121 minute read

Alexander Kondratiev, Olesуa Rudneva, Andrew Tolstenko

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.41.05.7

The strange case of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Robert Stevenson in the Victorian Age: A protest against the depersonalization


Странный случай Федора Достоевского и Роберта Стивенсона в викторианскую эпоху: Протест против деперсонализации


Received: May 2, 2021 Accepted: June 4, 2021

Written by:

Alexander Kondratiev19


Olesуa Rudneva20


Andrew Tolstenko21



In the article, the authors touch upon the problem of moral choice in the works of Dostoevsky and Stevenson. Comparative analysis showed that Dostoevsky's character strives more towards the ideal of all-humanity and to the deeds within the framework of Christian orthodoxy. In “The Double” Golyadkin who was rooted in the tradition of folk perception of the world, tries to preserve his moral look and attempts to reach a new level of self-determination. Stevenson created his own artistic version of the fate of the dual hero. The successful Dr. Henry Jekyll himself gave birth to Mr. Hyde to enjoy the fullness of sinful temptations, but life did not succumb to the presumptuous correction. The moral choice of the heroes of Dostoevsky and Stevenson, due to various reasons, to reach the heights of success and sink to the very bottom, testifies to the futility of claims to spiritual emasculation of a person and depersonalization in the bureaucratic world.

Keywords: anthropocentric, Dostoevsky, moral choice, self-determination, spiritual tradition, Stevenson, Victorian age.

В статье авторы затрагивают проблему нравственного выбора в творчестве Достоевского и Стивенсона. Сравнительный анализ показал, что персонаж Достоевского больше стремится к общечеловеческому идеалу и поступкам в рамках христианской ортодоксии. В «Двойнике» Голядкин, образ которого укоренен в традициях народного мировосприятия, старается сохранить нравственный облик и пытается выйти на новый уровень самоопределения. Стивенсон создал собственную художественную версию судьбы двойного героя. Успешный доктор Генри Джекилл сам породил мистера Хайда, чтобы насладиться всей полнотой греховных искушений, но жизнь не поддалась самонадеянному исправлению. Моральный выбор героев Достоевского и Стивенсона достичь вершин успеха и опуститься до самого дна в силу разных причин свидетельствует о тщетности претензий на духовное выхолащивание человека и деперсонализацию в бюрократическом мире.

Ключевые слова: антропоцентрический, Достоевский, моральный выбор, самоопределение, духовная традиция, Стивенсон, Викторианская эпоха.


The moral choice of Golyadkin from the Petersburg poem called “The Double” by Dostoevsky and Henry Jekyll from the short story called “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Stevenson due to various reasons – to reach the height of prosperity and hit rock bottom, unequivocally speaks for the inflexibility of the spiritual tradition, which fits into the context of modern challenges, and on the eve of the 200th anniversary of Dostoevsky and in the year of the 170th anniversary of the birth of

19 Docent, PhD, Lipetsk of State Pedagogical University, Russia. 20 Docent, PhD, Lipetsk of State Pedagogical University, Russia. 21 Docent, DSc, Lipetsk of State Pedagogical University, Russia.

Stevenson, acquires the status of universal human values actualization.

In the context of the spiritual tradition of Russian culture, Orthodox in its origins and categories of national identity – the opposition of Law and Grace, coverage of the moral choice of Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin, who followed the apostolic instruction: “For there is a division in his mind, and he is uncertain in all his ways” (Jakob 1:8) he feels the lack of attention to himself. The hero rooted in the primordial worldview of the Russian people tries to preserve his moral, remaining himself –instinct with affection for his neighbors, and makes desperate attempts to reach a new level of self-determination in the house of the State Counselors, Berendeyev, a V class official, socially set by perverted criteria of successful becoming, however he, who did not hunker down to overcome his character, is expelled from there as an alien phenomenon. A titular advisor, IX class official, believing that the life is wide and he dares to go his own special path, is acutely experiencing the replacement of himself with a modeled copy unconditionally recognized by the people around him, but Golyadkin remains a person. And in this regard, the established stereotypical propositions about Golyadkin’s madness are groundless, which explains Dostoevsky’s interpretation of the short novel idea as light and conditional system of axiological concepts of Orthodox anthropology.

Stevenson created his own artistic version of the fate of the dual hero: Dr. Henry Jekyll himself gave birth to Mr. Hyde to enjoy the fullness of sinful temptations, but life did not succumb to the presumptuous correction.

The purpose of the study is the understanding as mastering the spiritual meaning of Petersburg poem called “The Double” by Dostoevsky and short story called “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Stevenson in the context of the Christian heritage of the cultural tradition of modern human.


1) pay attention to the undefined stereotype of judgments about works of literature that go back to socially denunciatory interpretations of intentions or abstract judgments about the original tragedy of human nature noted by the authors; 2) show the moral consistency of Dostoevsky’s hero, rooted in the spiritual tradition of

Russian culture and who did not waste his energy in exchange for the dreamy achievements of self-determination; understand the meaning of Dostoevsky’s prophetic warning in terms of modeling selflessness and breaking with cultural and historical tradition, which poses a threat to modern humanity;}present the results of the spiritual biography of Henry Jekyll not nearly instinct with tragedy, but by the doctor’s victory over the satanic monster he created;}identify the unity of the artistic position of Dostoevsky and Stevenson in terms of the authors’ trust in the Orthodox tradition and the integration of their works into the modernity problems.

Theoretical Framework or Literature Review

No intelligible attempts have been made to understand the nature of the ideological component of the short story called “The Double”, although there is the research thought to mastering the interpretation of the spiritual tradition of Russian culture in the writer’s artistic anthropology. Yesaulov (2017a) defined the vector of understanding as mastering spiritual phenomena that are growing with new meanings in time. According to Anisimov (2019), the artist, in the creative insight of the future, reveals the truth about the man and the world, which is hidden from his contemporaries or perverted to please the tempting seductions of social success. Agranovich and Samorukova (2001) note the eschatological orientation of duality in the stories of Dostoevsky. Bakhtin (1979, 331) believed that the embodiment of the fiction concept ends in a large time. By this provision Yesaulov (2017b) and Osipov (2012) keeped up the formation of literary axiology, that the fullness of the semantic phenomenon is revealed only in the “large time”. Zakharov (2013) derived the understanding of the short story called "The Double” to a new level – in the context of the spiritual tradition. Pointing to the amazing fantastic nature of the adventures of an unremarkable titular adviser, Belinsky (1956) emphasized that Dostoevsky's "Double" is open to problems of the future.

Gus (1971) denied human solvency to the Dostoevsky’s hero. Urnov (1993) supposed that the opposition to spiritual inertia, the need for independence, rebellion against the moral template and everyday conventions were very characteristic of Stevenson.

Some researchers believed that Stevenson’s story was inspired by the story of self-experimentation with drugs by Dr. Horace Wells (Vyas and Desai, 2015). Others considered the economic aspect of the novel, namely the ability of Mr. Hyde to pay

off bills signed by Henry Jekyll (Wang, 2019). Olsen (2016) mentioned William Wordsworth’s contribution in Stevenson’s writing. The novel influence on the Victorian Gothic literature was considered by Crystal (2018). He proved that the “doppelganger” or a double as a paranormal creature predicting the death of Henry Jekyll is an unappreciated character and almost a hero, referring to modern film adaptations and rethinking the antihero concept. Khanyutin (2003) investigated the discovery formulated by Stevenson in Jekyll's posthumous confession: “I realized that man is not really one, but binary ... In my personality, I discovered the absolute and primordial duality of man in the sphere of morality”. In the novel “The Strange Story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, a villain is born who matches the image of a barbarian monster. Mr. Hyde illustrates the terrifying potential of the beast within to emerge and reflects the fears of Victorian society in front of the possibility of human degeneration (Crystal, 2018). Hyde's body problem has often been associated primarily with atavism and degeneration. Welter (2016) expanded our understanding of “The Strange Story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by examining the implications of Hyde's unique mobility. Babel is the fate of a legal society. The legal order is often gives way to a terrible disorder.

A number of authors raised the issue of Dr. Jekyll's moral insanity (Davis, 2006; Dury, 2006; Efremov, 2006; Hirsch, 1988; Seixas Fernandes, 2010; Tropp, 1991). Some authors considered the problem, is it possible to count the murder committed by Dr. Jekyl as the crime (Frank, 2010; Veitch, 2012). Mitchell (2004) interpreted that Jekyll, although it is not capable of distinguishing the right from the wrong, nevertheless is responsible for his crime. Young (2012) discussed Dmitry Karamazov's question, “How will man be righteous without God?” In Afanassieff (1971) view, there is no room for law in the blessed life of the Church. The Apostle Paul highlighted the problem of law and grace quite clearly. “For through the law I died to the law, so that I might live to God... I do not reject the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose” (Gal. 2: 19-21). Death for the Old Testament Law is death for law at the same time. The New Testament is the Testament of Love. One who is in love cannot strive to expand his personality at the expense of other personalities, since Christ lives in everyone. The law, however, seeks to limit the personality, but it does not destroy selfishness. Therefore, a society based on human law always carries within itself the seeds of its decay, for it protects egoism, which constantly destroys any unity. The fate of the Tower of Colman (2015) argued that “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Robert Louis Stevenson reflected the medical discourse of the Victorian era. According to Gangnes (2017), Hyde's grotesque vision – frightening and unpredictable – became relevant to the Weimar Republic after First World War. As Crystal (2018) studied, the adaptations of Hyde's character transformed Hyde into a monster hero, including “The Incredible Hulk” by S. Lee and J. Kirby (1962), “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” by A. Moore and K. O'Neill's (1999-2009), S. Moffat's television miniseries “Jekyll” (2007), and C. Higson's tele series “Jekyll and Hyde” (2015). Adjusting Stevenson's novellas in Weimar Germany, Italian comics creators Mattotti and Kramsky combined key characteristics of Gothic and Expressionism and used Stevenson's novellas as a lens through which to comment on Weimar Germany. Like Stevenson, 19th century Australian writers explored atavism and reversion, using motifs and elements drawn from Gothic and popular crime literature to expose the viciousness of members of Australia's ruling classes (Maxwell, 2015). Manfred (2017) discussed the original corruption of human nature. Stevenson used the colonial discourse of contracting a deadly infection as a symbol for everything that is destroyed (youth, innocence, joy, morality, as well as physical and spiritual health, including morality). Ganz (2015) believed that Stevenson considered Dr. Jekyll was guilty of murder. Emphasizing the universal significance of the fantastic experiment invented by Stevenson, Lavrov (2003) wrote about the Russian influence on Stevenson's work. It was about archetypal plot models that made it possible to vary the theme of duality in a wide variety of ways. Gay (2018) and Young (2012) drew attention to the modernity of Stevenson's texts. His short stories fluctuate between realism, romance and fantasy. The influence of Dostoevsky and Stevenson on world culture (Koshechko, 2019) can hardly be overestimated, as noted by the UN when it published “Top 50 Authors” in January 2019 – it is worthy of note that the classics of world literature are divided by only 10 positions. As well as the literary criticism did not spare the Stevenson’s short story. Amelina (2014), Manning (2018) concluded about the peculiarities of Stevenson’s anthropological ideas. They noted that the motive of duality is represented by the opposition of light and darkness in both external and internal space. The

source of these ideas of Stevenson is the Christian doctrine of the soul. Dorofeyeva (2015), Romanova and Neliubina (2014) focused on the spiritual conflict in the Stevenson’s short story, which goes back to Dostoevsky’s creative quests, since there are no external factors that induce the hero to commit sacrilege. Stevenson's novel “The Strange Story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” is a well-known example of Victorian fiction. Shubh and Chakrabartie (2008) explored the novel from the point of view of dualism as a system of philosophy and a religious framework.


The research results were obtained after a theoretical review of modern publications on the topic under consideration. Then the general goal of the article was formulated to reveal the unity of the artistic position of Dostoevsky and Stephenson in the context of the Christian tradition. The authors also tried to answer the question of how the works of these authors are related to contemporary issues. Further, the following tasks were solved in the work: to analyze Dostoevsky's prophetic warning about the destruction of the personal values and a break with the spiritual tradition of Western European culture; to present the results of the spiritual biography of Henry Jekyll, who defeated the satanic monster he created; to show the moral essence of Golyadkin, and Henry Jekyll; pay attention to the fact that both heroes are rooted in the spiritual tradition of European culture. In the results of the study, the authors noted the tragic fate of the heroes, who decided to follow their moral choice and self-determination, guessing about the initial depravity of human nature (both are struck by madness). Dostoevsky described Golyadkin's madness and the development of his illness, which led to a conflict with his double. The results of the spiritual biography of Golyadkin (the theme of duplicity and depersonalization in the bureaucratic world (Tolstenko, Baltovskij, & Radikov, 2019) unambiguously testified to the inflexibility nature of his character, but it was him, who resisted the seduction and the temptations of many doubles, and was sent to a madhouse. Dr. Jekyll is obsessed with an irrepressible passion for sinful temptations and pleasures (he killed Sir Danvers Garew), but it is he who separated himself from his double Hyde (as a manifestation of his madness) with a clearly satanic appearance, and does not look like a person at all. Due to this, the authors concluded that, contrary to the logic of vital positivism and practicality, the heroes remained by themselves under the pressure of the severe moral trials that fell to their lot. The deformation of human nature did not happen only due to the steadfastness of the Christian spiritual “substance”. But this study raised questions for further study. For example, can moral insanity be justified? What is the pathology of the soul imbued with auditory hallucinations, fears, and visions? Why does the soul die in conditions of social insecurity? Doesn't society, on the contrary, have a deforming influence on a person? Isn't the madness of the characters a protest against the humiliating and depersonalizing reality of them? Many features of Golyadkin and Dr. Jekyll are present, if not in every person, then in many of our contemporaries (Braidwood, 2012; Manning, 2018).

