Hemipelvectomy, Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Upper- Limb Shoulder Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Shoulder Disarticulation, External Power Devices

Stat Diagnostics Inc. / dba NewGen Advanced Orthotics Lab 7740 Trinity Road, Suite 101A Cordova, TN 38018 (901) 756-0257 www.newgenorthotics.com

Surestep 17530 Dugdale Drive South Bend, IN 46635 (877) 462-0711 www.surestep.net Email: info@surestep.net

Orthotic Categories: Lower Limb

Tidwell’s Orthotics and Prosthetics LLC 4450 NW 126th Avenue, Suite 106 Coral Springs, FL 33065 (954) 346-5402 www.tidwellsorthotics.com Email: chris.tidwell@tidwellsorthotics. com

Tillges Technologies 1570 Beam Avenue, Suite 100 Maplewood, MN 55109 (651) 772-2665 www.tcopinc.com Email: mtil@tcopinc.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower Limb Prosthetic Categories: Lower Limb

Titan O&P Fabrications 600 Lemens Avenue, Suite 700 Hutto, TX 78634 (844) 678-4826 www.titanopfab.com Email: andrew@titanopfab.com

Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb, Syme’s Lower-Limb, Below-Knee Lower-Limb, Knee Disarticulation Lower-Limb, Above-Knee Lower-Limb, Below-Knee Endoskeletal, Knee Disarticulation Endoskeletal, Above-Knee Endoskeletal

Top Shelf Orthopedics 1851 E. Paradise Road, Suite A Tracy, CA 95304 (209) 834-1158 www.pacmedical.com

Prosthetic Categories: Upper Limb, Lower Limb

Touch Bionics 35 Hampden Road Mansfield, MA 02048 (855) 694-5462 www.touchbionics.com Email: wagner@touchbionics.com

Prosthetic Categories: Upper-Limb Partial Hand, Upper-Limb Wrist Disarticulation, Upper-Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Other

Tower Orthopedic Designs Inc. 300 Alpha Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15238 (412) 599-1111 Email: judyd@towerortho.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Metal and Leather, Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower- Limb Leather Corset and Gauntlet, Lower-Limb Tone-Reducing AFOs—Pediatric, Crow Walkers

Townsend Design / Thuasne USA 4615 Shepard Street Bakersfield, CA 93313 (661) 837-1795 www.townsenddesign.com Email: townsend@townsenddesign. com

Orthotic Categories: Lower Limb, Knee Orthoses, Soft Goods/Ready-to-Fit Orthoses: Cervical, Soft Goods/Ready-to-Fit Orthoses, Spinal Orthoses, Multiple Categories

UCO International 225 Larkin Drive, Unit 3 Wheeling, IL 60090 (800) 541-4030 www.ucointernational.com Email: uco@ucointernational.com

Orthotic Categories: Foot Orthoses

Voxelcare Online CAD/CAM Systems Avd. Universidad s/r Ed. Quarum III PCE-UMH Elche 03202 Spain +0034965452517 www.voxelcare.com Email: info@voxelcare.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower Limb

Facilities Accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics

18 O&P News | September/October 2018

Directory of Central Fabrication Facilities

Wacker Orthopedic Inc. 2 Flowerfield, Suite 1B St. James, NY 11780 (631) 686-6802 www.wackerorthopedic.com Email: wackerorthopedic@gmail.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Tone-Reducing AFOs—Pediatric, Lower-Limb Stance Control, Crow Walkers, Knee Orthoses, Upper-Limb Elbow, Upper-Limb Wrist, Hand, Finger, Other—Tibial Transformer

WillowWood 15441 Scioto Darby Road P.O. Box 130 Mount Sterling, OH 43143 (740) 869-3377 www.willowwoodco.com Email: chrish@owwco.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Upper- Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow

WillowWood 1760 W. Redwood Depot Lane, Suite 6 Salt Lake City, UT 84104 (740) 869-3377 www.willowwoodco.com Email: lisaw@owwco.com

Orthotic Categories: Lower-Limb Thermoplastics, Lower-Limb Laminated Carbon Composite Prosthetic Categories: Lower-Limb Syme’s, Lower-Limb Below Knee, Lower-Limb Knee Disarticulation, Lower-Limb Above Knee, Endoskeletal Below Knee, Endoskeletal Knee Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Knee, Upper- Limb Below Elbow, Upper-Limb Above Elbow, Endoskeletal Below Elbow, Endoskeletal Elbow Disarticulation, Endoskeletal Above Elbow

Windy City Fabricators 3830 W. Irving Park Road Chicago, IL 60618 (773) 583-4860 www.windycityfabricators.com Email: peter@windycityfabricators. com

Orthotic Categories: Lower Limb Prosthetic Categories: Lower Limb

Facilities Accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics

O&P News | September/October 201819

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