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Search begins for new CEO

AMA(SA) Chief Executive Officer Dr Samantha Mead is leaving the organisation in June for a new role with the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation’s South Australian branch.

Dr Mead has been appointed Chief of Staff/Executive Director at the ANMF and will work alongside CEO/Secretary Adj Associate Professor Elizabeth Dabars. She begins her new role on 13 June.

President Dr John Williams said the process to recruit Dr Mead’s successor was underway.

Dr Williams thanked Dr Mead for her tireless determination to steer AMA(SA) through many difficult issues and to create organisational structures to take AMA(SA) and its members to a sustainable future.

‘I know the staff will miss your humour and your understanding, while Council and members will miss your passion for the medical profession and your contributions to developments in the sector during your time with us,’ Dr Williams said.

Dr Mead joined AMA(SA) in August 2019. She has led the

Secretariat and its efforts to support Dr Williams and previous Presidents Dr Chris Moy and, most recently, Dr Michelle Atchison.

At the AMA(SA) Gala Ball on 20 May, Dr Mead thanked Dr Atchison for being ‘a wonderful person to work with’.

She also thanked former President Dr Chris Moy, Dr Williams, the Council and the Executive Board.

She reserved special thanks for the ‘hard-working team in our office’.

Dr Atchison said AMA(SA) was privileged to have Dr Mead at the helm during one of the most complex eras in its history. As Chair of the Executive Board following Dr John Nelson’s resignation, Dr Atchison said Dr Mead had led the office to provide a ‘backbone’ for her during her presidency.

In April, AMA(SA) farewelled Dr Atchison and Dr Mead’s Executive Assistant Mrs Claudia Baccanello, who in 2021 was awarded the AMA(SA) Outstanding Achievement Award for her 17 years’ devotion and service to the AMA.

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