The following methods were used to disclose the declared topics in the article: comparative historical or comparative linguistics implying the possibility for tracing the continuity of the authors’ creative attention to the duality ideas as a precedent phenomenon of the world culture, which integrates the spiritual experience of European traditions; historical and functional, allowing to understand the general significance of the world classics works in the context of “large time”, which brings the historical and literary analysis to the level of holistic generalization of spiritual problems and its concretization on the example of life situations of the heroes of the novels under consideration.

Results and discussion

A modest Petersburg citizen, far from the last, Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin, unlike Prokharchin, is devoid of any hidden claims to the Napoleonic role of apparent leadership. He directly speaks about this to Doctor Krestyan Ivanovich, by the way the namesake of Gogol’s Doctor Gibner from “The Inspector General”, which is very remarkable characterizing only the titular advisor and will be justified in the future: “I am a small man <...> lucky for me, I do not regret that I am a small man <...> I am even proud that I am not a big man, but a small one” (Dostoevsky, 1990, Vol. 1, 117). He is pleased with everything, and he even told to the mysterious guest, Golyadkin Jr., about his firm conviction that the fatherland, surprising visiting foreigners, “is going to perfection from hour to hour” (Ibid., 156). But the well-read and balanced Mark Ivanovich noticed Napoleonic features in the departing into another world and raving Semyon Ivanovich from the story “Mister Prokharchin” by Dostoevsky, who desperately risked approaching Demid Vasilyevich with a question about his own future, and it was no coincidence that his

hidden Napoleon d’or was also found. Mark Ivanovich relies on the Biblical Truth in his worldview: “<...> If any man has the desire to be first, he will be last of all and servant of all” (Mk. 9:35), so the allusion is obvious. And so he began to pry with undisguised excitement: “Are you alone under the sun? Does the sun only shine for you? Are you Napoleon? What are you? Who are you? You are Napoleon, huh? Napoleon or not?! Tell me, sir, Napoleon or not?” (Ibid., 257). However, only in rough sketches for the neverrealized revision of the story, it was supposed that Golyadkin had to become marked by thoughts about the glory of Napoleon or the Russian rebel. In the Petersburg poem, he is just an ordinary and harmless citizen – with some ambitions for certain significance. Mr. Golyadkin rebukes Petrushka why he could not answer him, as befits a master, they brought it, sir, and besides, he was annoyed that Andrei Fillipovich was instead of him, an excellent campaigner, because the document he had prepared and submitted to the top produced the favor of the authorities, not rightly made his nephew Vladimir Semenovich, who took his place beside Klara Olsufyevna, he considered his own, as an assessor (and this is already the VIII class rank).

Golyadkin involved in the life of the Petersburg officials is distinguished by the fullness of his inner life, relying on the ideas of value orientations, which are original for national selfconsciousness, and therefore he was exercised when he suddenly found himself, for no reason at all, as if an “old clothe” in his usual circle. Golyadkin, being knocked off his pins by what happened three days ago – when he finally had to show grit, bringing confusion into the somehow arranged Berendeevs’ house, tries to put his thoughts in order, which directly testifies to his mental health. Attempts to explain the fantastic component of the story by the hero’s illness were made more than once after the publication of the story by modern researchers of Dostoevsky’s creative work: “What would the story be <...> if it had turned out, for example, something was wrong <…> however, so far it’s not bad <…> everything is going well” (Dostoevsky, 1990, Vol. 1. 110). Having put himself in hands of Rutenshpitz (the anagram surname is the rod, that is, a whip for punishment), to his no small surprise, Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin, embarrassedly and perplexedly, begins his story with the fact that, after all, he succeeded, and he has his own – special way, unlike others from his inner circle, with whom he does not agree in ideas, but what can be done if a lot depends on those others – and his special way chosen not out of willpower, to which the hero of "Notes from Underground” came in his thoughts, the common man- paradoxographer: “Should the dooms day come, or should I not drink tea? I would say that dooms day come, but I will always drink tea” (Dostoevsky, 1990, Vol. 5, 174), and he has a special way to preserve himself in the ghostly world unifying the personality and torn to pieces. Golyadkin, in a heart-to-heart talk, at least so it seemed to him, with Dr. Rutenshpitz, in fact, in a confessional manner, reveals himself in full: if the life line is wide, then he, however, “by himself, like everyone else” (Dostoevsky, 1990, Vol. 1, 115). But he, like everyone else, is the same, although he noticed that he still stands the pace. Continuing his story, Golyadkin quite clearly sets out his own idea of the world and relations with the surrounding:

“I go <...> straight, openly and free of roundabout ways <…> I do not try to humiliate those who, perhaps, pure than you and I <…> I don’t like half words; I do not favor miserable persons, I do not scorn slander and gossip. I put on a mask only in a masquerade, and do not wear it in front of people every day” (Dostoevsky, 1990, Vol. 1, 117). The spiritual dominants of Golyadkin, who opened his heart to tears, intending to get out of his forced and voluntary imprisonment on Shetilavochnaya Street, identify the categories of the cathedral world outlook of the hero, who is not inclined to conflict with others and sacrifice his moral principles, thereby not losing his appearance and not transforming himself, however, the light strays from the indicated righteous direction, and therefore a lot of efforts will be required to turn the perverted persons to the true way of love and harmony, up to the participation of doctors.

The spiritual tradition of the Russian people dates back to the Orthodox first principles of the national world outlook determined by Metropolitan Hilarion of Kiev in the “Word about Law and Grace” in the middle of the 11th century and transformed in the creative consciousness of Dostoevsky on the ways of comprehension of the artistically embodied spiritual experience of man: “<…> the purpose of the Russian person is indisputably allEuropean and worldwide. To become a real Russian person, to become completely Russian <...> brother of all people, pan-human” (Dostoevsky, 1990, Vol. 26, 147), in contrast to the pan-human being – who chose the vector of the Law and interrupted the tradition of understanding the world in the context of Grace: “He who is in love cannot strive to expand his personality <...> he is ready to abandon himself

in favor of other personalities to the point that he is ready to lay down his soul for his brothers” (Afanasyev, 1971; Lavrov, 2003). Doctor Rutenspitz listened to the confession of the Orthodox Golyadkin with obvious bewilderment – that is very expected – and advised, nevertheless, to try to change himself and as a friend enter the apparent alien, but still desirable world of prosperous colleagues, which was clearly not part of Yakov Petrovich’s plans: he was not ready to change anything in himself, and he did not consider it appropriate. And then, with obvious regret about his vain visit to the doctor, the titular advisor, going to a dinner party with unresolved doubts, unequivocally recognized the moral limitations and spiritual weakness of the corporal healer, as if leaped from the pages forced on the era of physiological essays.

After the presence of guests, Golyadkin, playing host to as if his mirror reflection embodied from his own aspirations when on the way to the Berendeyevs, worried about what had happened the day before yesterday, on meeting Andrei Filippovich, he wished to somehow separate himself from the one who dared to complain –shows a clear favor for a newly arrived official who has suffered much and timid in comparison with him. After feeding and listening to the poor night wanderer, Yakov Petrovich leaves Golyadkin Jr. overnight, sincerely patronizing the poor fellow clinging to him: “<...> went out the partition, partly out of the kindness, that maybe <...> he has no proper shirt, so as not to embarrass an already injured person, but partly <...> to caress the person so that everyone was happy and so that the table would be free of spilled salt” (Dostoevsky, 1990, Vol. 1, 158) – to a quarrel and conflict. The indigenously Russian friendliness and affection towards all the suffering and thirst testify to Golyadkin’s rootedness in the spiritual tradition of the Orthodox world outlook of the Russian people: he is heart in greeting the hapless wanderer.

Golyadkin Jr., in some incredible way placed in the department opposite Yakov Petrovich, although he made an amazing impression on him, because it was completely different – unreal –Golyadkin with formal resemblance, ready to “vanish and disappear in the crowd”, but Christianly the guest was not rejected: the host advised to rely on God in everything – only based on the experience of his becoming and selfdetermination.

While preparing a letter to Golyadkin Jr. about the oddities that outraged him, such as: the case with business document and the incident with grabbed pies in a coffee house, Yakov Petrovich hopes to get any explanation from him, keeping in mind the apostolic warning of his Guardian Angel: “For there is a division in his mind, and he is uncertain in all his ways" (Jakob 1:8), and yet he doubts the moral admissibility of the harsh expressions he used: “<…> isn’t it too touchy <…> I dare to remain confident that you will not take my letter in a way that is offensive to you” (Dostoevsky, 1990, Vol. 1, 175). Golyadkin is trying to understand what happened to him, when other he, who appeared on his way for some odd reason, alerted Petrushka and the cabman and, to his no small surprise, who did not attract any attention of his colleagues, without any visible reason, suddenly and, moreover, after a frank conversation, began to push aside Yakov Petrovich himself –the real Golyadkin – from the life line. For the consciousness of Dostoevsky’s hero, who thinks in terms of the Orthodox culture, to decide who should not be and who should stay, it verges on madness: “<...> a fantastic desire to push aside others from the limits occupied by others with his being in this world, and to take their place is worthy of amazement, contempt, regret and, moreover, a madhouse” (Ibid., 184), however, prevailing power of the Berendeyevs, who gave birth to a host of rodless and faceless human copies according to the table of ranks, hopes to hold and eliminate the forces taking the way.

Yakov Petrovich surrounded by untrustworthy brothers, stands up for himself – the rejected one – and tries at first, after the Berendeevs’ emotional outburst to understand how he should act in this situation. He told the doctor about himself in the third person, as if about his folk, thereby trying to maintain his appearance and separate himself, Mr. Goliadkin, from the one who was strangled and alarmed by current events, while anticipating, however, the inevitable replacement of himself with someone else. He did not even know why he was not allowed to the dinner party, which looked like “some kind of Belshazzar’s feast <...> with all sorts of well-fed calves and an official table of ranks” (Ibid., 128), but this is not nothing else but a sinful orgy during the plague, and the possessed Messers Bassavryukovs also came to the Berendeyevs, only from N.V. Gogol. I.A. Yesaulov, tracing the change of the opposition between the Law and Grace in the Russian world, explains the reasons for Golyadkin’s incompatibility with the invited guests of the State Counselor: “<…>“to have a right” to something (in particular to the life of another person) in the Dostoevsky’s world becomes possible only after renouncing the Christian

conscience or on the way of emancipation from it” (Yesaulov, 2017b, 164). The Berendeyevs, having ganged up on Golyadkin, were forced to back against their will and remove him from their horizon. Intending to overcome the enemies who came close to him with humility, Golyadkin, in reply to Vakhrameyev, who pointed out that the titular advisor had discredited himself, explains to his dear sir Nestor Ignatievich with obvious confidence in his understanding: “<...> even honest people with a truly noble thought way <...> deviate from the interests of noble people and attach with the best qualities of their hearts to the malefic aphid – unfortunately, in our difficult and immoral time, they have multiplied in large quantity and extremely ill-intentioned” (Dostoevsky, 1990, Vol. 1, 183). After all, it was Golyadkin Jr. who was noted by his out of the ordinary behavior and gestures, which, however, cannot be compared with the liberties of Nikolai Stavrogin, the hero of the novel called “The Demons” by Dostoevsky. In the letters of Golyadkin Sr., the true grit is revealed: he did not fall for the tempting advice to lose himself, and, therefore, he, who naively believed that the life line was wide, dreams of something like a dispiriting apocalyptic impersonality: “<…> with every step <…> the same Mr. Golyadkin <…> jumped out <…> <…> so that a terrible abyss ofcompletely similar ones was born <…>” (Ibidem). Dostoevsky pays attention to the fact that not only Golyadkin was replaced, but also Krestyan Ivanovich Rutenshpitz: at the Berendeevs’ house, he suddenly began to speak poorly in Russian and with a German accent. Golyadkin, who did not break himself and not fall for fanatic pressure, who considered himself a master, remained a stranger to the Berendeevs. He was called for a planned elimination as a person causing confusion in their carefully arranged world with a false letter insistently appealing for salvage, for which there was far from groundless hope, because they knew that he could not help but respond.

The results of Golyadkin’s spiritual biography unambiguously confirms true grit of characters rooted in the spiritual tradition of Russian culture, Orthodox in its origins and categories of the conciliar self-consciousness of the Russian people, and also the victory of the “old clothes” with ambitions over the self-assured ghosts of godliness and nobility, but in no case madness. V.N. Maikov, even after the publication of the short story, paid attention to the problem of human destinies posed by Dostoevsky, and declared by the moral challenges of a turning point: “<…> so deeply penetrated with the human soul, so fearlessly and ardently looked into the sacrosanct mechanization of human feelings, thoughts and deeds” (Maykov, 1982, 86). The Golyadkin’s moral choice to resist and preserve himself reveals the meaning of the light idea embodied in the short story, which Dostoevsky valued, deepened and developed throughout his entire career and left it as a spiritual guidance to the modern human, which, on the eve of his 200th anniversary, reaches the level of comprehension of global threats to humanity when A.P. Potemkin, following Clive Lewis in the novel “Man is Canceled”, reveals the tragic consequences of editing the human narrative.

