3 minute read

Founder's Message

Dear reader,

Welcome to another issue of Heritage Headlines. As we celebrate what Troops are doing nationwide, we also usher in the start of a new Program Year. This year’s theme is “WOVEN.” When you hear the word, you may think of a basket, a tapestry, a potholder made from elastic cords, or maybe even a braid in your hair. Certainly “WOVEN” is represented by these and many other beautiful works of mankind.

The dictionary explains the word “woven” in this way:

1. To unite threads of any kind in such a manner as to form cloth. This is done by crossing the threads by means of a shuttle. The modes of weaving, and the kinds of texture, are various. The threads first laid in length are called the warp; those which cross them in the direction of the breadth are called the weft or woof.

2. To unite anything flexible; as to weave twigs.

3. To unite by intermixture or close connection. And although each of these definitions is correct, American Heritage Girls’ use of the term “WOVEN” springs from the Holy Scripture itself. In the Old Testament, the book of Jeremiah states these words from God to Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5, NIV).

It is thought that Jeremiah was called to his commission as a prophet of God at the age of 20. Although he was 20, God assured him that the Lord had known him since the time he was formed by God, in his mother’s womb. God also states in that verse that He knew the calling on Jeremiah’s life at the time of conception—Jeremiah was to be a prophet. This verse clarifies that God has intentionality when He “weaves” and forms us at conception.

At AHG, we believe God has placed a call on the life of every girl and volunteer. A call on community members, donors, and ministry leaders who support AHG. A call on your life, dear reader. A call that has existed since the time you were conceived within your mother. God wastes nothing. He holds each of His children as sacred and worthy of His calling and His work on earth. He holds YOU sacred and worthy of a unique calling that has been created for you by the Lord God Himself!

Just as God had a call on Jeremiah’s life, He has a call on the life of all who trust in Christ by faith. God can use anyone in the furtherance of His redemptive plan if we are willing to submit to Him and be used by Him.

Are you willing to submit to His call? Do you believe you were WOVEN with purpose to serve and love the Lord? Join me in welcoming this new Program Year and encouraging our girls as unique and dearly loved daughters chosen by God and intricately WOVEN into His almighty plan.


Patti Garibay Founder & Executive Director American Heritage Girls, Inc.