The phenomenon of the Dostoevsky’s heroes pan-humanism influenced Stevenson’s creative quests, who read “Crime and Punishment” in French translation and ranked the novel as one of the greatest books. Entering into a dialogue with Dostoevsky, Stevenson in 1886 creates his own artistic version of the fate of the double hero – the short story “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.” In the paper “Books Which Have Influenced Me” by Stevenson seems to summarize his work on the spiritual catastrophe of the successful and recognized Doctor Jekyll, who, unlike Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin, risked to take the advice of Christian Ivanovich Rutenspitza to change himself – not in terms of self-determination, on more significant lines for self-affirmation, but exclusively around the irrepressible needs to feel the sinful fullness of tempting and seductive impressions: “<…> How complex human nature is <…> in the same person, glaring weaknesses and dazzling dignities are found side by side and insistently remain” (Stevenson, 1993, Vol. 5, 548). If Dostoevsky’s Golyadkin planned to remain himself, because he is one of those “who do not see a direct human purpose in the dexterous ability to polish parquet with boots” (Dostoevsky, 1990, Vol. 1, 124), about which he reported to young registrars who met him before the dinner party, and to enter the desired world of the Berendeevs, promising to taste the fullness of the life prizes, while Dr. Jekyll conducts a daring experiment with himself. Dostoevsky’s titular advisor appears from the conditional underground on Shestilavochnaya Street in order to find himself as such in completeness of his appearance, but he is not admitted to himself as a foreign spiritual and social phenomenon, which turned out to be such due to the moral bankruptcy of his environment. Answering the Utterson’s alarmed letter, Jekyll writes to his venerable friend as he does: “<…> we shouldn’t meet anymore <…> I intend to live a sheltered life <…> I must follow my difficult path”

(Stevenson, 1993, Vol. 2, 534). And all this: conscious confinement and the breaking of established ties with others – because of his experiments on himself, while the experiment on Golyadkin, to whom the Berendeevs close the doors, was tried to carry out by those to whom he has never allowed. The doctor goes underground, hiding from his close ones in a specially equipped confined space and in another guise, which, as it turned out, belongs not to him, but to Hyde, who has lost everything human. Henry Jekyll is addressing his confession, full of sincere and suffering repentance, to us – the coming generations. The doctor told how he arrogantly encroached on the mystery of humanity being within the control of Heaven, with clearly thoughts against God: "<...> the means <...> that overmasters the very stronghold of the human person could completely destroy the ghostly ark of the spirit, which I hoped to transform with its help only" (Ibid., 558). But to transform is not in human will, which fell to be comprehended by Dr. Preobrazhensky from “The Heart of a Dog” by M.A. Bulgakov, who made the decision to annul his experience, and the poet Ivan Bezdomny from “The Master and Margarita”, meeting face to face with evil spirits, cuts off from himself everything given to him, that is Hyde’s, and pledges tin a conversation with the Master to never again compose monstrous poetry.

The failure of Dr. Jekyll, who crossed the fateful line destined by Providence and committed a series of crimes and atrocities among people, turned into an affirmation of the victory over Hyde and the triumph of the never-transformed “ark of the spirit.” It was impossible to taste the forbidden fruit of the illusive fullness of life’s impressions: life was leaving, turning into a function. Revealing the unauthorized acts in all its horrifying ugliness, Dr. Jekyll concludes: Hyde made do with the impersonality that had fallen to him and the position of the “component” of the monstrous experiment. Dr. Jekyll concludes his message after failing a criminal experience with a thoughtful statement about separation of his powers with Hyde: “Will Hyde die on the scaffold? Or would he have the courage to free himself of this fate at the last minute? This is known to God alone, but for me it does not matter: the hour of my real death has already come, the further concerns not me, but another” (Stevenson, 1993, Vol. 2, 572), that is, Hyde. He is none other than Henry Jekyll, although the doctor organized it due to sinful aspirations to acquire a second appearance, but the dispute between the man and the Creator is doomed: everything is God’s will. Already after the successful publication of “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, in the paper “Books Which Have Influenced Me”, Stevenson highlighted the spiritual significance of Scripture for the human at the turn of the eras: “<…> this is the New Testament, especially the Gospel of Matthew. I am sure that anyone who can effort the imagination a little and read it over again <...> will be heart-struck. And then anyone will be able to see through those truths <...> from following which we all modestly evade” (Ibid., 547).

Thus, the results of the spiritual biography of Golyadkin from the Petersburg poem called "The Double" by Dostoevsky and Henry Jekyll from the novel “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Stevenson with difference of characters divided by the era according to the personal self-determination and social status: a gray titular advisor and a honorable aristocrat, as well as a recognized doctor – coincide in the focus of unconditional trust in Christian axiology. Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin, no matter how he strived to ascend to a new level of socialization in the world of his colleagues who had touched the significant heights, was still not ready to exchange himself in the pursuit of the life prizes and “change” character – the moral fiber resisted, and therefore, planning to eliminate him, “well-fed calves”, distributed strictly according to the rank by the notorious “table of ranks”, call him to punishment with a prayer in the false letter about salvation. And if an official, who has suffered much, believed that taking the place of another was not only contemptible impudence, but also existing insanity, because a person relies on the God will in everything, then it was him who resisted temptations and enticement, was bundled away to the madhouse. Unlike the Dostoevsky’s hero, Dr. Jekyll being possessed by persistent passion for sinful temptations and pleasures, which was reprehensible for a serious and held man in a noble field, he decides to replace himself with another, for whom small passions will be quite acceptable, – that is how Mr. Hyde appeared with obviously demoniac appearance that does not pretend to individuality, but only a being, even inhuman. Henry Jekyll – that is how he signs his letter filled with sincere repentance for the encroachment on the spiritual dominants of human nature and the life as such, in all its divinely instituted variety and enchanting splendor, which, due to his intervention in the sacred spheres, turned into a function, and therefore the doctor Jekyll separates himself from Hyde, admitting not so much his defeat in a monstrous experiment, but thereby confirming

the Creator’s will, not subject to assuming correction by man.


Although the “Dostoevsky and Stevenson” problem remains on the periphery of literary studies, however the emerging attention to the dialogue between the cultures of Russia and Europe directs scientific thought to understanding the breaking in Stevenson’s discourse in the Dostoevsky’s artistic anthropology, which was reflected in the embodiment of the formation of Golyadkin, the hero of “The Double” by Dostoevsky, and Dr. Jekyll from Stevenson’s novella, who went through the moral trials that fell to their lot by the spiritual deformation of human nature and remained true to himself. Thus, the moral choice of Golyadkin in short story called “The Double” by Dostoevsky, who was even ready to lose a finger of his right hand in order to recover from illusion of his reflection, and Dr. Jekyll, who created his copy in Satanic Hyde with attraction by non-judicial permissiveness, ends with the statement of the inflexibility of the spiritual tradition of Christian culture and the futility of man’s claims to the presumptuous transformation of his nature.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.41.05.8

Research of relationship of functional-role positions (ego-states) with indicators of future specialists’ independence

Дослідження взаємозв’язку функціонально-рольових позицій (его-станів) з показниками самостійності майбутніх фахівців


Received: March 30, 2021 Accepted: May 20, 2021

Written by:

Ihor Popovych22


Mariia Pavliuk23


Nelya Sirant24


Igor Zhigarenko25


Oksana Serhieienkova26



The purpose of empirical research is to establish the relationship of functional-role positions (egostates) with other indicators of future professionals ’independence to establish the level of manifestation of functional ego-states. The investigation contemplated methods are projective methods, psychodiagnostic methods with valid scales, author’s method “Indirect selfassessment of independence” (“ISI”) and the author’s questionnaire “Persuasion in independence” (“PII”). The results indicated that the most important for the respondents the value of independence, the more they are focused on taking into account the actual possibilities and autonomous action on the basis of objective data (ego-state “Adult”), as well as control, management, criticism of other people (ego-state “Parent-controller”). Therefore, the more autonomous respondents, the less interdependent they are, and vice versa.

Key words: psychological boundary, codependence, motivation, autonomy, management psychology. Метою емпіричного дослідження є встановлення взаємозв’язку функціональнорольових позицій (его-станів) з іншими показниками незалежності майбутніх фахівців для встановлення рівня прояву функціональних его-станів. Методами дослідження є передбачувані проекти, психодіагностичні методи з дійсними шкалами, авторський метод «Непряма самооцінка незалежності» («ISI») та авторський опитувальник «Переконання у незалежності» («PII»). Результати показали, що найбільш важливим для респондентів є цінність незалежності, тим більше вони зосереджені на врахуванні реальних можливостей та автономних дій на основі об’єктивних даних (его-стан “Дорослий”), а також контроль, управління, критика інших людей (его-держава “Батько-контролер”). Тому чим автономніші респонденти, тим вони менш взаємозалежні, і навпаки.

Ключові слова: психологічна межа, співзалежність, мотивація, автономність, психологія управління.

22 Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Full Professor of the Department of Psychology, Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine. 23 Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychology, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv, Ukraine. 24 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine. 25 Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Department Psychology and Sociology, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk, Ukraine. 26 Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Head of Psychology of Personality and Social Practices Department, Institute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Taking into account the latest trends in the integration of existing psychological theories and practices, the relevance of the research of the relationship of functional-role positions (egostates) with indicators of future professionals’ independence has no doubt. There is a change of competing or ignoring style between theories, areas, schools to an integrative scientific and practical worldview. The emphasis in modern research is on the interactions and relationships in the study of various areas of a person’s life. The field of professional training of the future specialist is not an exception. There are more and more approaches today that see the individual as the architect of one’s own way of life. Under such conditions, the study of the psychology of the development of the future specialist’s independence is especially in demand.

We assume that the research of the relationship of functional-role positions and the construction of a holistic structure of independence of the future specialist will allow to obtain significant empirical results, which will promote an objective understanding of the mechanisms of independence’s formation in the period of professional development; the implementation of the received knowledge will be essential in the construction of purposeful psychological influences on the development of personality independence in adulthood.

The purpose of empirical research is to establish the relationship of functional-role positions (egostates) with indicators of independence of future specialists during professional training.

Literature review

A number of works on pedagogy and psychology of personality development at different stages of ontogenesis are devoted to the study of independence. Independence is considered as one of the leading qualities of personality, which is demonstrated in the ability to determine the goal, to persevere to achieve it “by one’s own efforts, to treat one’s activity responsibly, to act consciously and proactively, not only in the usual, but also in new conditions that require non-standard decisions (Halian, 2019; Passov, 2002).

Understanding the mechanisms of independence is associated with the development of the provision that the individual develops and is formed in the activity, therefore, independence is considered at different ages in the context of the activity.

S. Rubinstein(2007), for example, drew attention to the fact that the first stage in the real formation of personality as an independent subject is associated with the mastery of one’s own body, with the emergence of arbitrary movements that are formed in the process of the first objective actions. The next step on this ground is the beginning of walking, independent movement. What is more important here than the technique of movement, is the change in the relationship of the individual with others, which affects the possibility of independent movement, as well as independent mastery of the subject. This creates some independence of the child in relation to other people. The individual realizes his independence, himself as an independent subject only through his relationship with others (Rubinstein, 2007).

Independence stems from the fundamental abilities of man to self-distancing and selftranscendence, i. e. going beyond himself. The behavior of the individual is determined by the values and meanings through which the individual can determine their own attitude to events. Awareness of the dominant type of psychological boundaries and the etiology of their origin will allow to intensify the effectiveness of the “true self” and mobilize intrapersonal resources for the development of independence.

Research on the psychology of early development confirms the importance of the early stages of independence. The ability to initiate the process of separation and to engage in various kinds of autonomous activity is associated with the development of language. M. Mahler defined the period between 10-15 months of life as a phase of rehearsal in the process of individuation and described it as a time when a child experiences an affair with the world and his emerging skills. The theory of characterological development states that this is a particularly important stage in the acquisition of autonomy, primarily in terms of taking autonomous risk, initiative, self-determination and self-objectivity in action (Mahler et al., 2011).

Early and critical events that repel the desire for separation, initiative, and risk occur when parental signals indicate danger. This usually happens when guardians feel threatened by the child's “sets” in its autonomous functions and by

its early feelings of self, or when children’s movements are actively punished because they are perceived as “unacceptable” or inconvenient. This leads to the emergence of such a false Self, in which – as with all such adaptations – identity is in contact with others, as opposed to a sense of identity that is acquired through the exercise of autonomous personality functions.

Autonomy is the central definition of transactional analysis, which is achieved by the disclosure or restoration of three abilities –awareness, spontaneity and intimacy. Autonomous are behaviors, thoughts or feelings that are a reaction to the reality of the “here and now” and not to the scenario beliefs or demands of the Parent’s ego-state (Berne, 1966).

Autonomous behavior is characterized by knowledge about oneself, the world and other people, spontaneous expression of authentic feelings and willingness to enter into open, based on respect for others, relationships. The closest connection with autonomy has a constant pattern of feelings and experiences, focused on taking into account the actual possibilities and autonomous action based on objective data – the Adult ego-state.

The essence of the ego-state model is that it allows you to establish a reliable connection between behavior, thoughts and feelings. If a person demonstrates a consistent set of behaviors that characterize the Child ego-state, then it is safe to assume that he also feels the experiences and emotions from his childhood. If a person changes his behavior and begins to reproduce the signals inherent in the Adult ego-state, then, accordingly, his thoughts and feelings are the thoughts and feelings of an adult who responds to the “here and now”. If a person externally shows the behavior that he copied from his parents, he will internally reproduce the thoughts and feelings that he also borrowed from them.

According to F. Ruppert (2010), for a healthy mental development, a child needs symbiotic needs for warmth, protection, support, love and belonging to the family, which must be met. At the same time, the child’s desire for autonomy must also be satisfied. Autonomy and pseudoautonomy have their own characteristics. Thus, autonomy is characterized by independence in relationships, acceptance of help if necessary, trust, and realistic self-esteem. At the opposite pole – pseudo-autonomy – isolation and immersion, fear of dependence, distrust as a basic feeling, overestimation of their own capabilities (Ruppert, 2010). Note that a person is able to realize his shortcomings, the imperfection of relationships with others only at the appropriate level of development of the Self-concept: self-identity, autonomy, authenticity. Individuals with a wellestablished image of Self, with a high level of self-identity, autonomy, sovereignty have a high level of tolerance for novelty (information, views of other people, ways of action, behavioral strategies), i. e. easily perceive the variability of life and change themselves, develop, become independent (Blynova et al., 2020c; Khmiliar et al., 2020).

Untested image of Self, immature, diffuse identity causes anxiety, fear beyond one’s independence, makes it difficult to adapt to changing social living conditions and prevents the development of independence of future professionals. In this case, the individual is in contact with the outside world through defense mechanisms. Fearing to lose Self, to dissolve, the individual blocks self-change, remains true to his stereotypes, habitual assessments and behaviors. And does not understand that life goes on, changes, takes new forms, and therefore, he does not simply “remain the same”, he lags behind, “becomes obsolete”, does not satisfy to modern, present life. Continuous development of independence is not a luxury, but an indispensable condition for personal survival – a condition for maintaining a balance between life and man (two trains go in the same direction, at the same speed, with no lag or overtaking). Otherwise, a person has a feeling: I do not understand life, it becomes different, I grow old, I do not get in the way. The result is a loss of control over the course of life, a loss of selfesteem, and a person desperately clings to the old system, his behavior becomes protective. If the mechanisms of psychological protection do not work, there is often immersion in the disease, various forms of escapism, neurosis (Hrys, 2015).

An important condition for the personal development of independence is a stable, wellestablished idea of the individual about himself (self-identity, autonomy, sovereignty), which will preserve the nucleus of the individual with changes in its husks, peripheral dispositions. Autonomization as a mechanism of individualization of personality in turn is realized through awareness, appropriation, rethinking, differentiation, internalization, creative realization and integration. O. Dergachova (2011) also defines personal autonomy as a psychological construct that describes a person’s

ability to be himself, to know what he wants and to be able to realize it.

Autonomization is a mechanism for an individual to defend his natural and human essence, the ability to distinguish him from the collective whole; to occupy a special position in society. Identification and autonomy are seen as dialectically related mechanisms: identification is the mechanism by which a subject experience his identification with the object of identification: another person or any object. Autonomization – the desire of the individual to stand out from others, the subject’s experience of his alienation from the object. Objectively, identification acts as a mechanism of “appropriation” by the individual of his human essence, as a mechanism of the personal’s socialization and autonomy – as a mechanism of the personal’s individualization (Arbeláez-Campillo et al., 2018; Pinkovetskaia et al., 2020).

The assigned elements of the structure of selfconsciousness are filled with individual content and are fixed in the personality due to its ability to autonomy. Identification is also selective: external influences are always mediated by internal content, the position of the individual. The ability to autonomy – is primarily a positive ability to maintain, protect, and preserve the individual. The level of the second birth of the individual, associated with the formation of worldview. Manifestation of active will, through which the worldview is realized in society, is independence. And although this independence is learned through the examples of significant people with whom he identifies, independence necessarily requires the ability to autonomy. At this stage of personality development, the mechanism of autonomy operates at the emotional and cognitive levels, this makes it possible to “keep your face” not only on an emotional but also on a rational level when interacting with other people. Considering the hyperfunction of the mechanisms of personality identity, it should be noted that in the deprivation of personality the desired level of autonomy can be replaced by alienation, and insufficient level of autonomy and hyperfunction of identification can cause blurred identity, codependence of personality.

Researchers of the problems of codependent and anti-dependent behavior turn to deeper mechanisms of independence (Weinhold & Weinhold, 2002). Codependent people usually develop a collapsed false Self, they look weak and helpless. And a person with anti-dependent behavior develops a bloated false Self. Individuals with codependent behavior are more prone to depression, and individuals with antidependent behavior are more prone to grandiosity so as not to feel depressed. To complete the process of psychological birth it is necessary to overcome the internal struggle between two “imaginary” opposing forces: a natural desire for fusion and intimacy and an equally strong desire for emotional separation and self-determination.

Once the psychological birth process is complete, there will be a deep sense of who the person really is, he will be able to cope with problems and conflicts, feeling a minimum of stress, maintaining the feeling that He and Others are good. Then it is possible to maintain the permanence of the object, dealing with most of life’s problems. Under such conditions, the individual will be able to be both close and intimate and show separation when he wants.

Thus, the development of personal independence is provided by the need for change, improvement, openness to the new, including feedback, the ability to continuous self-analysis and mastery of new opportunities.

Despite the contradictions in the definition of terms, scientists agree on one thing: independence is the most important characteristic of the individual, without which he is not fullfledged. This is due to the organic connection of this phenomenon with the general course of physiological, psychological, socio-personal development of the child and its individual characteristics.

Thus, we can conclude that independence is a systemic quality of the subject, which has a unique content and structure, which is reflected in the activity. In studying the psychological content and structure of independence, we proceeded from the understanding that the manifestation of specific activity can be explained based on the properties of a holistic system, one of the components of which it serves. The above levels of the system, in this case, personal characteristics and relationships between them, which represent independence, will determine the specifics of its activity.

Materials and methods

The methodological starting points of our experiment in establishing the relationship of functional-role positions (ego-states) with indicators of independence of future

professionals are a sequence of actions combined into a research complex using psychodiagnostic techniques, which have been tested in a number of studies (Khmil & Popovych, 2019; Halian et al., 2020b). In the selection of psychodiagnostic tools, we have taken into account a number of key requirements that have provided a relevant reflection of the subject of research (Shevchenko et al., 2020). This methodology has absorbed the best elements that have been introduced by researchers in the process of studying adaptation (Blynova et al., 2020a; 2020d; Kononenko et al., 2020), emotional intelligence (Cheban et al., 2020; Halian et al., 2020a), innovation (Marchuk & Yatsyna 2020; Tsiuniak et al., 2020), as well as in the study of mental expectations in various activities of respondents (Blynova et al., 2020b; Chiţu, 2020; Griban et al., 2019; Nosov et al., 2020; Popovych et al., 2020; Prontenko et al., 2019a; 2019b; Shkola et al., 2019; Zinchenko et al., 2020). All these empirical sources are fully or partially relevant in the context of establishing the relationship of functional-role positions (egostates) with indicators of independence of future specialists in the training process.

Participants. Students of regional and metropolitan free economic zones of Ukraine, full-time and part-time education (Institution of higher education) took part in our research. In total – 787 students. Of these, 498 students were studied at the initial stage (using the method of content analysis in order to determine how modern students understand the meaning of the concept of “Independent Personality” and what factors determine the development of independence). Based on the received data, the author’s methods of studying the independence of the future specialist were created.

At the next stage of the empirical part of the study, 289 students of Institution of higher education – Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Ukraine) (VDEUNU) took part – 46.4%, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (Ukraine) (IAPM) –24.6%, Institute of Personnel Training of the State Employment Service of Ukraine (Ukraine) (IPTSESU) – 11.1%, Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications n. a. O. S. Popov (Ukraine) (ONAT) – 18%. Among the surveyed females – 86.9%, males – 13.1%, average age –21.6 years.

Distribution of students by courses of study: the first – 25.6%, the second – 16.3%, the third –20.8%, the fourth – 6.6%, the fifth – 21.8%, the sixth – 9.0%. The study involved students of the following specialties: Preschool education –Psychology, Preschool education – Speech Therapy, Ecology and Tourism, Chemistry and Biology, Geography and Foreign Language, Chemistry, Foreign Language, Physics, Practical Psychology, Social Pedagogy. The information was provided by all respondents. The research is held according to the ethical standards of the committee on the rights of experiments of the Helsinki declaration (2013).

Instruments. Questionnaires and psychodiagnostic methods were used to organize the empirical study: Projective method “Composition”, the results of which were analyzed by the method of content analysis (Raigorodsky, 2008). The methodology was used to find out what future specialists think about the phenomenon of independence, what are their basic ideas about the nature of this phenomenon, how they understand and interpret the process and result of the development of independence as a systemic personal quality, how they assess the level of formation of other character traits that constitute independence. And also, possible ways of development of independence in the conditions of higher educational institution.

All projective methods as well as the method “Composition” has average indicators of validity and reliability and are difficult to interpret. However, the “Composition” technique is extremely effective in relieving tension and selfcontrol. Therefore, together with other standardized methods and tests, the method “Composition” gives a reliable result. The purpose of this projective technique is to study the peculiarities of the perception of future specialists of independence as a personal quality. The Composition offered the following instructions: “Write a short essay on”. How do I understand the concept of personality independence? Do I consider myself as an independent person? What personality traits are most associated with independence? Assess the level of your independence on a ten-point scale. 0 –completely non-independent, 10 –completely independent.

The received data were analyzed by content analysis. The main parameters of the analysis of these works were: understanding the nature of the independence of the individual as a psychological phenomenon; assessment of the level of formation of the student’s own independence; character traits that help or hinder the development of independence.

Self-assessment of independence was carried out using the author’s method “Indirect self-

assessment of independence” (“ISI”) (Hrys, 2015). The creation of the methodology was preceded by the collection of indirect indicators of independence, selection of the most frequent indicators, reducing the dimensionality of the semantic space of indicators of independence through exploratory factor analysis.

Personal beliefs about independence were measured using the author’s questionnaire “Persuasion in independence” (“PII”) (Hrys, 2015), which contains a number of statements about the nature of independence – acquired (“Independence is an acquired quality of personality”), “The development of independence is facilitated by the space of the university”) or innate “Independence is an innate quality of personality”, “Independent are those whose natural desire is the desire for emotional separation and self-determination”), and its role in life – constructive (“Psychologically prosperous individuals become independent”, “Independence is influenced by the process and result of self-knowledge and self-improvement”) or destructive (“Become independent to avoid punishment”, “They become independent for fear of being rejected”).

Methodology of C. Ryff (1989) “Scale of Psychological Well-being” (“SPW”) (Ryff, 1989). Test “Influence on the position and motivation of the individual” to measure internal and external motivation (“IPM”) and methods “Psychological boundaries of personality” (“PBP”) (Raigorodsky, 2008). Methodology “Anti-Independence” B. Weinhold and J. Weinhold (Weinhold & Weinhold, 2002). Methodology “Codependence” B. Weinhold and J. Weinhold (Weinhold & Weinhold, 2002).

Table 1.

Diagnostic results according to the “FES” Methodology of S. Schwartz “Portrait of values” (“PV”) (Schwartz, 2010). Methodology J. Hay “Functional ego-states “Self” states” (“FES”) (Hay, 2009).

Procedure. “The empirical research was hold during 2012-2018. The organizers of the study randomly selected young students who voluntarily agreed to participate in the empirical research. In advance, we received permission and advice from the administrations of higher education institutions. Each respondent filled in questionnaire forms and a questionnaire. Participation in the research was voluntary and confidential. Particular attention was paid to ensuring the confidentiality of the data received and avoiding accidental responses.

Data analysis. Statistical processing of the received results was carried out using the methods of mathematical statistics in the programs “Excel” and “SPSS” v. 17. These statistically significant differences were established by the criterion of sign ranks of Wilcoxon at p≤.05. Structural relationships in the psychological system of independence are established through the use of correlation analysis (Spearman’s correlation coefficient, rs).


Research of features of functional-role positions (ego-states) of future specialists’ independence.

To measure the internal role position, the “Functional ego-states “Self” states” (“FES”) (Hay, 2009). The results of the diagnosis of the internal role position are reproduced in Tabl. 1 and Tabl. 2.

Scale М


Parent-guardian 14.09 Free child 14.18


13.55 Adaptive child 12.60 Parent-controller 9.66


14.38 13.81 13.11 12,79 10.27


3.19 3.19 3,97 3,20 4.08

Note: Memp – empirical arithmetic mean; M – arithmetic mean; SD – mean-square deviation.

From the sample in general, ego-states “Parentguardian” (care and help to other people), “Free child” (expression of his feelings and actions without censorship and references to rules and requirements, intuition and authentic feelings), “Adult” (realism, freedom of choice, responsibility), have the highest rates and do not differ statistically significantly from each other. Indicators on the scale “Adaptive child” (interaction with the rules and requirements of family and society, ways of manifestation –obedience or rebellion) occupy an intermediate place – they are higher than the scale “Parentcontroller” (control, management, criticism of others) and lower for the indicators of the scales “Parent-guardian” and “Free child”. The lowest

rate is in ego-state “Parent-controller”. These statistically significant differences were established by the criterion of sign ranks of Wilcoxon at p≤.05.

Functional role position (ego-state “Adult”). The highest rates of students have the following egostates: “Parent-guardian” (care and help to other people), “Free child” (expression of his feelings and actions without censorship and references to rules and requirements), “Adult” (realism, freedom of choice, responsibility).

Table 2.

The level of manifestation of functional ego-states according to the “FES”


Parent-guardian Free child Adult Adaptive child Parent-controller

Level of manifestation Low

22.0 13.6 18.6 13.6 15.3

Medium High

62.7 15.3

72.9 13.6

69.5 11.9

72.9 67.8 13.6 16.9

The distribution of levels of functional ego-states is statistically the same (at p≤.05), at the same time, there is a tendency to statistically significant differences for the low level – the number of students on the scale “Parentguardian” is greater than on the scales “Free child” and “Adaptive child” NF = 1.21 (p≤.1). Research of relationships of functional-role positions (ego-states) with indicators of future specialists’ independence.

Let’s analyze the relationship of indicators according to the J. Hay questionnaire “Functional ego-states” (“FES”) with indicators of other methods (see Tabl. 3).

Table 3.

Correlation relationships of indicators according to the “FES” with indicators of other methods (rs)


Positive Relationships (“SPW”)

Self-acceptance (“SPW”)

Psychological well-being (“SPW”)

Conformism (“PV”)

Tradition (“PV”)

Universalism (“PV”)

Independence (“PV”)

Achievements (“PV”)

Power (“PV”)

Openness (“PV”)

Conservatism (“PV”)

Self-transcendence (“PV”)

Self-affirmation (“PV”)

External motivation (“IPM”)

Internal motivation (“IPM”)

Anti-Dependence (“AD”)

Codependence (“CD”)

Innate independence (“PSS”)

Acquired independence (“PSS”)

Destructive independence (“PSS”)

Fully permeable limit (“PBP”)

Assimilation limit (“PBP”)

Restraint limit (“PBP”) Note: ¹ – (р≤.1); * – (р≤.05); ** – (р≤.01)

Parent controller Parent guardian Adult Free child


.111 .266¹ .122 .082 .012


.301* .195 .152 .130 .050 .136 .263¹ .010 .004 .007 .089 .211 .081 .270* .019 .242¹ .215¹ .058 .165 .008 .015 .203 .216¹ .097 .128 .301* .135 .345** .000 .168 .309* .036 .006 .031 .115 .500** .049 .124 .114 .119 .229¹ .153 .209 .094 .224¹ .052 .218¹ .049 .072 .073 .013 .218¹ .197 .132 .119 .357** .008 .040 .005 .139 .038 .095 .192 .270* .099 .154 .215¹ .135 .061¹ .151 .261* .317* .124 .226¹ .057 .033 .337* .065 .027 .233¹ .177 .242¹ .096 .090 .056 .226¹ .196 .133 .203 .121

.001 .221¹ .041 .176 .096 .189 .287* .212 .087 .116 .325* .075 .097 .111 .057 .036 .033 .095 .231¹ .061

The indicator of the scale “Adult” (“FES”) is positively correlated with the indicators of the scales “Universalism” (rs=.216; p≤.1) and “Independence” (rs=.345; p≤.01) of the method of S. Schwartz (2010) (“PV”). The more students are focused on taking into account the actual possibilities and autonomous action based on objective data (the Adult ego-state), the more they prone to independence of thought and action, choice, creativity (value “Independence”), as well as understanding, tolerance, protection of the well-being of all people and nature (the value of “Universalism”).

The indicator of the scale “Parent-controller” (“FES”) is positively correlated with the indicators of the scales “Independence” (rs=.301; p≤.05), “Achievements” (rs=.309; p≤.05), “Power” (rs=.500; p≤.01), “Openness” (rs=.229; p≤.1), “Self-affirmation” (rs=.357; p≤.01) of the method of S. Schwartz (2010) (“PV”), “Antidependence” (“AD”) (rs=.261; p≤.05), “Acquired independence” (“PBP”) (rs=.226; p≤.1), “Assimilative limit” (“PBP”) (rs=.325; p≤.05) and significantly negatively correlates with the indicators of the scales “Self-acceptance” (“SPW”) (rs =.301; p≤.05) and “Tradition” (“PV”) (rs =-.242; p≤.1).

The indicator of the scale “Parent-guardian” (“FES”) significantly correlates positively with the indicators of the scales “Tradition” (rs=.215; p≤.1), “Conservatism” (rs=.218; p≤.1), “Selftranscendence” (rs=.218; p≤.1) of the method of S. Schwartz (“PV”), “Internal Motivation” (“IPM”) (rs=.215; p≤.1), “Anti-dependence” (“AD”) (rs=.317; p≤.05), “Codependence” (“CD”) (rs=.377; p≤.05), “Innate Independence” (“PPS”) (rs=.242; p≤.1), “Destructive Independence” (“PSS”) (rs=.221; p≤.1), “Completely permeable limit” (“PBP”) and significantly negatively correlates with the indicator of the general score of the method of C. Ryff (1989) (“SHPB”) and its scale “Positive Relations” (rs =-.266; p≤.1).

The indicator of the scale “Free Child” (“FES”) significantly correlates positively with the indicators of the scales “Conformism” (rs=.270; p≤.05) of the method of S. Schwartz (2010) (“PV”), “External motivation” (“IPM”) (rs =.061; p≤.1), “Anti-Dependence” (“AD”) (rs=.226; p≤.1) and significantly negatively correlates with the indicator of the scale “Restraint limit” (“PBP”) (rs =-.231; p≤.1).

The indicator of the scale “Adaptive child” (“FES”) significantly correlates positively with the indicators of the scale “Codependence” (“CD”) (rs=.233; p≤.1) and significantly negatively correlates with the indicator of the scale “Openness” (rs =-.224; p≤.1) of the method of S. Schwartz (2010) (“PV”).


1) The essence of the phenomenon of independence as a systemic quality of the personality of the future specialist is revealed, which is based on autonomous behavior, which is characterized by knowledge about oneself, the world and other people. It is characterized by a spontaneous manifestation of authentic feelings and a willingness to enter into open relationships, based on respect for others.

The closest connection with autonomy has a constant pattern of feelings and experiences, focused on taking into account the actual possibilities and autonomous action based on objective data – the ego-state “Adult” (Adult ego-state). 2) It is noted that the system of independence is determined, on the one hand, by the internal organization and the relationship of structural components, and on the other hand, the fact that independence in determining the level of subjectivity is realized in the specific activity of the subject. Thus, independence performs a system-forming function for the subject as a system. 3) Autonomous behavior is characterized by knowledge about oneself, the world and other people, spontaneous expression of authentic feelings and willingness to enter into open relationships. The closest connection with autonomy has a constant pattern of feelings and experiences, focused on taking into account the actual possibilities and autonomous action based on objective data – the ego-state “Adult” (Adult egostate). 4) It was found that the more important for respondents the value of independence, the more they are focused on taking into account the actual possibilities and autonomous action based on objective data (ego-state

“Adult”), as well as control, management, criticism of other people (ego-state “Parentcontroller”). 5) The more autonomous students, the less interdependent they are, and vice versa.

Codependence and anti-dependence are significantly positive. The higher the rates of anti-dependence, the more students are prone to control, management, criticism of other people (“Parent-controller”) and at the

same time, to care for and help other people (“Parent-Guardian”). The higher the rates of codependence, the more students are inclined to care for and help other people (“Parent-Guardian”). The more students are willing to trust others, to identify with them (a completely perceptible boundary), the more they are willing to care for and help other people (“Parent-Guardian”). The functional ego-states “Parent-Controller”,

“Parent-Guardian”, “Adult” are all significantly positively related. 6) Our hypotheses are confirmed, the received data are important for an objective understanding of the psychological mechanisms of formation of the independence of the future specialist; the acquired knowledge should be used in the preparation of targeted programs for the development of independence as a systemic quality of personality.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.41.05.9

Argumentación en educación matemática: elementos para el diseño de estudios desde la revisión bibliográfica27

Argumentation in mathematics education: elements for the design of studies from the literature review

Received: April 10, 2021 Accepted: May 30, 2021

Written by:

Wilmer Ríos-Cuesta28



Diversos estudios han comentado la importancia de la argumentación en la construcción de conocimiento matemático y las implicaciones en el desarrollo de competencias. Estos estudios han centrado su mirada en el análisis de la actividad discursiva en el aula en torno a la construcción individual y colectiva de argumentos válidos. Otros, en cambio, en la cognición que desarrollan los estudiantes en las interacciones en clase y tratan de acercarlos a los procesos de prueba mediante la presentación de argumentos deductivos. Sin embargo, son diversas las posturas sobre lo que se entiende como argumentación, al punto que algunos conciben la prueba como una forma particular de argumentación. En este estudio se presenta un análisis documental que resulta útil para futuras investigaciones en educación matemática al develar algunas posturas encontradas en investigaciones sobre argumentación, así como algunos marcos teóricos predominantes para analizar los actos de habla, de modo que les permita a los investigadores posicionarse de acuerdo con el tipo de investigación que desarrollen. Se destaca el uso del modelo de Toulmin para tipificar argumentos y la propuesta del modelo ck¢ para indagar en los conocimientos que movilizan los estudiantes en los procesos de argumentación.

Palabras clave: Análisis de Argumentos, Argumentación en Matemáticas, Discurso en el Aula, Tipos de Argumentos, Revisión Documental.


Several studies have commented on the importance of argumentation in the construction of mathematical knowledge and its implications in the development of competencies. These studies have focused on the analysis of discursive activity in the classroom around the individual and collective construction of valid arguments. Others, on the other hand, focus on the cognition developed by students in classroom interactions and try to bring them closer to the proof processes through the presentation of deductive arguments. However, the positions on what is understood as argumentation are diverse, to the point that some conceive proof as a particular form of argumentation. This study presents a documentary analysis that is useful for future research in mathematics education by revealing some positions found in research on argumentation, as well as some predominant theoretical frameworks for analyzing speech acts, in order to allow researchers to position themselves according to the type of research they develop. The use of Toulmin's model to typify arguments and the proposal of the ck¢ model to investigate the knowledge mobilized by students in the argumentation process are highlighted.

Keywords: Argument Analysis, Argumentation in Mathematics, Classroom Discourse, Types of Arguments, Documentary Review.

27 Artículo derivado del proyecto de tesis doctoral Implicaciones de la interactividad en la argumentación en clase de matemáticas por estudiantes de secundaria desarrollado en la Universidad del Valle. 28 Licenciado en Matemáticas y Física, Magíster en Educación, estudiante de Doctorado en Educación, Instituto de Educación y Pedagogía, Universidad del Valle, Colombia.


Las investigaciones sobre argumentación en educación matemática se sitúan en la línea de razonamiento, argumentación y prueba en el Grupo Internacional para la Psicología de la Educación Matemática -PME.

En el Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education CERME 11- realizado en febrero de 2019, se presentaron propuestas relacionadas con la argumentación y prueba que fueron abordadas en el Thematic Working Group 1 (TWG1), de estas, 30 fueron artículos y 11 posters.

De acuerdo con Stylianides et al. (2019), las contribuciones presentadas hacen referencia a puntos de vista matemáticos, lógicos, históricos, filosóficos, epistemológicos, psicológicos, curriculares, antropológicos y sociológicos. Entre los temas tratados se abordaron aspectos relacionados con la argumentación y prueba a nivel escolar, en la formación del profesorado, diseño de tareas para promover la argumentación, estudios de intervención, evaluación y análisis de la argumentación y la prueba, perspectivas teóricas y filosóficas de la argumentación (Stylianides et al., 2019), lo cual nos brinda una visión sobre los intereses investigativos.

Estos estudios ponen en el centro de la actividad matemática, la actividad discursiva en el aula y la emisión de argumentos con algunos propósitos como validar, convencer y disentir. Para lograr este objetivo el profesor busca promover la discusión de tareas en clase para alentar el debate y la confrontación de ideas, lo cual permite la negociación de significados y la evolución de los argumentos (Acosta & Hermosa, 2015; Benítez et al., 2016; Ríos-Cuesta, 2020). Desde esta perspectiva, la argumentación tiene un carácter retórico (Durango, 2017; Habermas, 1999), pues apunta a la persuasión del auditorio, lo cual genera un ambiente para promover algunos tipos de argumentos en los estudiantes.

Otros estudios buscan acercar a los estudiantes a los procesos de prueba y sitúan la mirada en las cualidades lógicas y en la estructura de los argumentos (Fiallo, 2010; Fiallo y Gutiérrez, 2017; Molina, 2019; Otten et al., 2017). Esta perspectiva se enfoca en el carácter lógico de la argumentación y en la tipificación de los argumentos en clase. Desde esta postura interesa identificar la cadena de razonamientos usados para la construcción del argumento, luego se clasifican en inductivos, abductivos y deductivos. Sin embargo, algunos estudios ofrecen una clasificación mayor como se mostrará más adelante. Lo usual en este tipo de estudios es el uso del modelo de Toulmin o la reducción que propone Krummheuer a dicho modelo.

Desde la perspectiva dialéctica interesa conocer los procesos pragmáticos de la argumentación que buscan analizar la estructura de los argumentos en un contexto donde coinciden, en el mismo espacio, un emisor y un receptor (Habermas, 1999; Nielsen, 2011; Simpson, 2015). En estos estudios, los argumentos tienen el propósito de justificar o refutar buscando defender un punto de vista.

Por otro lado, La National Council of Teachers of Mathematical [NCTM] declaró que uno de los objetivos de la educación matemática es ayudar a que los estudiantes produzcan argumentos matemáticos como una oportunidad para aprender matemáticas (NCTM, 2000). Krummheuer (2015) asume una postura sobre aprender matemáticas la cual se aleja de la acumulación de información y se vincula con la participación en clase y la define como:

En lo que respecta al aprendizaje de las matemáticas, se suele asumir que el sentido de la argumentación matemática es una condición previa a la posibilidad de aprender matemáticas y no sólo el resultado deseado. En este sentido, el aprendizaje de las matemáticas es un aprendizaje argumentativo. (p. 53)

A partir de allí, en los actuales currículos se plantea la formación de ciudadanos críticos y reflexivos con el conocimiento y capaces de razonar (De Gamboa et al., 2010). Desde entonces, las investigaciones sobre argumentación en matemáticas han ido en aumento. Se han hecho estudios para enseñar a probar a estudiantes de educación secundaria buscando un nicho para su implementación en el currículo (Fiallo, 2010).

Sin embargo, estudios como los de Goizueta (2015) y Goizueta (2019), señalan que los estudiantes tienen dificultades para justificar lo que hacen y dicen en la clase de matemáticas, esto dificulta la inclusión de tareas matemáticas más complejas favoreciendo la planeación de actividades en las que los estudiantes practican la ejecución de algoritmos prescritos por el profesor. Planas (2007), menciona que, en otros casos, los estudiantes presentan justificaciones

de sus ideas sin una relación con las ideas ya expresadas.

Ante la exigencia permanente de argumentos por parte del profesor hacia los estudiantes, donde se les solicita justificar sus razonamientos, estos suelen cambiar sus respuestas pues asumen que el procedimiento empleado es incorrecto. Esto indica la falta de conciencia sobre el uso de un determinado algoritmo o la evidencia de un aprendizaje memorístico con poca comprensión de la actividad matemática que se desarrolla en el aula.

El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar corrientes investigativas en argumentación en educación matemática y poner de relieve algunas cuestiones relevantes en los estudios desarrollados en esta línea de investigación, se proponen elementos para la discusión en torno a algunas preguntas que no se han respondido y que permiten reflexionar sobre las tendencias investigativas y los marcos de análisis predominantes.


Se presenta un estudio de corte cualitativo interpretativo. Se hizo un análisis documental que buscó contextualizar las tendencias en argumentación y las alternativas que tienen los investigadores nóveles que se interesan por esta línea de investigación, lo que lo convierte en un insumo para la toma de decisiones, establecer el camino del análisis de los datos y tipificar los argumentos en clase. En ese sentido, se buscaron documentos que ayudaran a identificar tres aspectos fundamentales en la línea de investigación que son: la forma de tipificar/clasificar argumentos, las posturas sobre argumentación y los marcos de análisis usados para examinar la estructura de los argumentos, los cuales, a su vez, constituían las categorías de análisis. Las bases de datos utilizadas corresponden a Springer, SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Académico, Elsevier y Eric, en un intervalo de 2015-2020.

Resultados y discusión

Primera categoría: tipología de los argumentos

Algunas investigaciones hechas en esta línea buscan identificar los tipos de razonamientos de los estudiantes de acuerdo con el tipo de argumento emitido. Pedemonte y Reid (2010), hacen una distinción entre argumentos abductivos, deductivos e inductivos. Los argumentos abductivos parten de las implicaciones para llegar a las consecuencias; en este tipo de argumentos la conclusión es extraída a partir de una serie de premisas. Los argumentos deductivos parten de una premisa universal para llegar a una conclusión particular, también de una premisa particular para llegar a una conclusión particular o de una premisa universal para llegar a una conclusión universal; en estos argumentos la información de la conclusión está contenida en las premisas. Los argumentos inductivos parten del análisis u observación de casos particulares en los que la persona produce una generalización a partir de casos concretos.

Otra tipificación de los argumentos sugiere hacer una distinción entre argumentos inductivos, abductivos, deductivos, o por analogía (Conner et al., 2014; Reid y Knipping, 2010). Este último es el resultado de la comparación de las semejanzas entre dos estructuras y con base en ella hacer inferencias. Se encontró que hay interés por desarrollar modelos integrales para analizar los argumentos reconociendo en ellos cualidades lógicas, dialécticas y retóricas (Durango, 2017). Precisamente por sus cualidades retóricas podemos hacer una distinción entre argumentación y prueba si se tiene en cuenta el público objetivo y la función del argumento. Por ejemplo, Perelman y Olbrechts-Tyteca (2006), mencionan que para probar en matemáticas no se requiere la adhesión de un público, basta con una cadena de razonamientos de tipo deductivo construidos en el sistema axiomático propio de las matemáticas para validar el conocimiento. Es decir, no se busca convencer a otros, contrario a lo que busca un argumento de tipo retórico o dialéctico que busca la adhesión del público.

Estudios recientes agregan una distinción a los tipos de argumentos que son usados por los estudiantes y los clasifican como formales e informales, dentro de los argumentos informales mencionan los argumentos visuales, los cuales se basan en el uso de imágenes o representaciones de los objetos matemáticos que son tomados como datos por los estudiantes para argumentar (Cervantes-Barraza y Cabañas-Sánchez, 2018; Crespo, 2007; Estrella et al., 2017; Llanos et al., 2007). En cambio, los argumentos formales se basan en el uso de un sistema axiomático formal propio de las matemáticas, es decir, se fundamenta en el uso de definiciones, teoremas, axiomas, entre otros (Viholainen, 2008).

Otra clasificación sobre los tipos de argumentos es la mencionada por Krummheuer (1995, 2007), quien distingue entre argumentos analíticos y

sustanciales. Dicho autor concibe como argumentos analíticos aquellos que se originan por deducciones lógicas. En cambio, los argumentos sustanciales son aquellos que resultan de la extensión de significados y sirven para explicar razones.

Segunda categoría: posturas en torno a la argumentación

Los estudios sobre argumentación en clase de matemáticas han permitido analizar la actividad discursiva en el aula en torno a la construcción individual o colectiva de argumentos válidos (Baudino et al., 2019). Algunos estudios centran su mirada en la cognición que desarrolla el estudiante en su interacción con el profesor o con sus pares (Ayalon & Hershkowitz, 2018; Chico, 2014, 2018; Erkek & Işıksal-Bostan, 2019; Hoyos, 2018; Kukliansky, 2019; McCrone, 2005; Muller-Mirza et al., 2009; Ruiz, 2012; Yopp, 2015), otros en cambio, buscan acercar a los estudiantes a procesos de prueba mediante la presentación de argumentos deductivos concibiendo la prueba como una forma particular de argumentación (Balacheff y Margolinas, 2005; Camargo, 2010; Fiallo, 2010; Fiallo y Gutiérrez, 2017; Molina, 2019; Pedemonte y Balacheff, 2016), también encontramos estudios que reportan una distancia o ruptura cognitiva entre argumentación y prueba, ofreciendo una distinción en cuanto al propósito de cada una (Duval, 1991; Duval, 1999; Perelman y Olbrechts-Tyteca, 2006).

Más allá de las posturas con que se aborden las investigaciones, una cuestión latente es la falta de consenso sobre lo que se entiende como argumentación y prueba, así como sus vínculos o distancia. Se ponen a consideración algunas ideas para aportar a la discusión.

Krummheuer (1995), asume la argumentación como un fenómeno social que puede ser colectivo o individual en el que se busca la veracidad o falsedad de una afirmación. Este autor pone el énfasis en la interacción de los estudiantes. Por otro lado, Duval (1999), distingue entre argumento y prueba aduciendo que la prueba es un razonamiento valido, en tanto un argumento busca la pertinencia.

Otra perspectiva es presentada por Rojas (2006), quien señala que argumentar es hacer uso del lenguaje verbal para convencer o persuadir, en forma razonada, a otros sobre una cuestión o asunto, al hacerlo se parte de una premisa que se supone cierta y mediante prácticas explicativas se relacionan los datos y se concluye de manera convincente. Una postura similar es adoptada por Rumsey y Langrall (2016), quienes además afirman que la argumentación brinda la posibilidad de que los estudiantes puedan socializar procedimientos, respuestas y puntos de vista sobre la actividad que desarrollan, de tal suerte que se pueden construir argumentos viables y se pueden criticar los razonamientos de los otros estudiantes.

Para Muller-Mirza et al. (2009), la argumentación es una actividad de tipo cognitivo que involucra habilidades de la lógica y el razonamiento. Esta visión sobre argumentación le da una importancia al diálogo e involucra varias dimensiones del individuo como la cognitiva, la afectiva y la comunicativa, lo cual enriquece las situaciones dentro del aula. Sin embargo, se vuelve tan compleja que sólo parece surgir en determinados contextos que vinculan aspectos cognitivos y sociales.

Por otro lado, Crespo, Farfán y Lezama (2010), conciben la prueba como una práctica social que es llevada a cabo por la comunidad matemática como mecanismo de validación de sus producciones. Al considerarla como una práctica social y mirarla en el marco de la Teoría Socioepistemológica, las prácticas sociales que dan origen al conocimiento cambian entre las diferentes comunidades. De cierto modo, cobran sentido los procesos de validación que se gestan al interior del aula, y la forma como cada comunidad concibe la prueba y a qué le llaman probar.

De acuerdo con Goizueta y Planas (2013), la argumentación es un proceso mediante el cual se produce un discurso conectado lógicamente sin que ello implique que sea deductivo. Por el contrario, van Eemeren et al. (2013), ven la argumentación como una actividad verbal y social de la razón en la que se busca la aceptación o el rechazo de un punto de vista mediante la presentación de proposiciones que buscan justificarlo o refutarlo. Una perspectiva similar es presentada por Fiallo y Gutiérrez (2017), quienes definen la argumentación como una secuencia de enunciados verbales basados en elementos matemáticos que buscan explicar algún resultado. Solar (2018), en cambio, hace una distinción entre argumentación en el aula de matemáticas y argumentación matemática, la primera entendida como el proceso que busca convencer a otro y la segunda está asociada con la prueba que realiza un resolutor, donde no necesariamente median varios puntos de vista.

Una de las decisiones que debe tomar el investigador que desee trabajar en esta línea, es su posicionamiento sobre lo que considera argumentación. Esto marca el rumbo al momento de hacer el análisis de la información donde se buscan los segmentos de argumentación para luego identificar sus componentes, intencionalidades o propósitos.

Tercera categoría: marcos de análisis usados

Una constante en este tipo de estudios es el uso del modelo de Toulmin (2003), el cual surge como una crítica a la argumentación deductiva en respuesta a la argumentación sustantiva, la cual se basa en el análisis de premisas y conclusiones. Ofrece elementos para explicar desde un esquema lógico la estructura de un argumento.

Toulmin (2003), considera seis elementos relacionados con la argumentación (ver figura 1), entre ellos los datos D (data), los permisos de inferir Pi (warrant), el soporte S (backing), el indicador de fuerza modal F (modal qualifiers) del argumento, las refutaciones potenciales Rp (rebuttals) del enunciado conclusión y el enunciado E (claim) o conclusión.

Figura 1. Modelo de toulmin.

 Los datos D son hechos o evidencia con las que se cuenta para iniciar el proceso de argumentación.  Los permisos de inferir Pi es una regla general o principio que sirve de fundamento para pasar de los datos al enunciado. Se manifiesta mediante una serie de afirmaciones que buscan establecer la relación entre los datos y el enunciado.  El soporte S es la base para los permisos de inferir, este soporte autoriza los permisos de inferir y brinda motivos de validez.  El indicador de fuerza modal F muestra el grado de certeza o la fuerza del enunciado.  Las refutaciones potenciales Rp son las excepciones a la conclusión, casos particulares o contraejemplos.  El enunciado C es la conclusión a la que se llega como resultado del proceso de argumentación. Cuando una persona emite un argumento, toma en cuenta los datos y de acuerdo con la lectura que haga de estos, emite una conclusión o enunciado. En esa transición, se hace uso del permiso de inferir el cual teje un puente entre los datos y la conclusión. En ese sentido, el permiso de inferir es una regla o principio que permite establecer una conexión lógica, de modo que cuando se hace una refutación al argumento, lo que se cuestiona es el permiso de inferir, en consecuencia, el estudiante se ve inmerso en una situación en la que debe hacer más explícitos los permisos de inferir. Al darse la situación anterior, el estudiante puede recurrir al soporte para explicitar el permiso de inferir haciendo uso de justificaciones.

Si bien el modelo ha sido usado ampliamente en diversas investigaciones, Solar y Deulofeu (2016), indican que rara vez todos los elementos del modelo aparecen en una clase. En 1995

Krummheuer propone una reducción al modelo original de Toulmin tomando cuatro de sus elementos, datos, permisos de inferir, soporte y conclusión. Sin embargo, cada vez son más las investigaciones en las que se utiliza el modelo de Toulmin con tres de sus componentes, datos, permisos de inferir o garantías y conclusión o aserción. Por ejemplo, Molina et al., (2019), usan la estructura ternaria del modelo de Toulmin para analizar la estructura de los argumentos analógicos, abductivos y deductivos (ver figura 2).

Figura 2. Reducción al Modelo de Toulmin propuesto por Krummheuer.

Por otro lado, algunas investigaciones han tratado de complementar el modelo de Toulmin para dar cuenta de otros aspectos en la argumentación tales como los conocimientos que movilizan los estudiantes al resolver un problema, nos referimos al modelo ck¢ propuesto por Balacheff (1995). Este marco permite realizar un análisis cognitivo de las producciones de los estudiantes y brinda elementos al profesor para abordar las dificultades de aprendizaje y apoyar la evolución de este.

El modelo ck¢ se compone de:

 P: un conjunto de problemas.  R: un conjunto de operadores.  L: un sistema de representación.  Σ: una estructura de control. (Balacheff y

Margolinas, 2005, p. 80) Sobre la integración de ambos modelos, Pedemonte y Balacheff (2016), afirman que:

A efectos de la integración de ambos modelos, utilizamos el hecho de que para una determinada concepción (P, R, L, Σ) un problema matemático P puede ser representado por un conjunto de enunciados expresados mediante el sistema de representación L. Por lo tanto, la aplicación de una regla R (un operador) transforma un conjunto inicial de enunciados (datos) en un nuevo reclamo. La serie de transformaciones termina cuando se llega a un enunciado final que se afirma “verdadero” basado en la estructura de control Σ. Encadenando los esquemas de Toulmin que representan el desarrollo de la argumentación se hará entonces evidente que varias concepciones pueden contribuir a resolver un problema. (p. 107)

La forma como se integran los dos modelos se presenta en la figura 3.

Figura 3. Integración del modelo ck¢ al modelo de Toulmin (Pedemonte & Balacheff, 2016, p. 108)

Con este modelo se han hecho estudios para establecer relaciones de continuidad entre la argumentación y la prueba. Sin embargo, como ya se presentó anteriormente, gran parte de los estudios se enfocan en el desarrollo de la actividad argumentativa como una forma de hacer explícitos los razonamientos en clase, debatir su contenido, persuadir o refutar puntos de vista y construir conocimiento.


Cada vez más los estudios sobre argumentación matemática cobran relevancia, su inclusión en el currículo como competencia a desarrollar por los estudiantes desde los grados inferiores invita a vincularlos en la construcción del conocimiento desde perspectivas socioculturales. Uno de los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los profesores, es poder distinguir lo que se considera como argumentación y prueba, por eso, en este estudio se trata de poner de relieve las diversas posturas que se han desarrollado, esto permite que los profesores puedan situarse de manera conceptual, así como decidir sobre el modelo de análisis a utilizar para tipificar los argumentos en clase.

Es crucial, que los estudiantes se involucren en el desarrollo de prácticas argumentativas que les permitan desarrollar una visión crítica frente al conocimiento. Además, que les ayude a desenvolverse socialmente, de igual modo, los profesores deben desarrollar habilidades que les permitan identificar los momentos de argumentación en el aula y actuar en consecuencia. Estudios como los de Conner et al. (2014), indican que las intervenciones del profesor ayudan a que los estudiantes mejoren sus niveles de argumentación. Ante esto, la formación continuada del profesorado debe proveerle herramientas conceptuales para su identificación en clase y la toma de decisiones.

En este estudio no se hace un análisis profundo dado que el objetivo es poner sobre la mesa las distintas posturas que se han considerado sobre la argumentación, su relación o distancia con la prueba y la importancia que ha despertado en algunos investigadores en educación matemática. Se espera que los elementos constitutivos del mismo sirvan de base para seguir la discusión y aportar más elementos que orienten a los investigadores noveles, que se interesan en la línea de argumentación y prueba a nivel de pregrado, maestría y doctorado.

Referentes Bibliográficas

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.41.05.10

Combating political crimes committed by members of informal youth groups

Боротьба з політичними злочинами, що вчиняються членами молодіжних неформальних груп


Received: May 2, 2021 Accepted: June 5, 2021

Written by:

Mikhail Larkin29


Viktor Boiarov30


Volodymyr Buha31


Ivan Kubariev32


Yuliia Loboda33



In modern conditions of the development of public relations and political life, criminal activity in Ukraine is changing and transforming. In such transformational conditions, the commission of political crimes by members of informal youth groups is becoming more widespread. Given the above, the need to analyze political crimes committed by members of informal youth groups, methods, and means of combating such crimes, including foreign positive experience, becomes especially relevant. The work aims to analyze the means and methods of combating political crimes committed by members of such groups. The object of the research is the fight against political crimes committed by members of informal youth groups. The subject of the study is the social relations that arise, change, and end during the fight against political crimes committed by members of these groups. The research methodology is a set of different scientific methods, including observation, analysis, synthesis, extrapolation, generalization, comparison, dialectical method. The empirical У сучасних умовах розвитку суспільних відносин та політичного життя змінюється та трансформується злочинна діяльність в Україні. В таких трансформаційних умовах все більшого поширення набуває вчинення політичних злочинів членами молодіжних неформальних груп. Зважаючи на вищевикладене, особливої актуальності набуває необхідність аналізу політичних злочинів, що вчиняються членами молодіжних неформальних груп, способів і засобів боротьби з такими злочинами, в тому числі іноземного позитивного досвіду. Метою роботи є здійснення аналізу засобів та способів боротьби з політичними злочинами, що вчиняються членами молодіжних неформальних груп. Об’єктом дослідження є боротьба з політичними злочинами, що вчиняються членами молодіжних неформальних груп. Предметом дослідження є суспільні відносини, що виникають, змінюються і припиняються під час боротьби з політичними злочинами, що вчиняються членами молодіжних неформальних груп.

29 Ph. D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Criminal Law and Justice of Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine. 30 Ph. D., Associate Professor, Professor of Department of Criminal Procedure and Forensics of Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine, Ukraine. 31 Ph. D., Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty No. 3 of Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Ukraine. 32 Ph. D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Legal disciplines of the Faculty No. 2 of Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine» Ukraine. 33 Ph. D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of English Translation of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine.

basis of the study was the materials of the investigation of crimes committed by members of informal youth groups. As a result of the study, some issues of combating political crimes committed by members of informal youth groups were considered. Three main reasons for the participation of informal youth groups in political confrontations are highlighted, and certain issues of investigation of this type of criminal activity are considered.

Keywords: political crimes, political confrontations, political party, investigation, youth, informal group.


Considering political crime, according to the legal approach, as a set of homogeneous political crimes, recognized as such by the legislator, committed in a certain territory over a certain period of time (Kabanov, 2008), it should be recognized as one of the most complex and resonant categories of criminal proceedings.

The term "political crime" is used to refer to torts related to power struggles, socio-political, religious, ethnic, national, separatist, foreign policy, and other reasons.

Also, political crime can be presented in the form of a socially dangerous form of struggle of the ruling or opposition political elites for power or its unlawful retention (Kudryavtsev, & Eminov, 2005). In connection with this, it is impossible to ignore the issues of participation in them of various informal youth groups (associations, movements, formations, formations, etc.), which see their activities in the "protest to society."

A. Schopenhauer wrote: “To attach excessive importance to the opinion of others – this mania possesses everyone, whether it is rooted in our very nature or arose as a result of social life and civilization” (Schopenhauer, 2012). It is the opinion, ideology, ideas of the majority, or a particular stratum of society that are opposed by various kinds of informal youth groups. One of the types of such confrontation is the commission of crimes of a political nature.

In the post-Soviet space, the determination of political crime is facilitated by restrictions on suffrage, discriminatory behavior of state bodies against members of opposition movements and parties, errors, and miscalculations in national policy, including the imposition of the ruling elite's ideology and socio-political practices unacceptable to society. Thus, the cause of political crime is the lack of stability in society. A dilemma arises when stability becomes the highest social value of society but is achieved with a high level of authoritarianism with accompanying political and legal flaws of power. At present, Ukraine needs a complex and long way to balance the interests of power and segments of society, provided the appropriate level of political and legal culture, which also leads to political stability.

The protest movement in Ukraine is based on the unwillingness of the authorities and informal organizations to understand each other, open disregard for rights and responsibilities, failure to ensure constructive dialogue to maintain public peace in society –these and other factors have led to a sharp rise in political crime and Ukraine has become an arena for criminal political battles.

According to statistical reports of the Prosecutor General's Office, in 2019 all law enforcement agencies (except the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine) allegedly exposed 293 organized criminal groups, which is really slightly more than in 2013-2018 (in 2018 - 288, in 2017 - 210, in 2016 - 136 and 185 - in 2013), but, at the same time, much less than in 2010 397 and in 2009 - 379, as well as 16 criminal organizations, which is also more indicators of

Методологію дослідження складає комплекс різних наукових методів, серед яких: спостереження, аналіз, синтез, екстраполяція, узагальнення, порівняння, та діалектичний метод. Емпіричною основою дослідження стали матеріали розслідування злочинів, скоєних членами молодіжних неформальних груп. В результаті проведеного дослідження були розглянуті деякі питання боротьби з політичними злочинами, що здійснюються членами молодіжних неформальних груп. Виділено три основні причини участі молодіжних неформальних груп в політичних протистояннях, а також розглянуті окремі питання розслідування зазначеного виду злочинної діяльності.

Ключові слова: політичні злочини, політичні протистояння, політична партія, розслідування, молодь, неформальна група.

2016-2018. At the same time, the fact that out of the total number of organized criminal groups and criminal organizations detected in 2019, 29 were with corrupt connections, which is also more than in 2018 - 21, in 2017 - 25, in 2016 - 15 and 2015 - 17, but, again, less than in 2014 - 32 and, even more so, in 2013 – 33 (Slovo i Dilo, 2018). Simultaneously, in 2019, the number of identified organized criminal groups and criminal organizations with international relations decreased - 6 - in 2018 - 7, in 2017 - 11, in 2016 - 18, and compared to 2010, when 40 of them were detected, less than 6 times (Shekhavtsov, & Khavronyuk, 2019). In addition, according to statistics, in 2019, a total of 2,437 criminal offenses were allegedly committed as part of the organized criminal group and the Criminal Organization, which is less than in 2018 - 2,513, in 2010 - 3,135 and 2009 - 3,514, but more than in the previous two years: in 2017 - 1,727, and 2016 - 1,235 (Baganets, 2020).

Given the above, there is an urgent need to research the fight against political crimes committed by members of informal youth groups, the causes of such crimes, the possibility of their prevention, as well as to analyze the specifics of combating such crimes in foreign countries.

Theoretical Framework or Literature Review

When working on the article, the scientific literature was analyzed, devoted to the fight against crime, its causes; investigation of political crimes; investigation of group crimes; informal youth groups (associations, movements, etc.).

The combat against political crimes committed by members of informal youth groups has been studied by the following scientists: Kabanov (2008), Meneghetti (2005), Zelensky, Meretukov, Gusev, and Danilyan (2013), Ananich and Anikeeva (2017), Fromm (2013), Kolomoiets, Liutikov, and Larkin (2017), Lisovets (2011), Roszak (1995), Shepitko (2009), Larkin, Dudorov, Pyrozhkova, Dudorova, and Biryukova (2020), and Gross (2002). However, crimes committed by members of informal youth groups and ways to combat them, unfortunately, are insufficiently studied.

Thus, Kabanov (2008) considered political crime: concept, essence, types, reasons, the personality of a political criminal, countermeasures. The researcher believes that the difficulty of crime traditionally occupies one of the leading positions in public opinion among the most acute social problems. There has been a sharp increase in the number of crimes committed, and their social danger has increased. Criminological studies of "political repression" and scientific analysis of political events associated with the collapse of interstate associations (Warsaw Pact, USSR), accompanied by interethnic, ethnic, and political conflicts, led experts to the conclusion that crime associated with obtaining and retaining power –reality. In this regard, the first major scientific publications by criminologists about crime among the ruling political elite appeared, while the most dangerous forms of its manifestation were indicated: political terrorism (violence by the authorities) and political corruption (the corruption of power).

Moreover, Kudryavtsev and Eminov (2005) studied the general provisions on crime and the composition of the crime, which allowed him to avoid logical errors in the study of a crime.

What is more, Aphorisms by Schopenhauer (2012), the works of Meneghetti (2005) and Fromm (2013) were used to understand the life wisdom of prominent people on political crime and the psychological foundations of the analysis of criminal behavior.

Further, Ananich and Anikeeva (2017) drew attention to the analysis and forecasting of crime and noticed that, based on the study of the mechanisms used by international organizations and other countries in the fight against crime, the degree of their use in the Republic of Belarus is analyzed and special attention is paid to the experience in assessing corruption risks, approaches to their identification. Based on statistical data on corruption crime, a general analysis of the influence of individual factors on its dynamics is carried out.

Additionally, Kolomoiets, Liutikov, and Larkin (2017) analyze the informal youth associations as a business reality. So, an informal youth environment is not only an integral part of today’s reality but also a complex multi-vector problem. In the study, the informal associations are divided into three groups: informal youth associations, on which people earn (skinheads and hipsters); informal youth associations that earn (freaks, suicidal groups in social networks); informal youth associations, on which people earn and that earn (anime fans, gamers, bikers, football fans). The researchers concluded that the “life activity” of informal communities is predetermined not only by some ideas, views,

moods, way of life but also by business opportunities and opportunities to make a profit. Thus, for the first time since Ukraine gained independence, informal youth groups are seen as a platform for engaging in entrepreneurial activities. The results of the study can be used to further study various aspects of the informal youth environment. In particular, in the context of combating illegal business activities, tax evasion.

Also, Larkin (2019) analyzed the causes of informal youth groups (associations) of criminal orientation. He noted that the analysis, in the context of forensic research, the problems of informal youth groups (associations) of criminal orientation, as a complex socio-legal phenomenon, suggests three principal causes such formations:

1) crisis processes in family relations; 2) age characteristics of the adolescent, and; 3) global policy of conformism.

These reasons are subject to clarification, additional study and should be the subject of comprehensive research.

It should be mention, Lisovets (2011) examined in detail and developed a book, which considered the theory and methods of working with children's and youth organizations in Ukraine.

It also worth to note, that Zelensky, Meretukov, Gusev, and Danilyan (2013) and Shrub (2018) explained the forensic methods of investigating certain types and groups of crimes and drew attention to the fact that the forensic mechanism of committing a crime, being individual for each act, also has common, repeating properties. For crimes of one type, typical may be: the method, the setting of the commission, connections, and other factual data generated in this case. Elements of an investigation may also be typical: evidence, its sources, means, and methods of obtaining it. The investigation methodology is based on criminal and criminal procedure legislation. Criminal law defines the concept of a crime, its composition, and other fundamental issues, the specific type of crimes. Criminal procedural norms provide for the circumstances to be proved and the means of collecting evidence. The content of the methodology includes the theoretical provisions of forensic science and the generalized experience of investigating crimes.

A particular attention should be paid to the work of Shepitko (2009), who developed a course of lectures "criminology", which were taken as a basis for this study, providing definitions of concepts and areas of combating political crime. Moreover, Larkin, Dudorov, Pyrozhkova, Dudorova, and Biryukova (2020) analyzed the issue of the investigation of crimes committed by members of informal youth groups. In their research, the authors concluded, the features of proposing a version of the involvement of members of a informal youth group in criminal activity are considered. Initial investigative (search) actions are determined, which serve as the basis for verifying the indicated version.

Furthermore, Boiarov, Larkin, Legkykh, Melkovskyi, and Hromova (2019) studied the problem of the prevention of the financing informal youth groups of the extremist. Their article proposes to divide all informal youth groups (associations) that commit crimes of extremist nature into two types:

1) formed by its leader(s), and; 2) acting as the youth part of international extremist organizations, radical movements, and political parties.

The works, devoted to the study of the psychology of investigative activity, transnational extremism, were also analyzed, and the guidelines for forensic investigators were retrospectively examined (Gross, 2002; Davydov, 2016; Kazmirenko, 2009).

It is worth paying attention to the book of Larkin (2020), who analyzed the peculiarities of the use of linguistic knowledge in the investigation of crimes committed by members of informal youth groups (associations). The author emphasizes that the development of different methods of generalization of criminalistic methods of investigation of criminally punishable manifestations of extremism, in particular those committed by members of informal youth groups, is becoming quite relevant for both law enforcement practitioners and forensic scientists. Moreover, it should be taken into account that this process is complicated by the lack of a legislative definition of extremism, extremist activity, extremist formation (organization), etc. in Ukraine. The quality of the planning of the initial stage of the investigation of crimes committed by members of informal youth groups (associations), in particular extremist ones, largely determines whether the perpetrators will be exposed. Also, some questions of planning of investigation in the specified category of criminal encroachments are defined, problematic questions of inspection of a scene are considered.

The purpose of the inspection of the scene in these criminal proceedings is: to identify traces of the offense and physical evidence; clarifying the circumstances of the event that is the subject of the investigation; other circumstances that are relevant to the proceedings (data on persons –eyewitnesses and participants, organizers of the event, the victims, as well as the presentation of versions of the event, that is the subject of the investigation). In addition, the specifics of the interrogation of individual participants in these criminal proceedings (victim, witness) have been established. It is highlighted that in the process of investigating extremist manifestations of informal youth, the investigator cannot neglect two forms of special knowledge, namely:

1) involvement of specialists in conducting investigative (search) actions, and; 2) appointment of forensic examinations.

Finally, Larkin, Biryukova, Makarenko, Ivanova, and Fedchyniak (2020) analyzed typical mistakes during investigation of crimes committed by informal youth groups members. The authors concluded that the problem of juvenile delinquency is becoming general every year, a typical phenomenon not only in Ukraine, but also in other countries in the world; consequently, there is an urgent need to develop new interdisciplinary methods to combat this phenomenon and to understand its multidimensional causes and consequences.

Further directions of research of ways to counteract crimes committed by representatives of informal youth groups may concern the influence of the state youth policy on the formation of protest moods and the emergence of intentions to commit political crimes.


dialectical method. The empirical basis of the study was the materials of the investigation of crimes committed by members of informal youth groups.

Thus, the method of observation was used in the study of the materials of criminal proceedings, which became the basis for the formulation of some provisions of the article. This method also made it possible to remotely observe the change in the criminal behavior of informal groups during various political events in Ukraine and thus to record the dynamics of crime.

In addition, the method of analysis was used in the study of scientific sources; the practice of investigating political crimes and crimes committed by informal youth. In addition, the method of analysis allowed us to consider in detail the regulations of both international and Ukrainian in the fight against political crime and highlight their main provisions. This method helped to analyze the statistical data of law enforcement agencies on the fight against organized crime. The obtained data made it reasonable to conclude the circumstances that influenced the formation of political crime and to form ways to combat it. Also, the method of analysis in the study of legal documents, articles, and monographs was used to make a сomparison. Thanks to this method, it was possible to make a comprehensive comparison of the current state of the fight against the crime studied in the article.

With the help of synthesis, separate recommendations for combating crimes committed by members of informal youth groups were generalized.

The extrapolation method was used for the study of scientific sources devoted to the investigation of crimes committed by members of informal youth groups.

Besides, the generalization method was used to formulate conclusions and write an article on the fight against crimes committed by members of informal youth groups. The method of generalization also helped to unite the general provisions on organized crime and its regulation in Ukraine, taking into account various international legal acts. That is, this method helped to summarize the individual conclusions and existing experience in this article to develop methods for an effective combating political crime.

The method of comparison allowed us to compare the fight against political crime and the investigation of crimes in Ukraine and the world. Thus, the current legislation, crime statistics in the country in general, administrative bodies, crime rate were compared. A detailed comparison allowed us to analyze the fight against crime in Ukraine and abroad to clarify the problematic issues and implement the positive foreign experience in Ukraine.

Finally, using a dialectical method, the legislation that establishes ways to combat such crime at different times and various conditions was investigated. Thus, in historical retrospect, it was analyzed how the political crime was established in Ukraine and the world and what factors influenced such formation. The results, in

turn, helped to set that mental and historical preconditions affect the establishment of political crime and the level of crime in the country.

Results and Discussion

The reasons for the participation of informal youth groups in political confrontations

Political protests, political actions, and as a result – political confrontations, covering hundreds of countries around the world, have become a reality today. In this regard, the attraction of informal youth to protest moods that develop into political crimes has become an attributive component of modern politics.

The study of causality in the context of the investigation of political crimes of informal youth is the most important analytical and legal work, which is designed to show the true picture of political events. Meneghetti wrote: “Life is a cause that cannot take back its consequences, as long as it is brought into fulfillment (Meneghetti, 2005).

Causality (causality) is an objective connection between phenomena, one of which (cause) gives rise to another (effect) (Ananich, & Anikeeva, 2017).

Analysis of scientific sources, materials of criminal proceedings for the investigation of political crimes committed by members of informal youth groups, makes it possible to assume the presence of three main reasons for their illegal (in this case, criminal) activity:

1) the goals, objectives, ideology of the informal group is aimed at opposing itself to the existing world order, state structure, political regime, that is, at the political struggle against the current order. Fromm wrote: "Modern society needs people who easily interact within large groups, want to consume more and more, have standard needs, and besides, they are suggestible and predictable people." (Fromm, 2013). And here it can be argued that the majority of such informal youth groups are extremist, but at the same time, they are totally

“ideologically” directed. They do not see specific political goals (for example, participation in elections of a particular type), but are fighting the entire world order, which they personify with the state in which such an informal youth group is formed; 2) an informal youth group (s) is a "youth wing" of a political party that attracts

informal youth for power political confrontations (rallies, actions) that develop into political crimes. Leaders (participants) of such youth formations can take part in elections, they are in the political council of the party. E.g., informal group operates within the framework established by the political party. 3) an informal youth group, hiding behind ideological convictions, is a business project and can take part in the political activities of both the current government and their political opponents.

So, informal associations can be divided into three groups:

 informal youth associations, on which persons earn money;  informal youth associations that earn money;  informal youth associations, on which persons earn and which earn (Kolomoiets,

Liutikov, & Larkin, 2017).

In addition, special attention should be paid to the study of the reasons for the entry of young people into informal communities. So, there are three main reasons for the emergence of such formations:

1) crisis processes in family relationships; 2) age characteristics of a teenager; 3) global policy of conformism (Larkin, 2019).

Of course, these reasons are subject to clarification, additional study and should become the subject of comprehensive scientific research. It should also be noted that sometimes an informal youth group actively develops norms and values that contradict the generally accepted culture, its content, and forms, and a counterculture is formed on their basis (Lisovets, 2011).

Features of the investigation of political crimes committed by members of informal youth groups

The forensic mechanism for committing a crime, being individual for each act, also has common, repeating properties. For crimes of one type, the typical may be the way, the setting of the commission, the connections, and other factual data generated in this case. Elements of an investigation may also be typical: evidence, sources, means, and methods of obtaining them (Zelensky, Meretukov, Gusev, & Danilyan, 2013). The task of the investigator is, based on

knowledge of the typical, to apply forensic recommendations to a specific individual case of investigation (Shrub, 2018).

The primary task in the investigation of political crimes committed by members of informal youth groups is a thorough study of the trail pattern, in particular, the specific traces that may suggest the involvement of "informals". The mechanism of trace formation (the system of components of the process of formation of traces-mappings) is also subject to study (Shepitko, 2009).

Special attention should be paid to such urgent investigative (search) actions as inspection of the scene of the incident, interrogation of the suspect (in the event of his arrest) (Larkin, Dudorov, Pyrozhkova, Dudorova, & Biryukova, 2020).

Careful consideration should be given to the study of testimony in the investigation of political crimes committed by members of informal youth groups. Even Hans Gross warned: “However, we must constantly keep in mind that every testimony can be false. This is not an excessive distrust, but only caution and knowledge of one's business, for false testimony is often clothed in the most innocent and suspicious forms." (Gross, 2002).

A significant investment of time is required to determine the sources of funding for informal youth formations in the investigation of crimes of a political nature. Thus, a study of the financing of informal youth groups of extremist orientation showed that a type of informal youth association determines the ways of receiving funding. In this regard, all informal youth groups (associations) that commit crimes of an extremist nature should be divided into two types:

1) independently formed by its leader (leaders) and; 2) those that act as a “youth wing” of international extremist organizations, radical movements, and political parties (Boiarov, Larkin, Legkykh, Melkovskyi, &

Hromova, 2019).

It should also be noted that from the standpoint of the science of forensic science, the investigation of criminal activity includes the process of creating an information model of a crime event (Davydov, 2016). When investigating political crimes committed by members of informal youth groups, three blocks of information are subject to study:

 information regarding the event of the crime;  information on the specifics of the informal youth group;  information on methodological recommendations (information resources) for the investigation of this type of crime.

In the process of investigating this category of criminal proceedings, the investigator, getting into a specific information field, limited by the specifics of a particular crime and the focus of a specialist on it (Kazmirenko, 2009), cannot neglect two forms of special knowledge, namely:

1) the involvement of specialists in the conduct of investigative (search) actions; 2) the appointment of forensic examinations.

Of particular importance is the use of linguistic knowledge in the investigation of political crimes committed by members of informal youth groups (Larkin, 2020).

When analyzing recommendations for the investigation of crimes committed by members of informal youth groups, the investigator should pay attention to typical mistakes that can be made during the investigation (Larkin, Biryukova, Makarenko, Ivanova, & Fedchyniak, 2020).


As a result of the study, some issues of combating political crimes committed by members of informal youth groups were considered.

There are three main reasons for the participation of informal youth groups in political confrontations, namely, informal youth associations, which earn money; informal youth associations that earn money; informal youth associations, which earn and which earn.

1. When investigating political crimes committed by members of youth informal groups, it is necessary to examine three blocks of information: information about the event of the crime; information on the specifics of the youth informal group; information on methodological recommendations (information resources) for the investigation of this type of crime. 2. When investigating the investigated crimes, the use of linguistic knowledge in the investigation of political crimes committed by members of informal youth groups and drawing attention to typical mistakes that can be made during the investigation is of particular importance.

Also, some issues of investigation of the specified type of criminal activity are considered. A promising area of further scientific research is the development of guidelines for the investigation of illegal actions of informal youth and the formation of this crime separately.

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