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For many years, members of the Theta Eta Chapter at Rogers State University have been volunteering at Wild Heart Ranch, a local wildlife rehabilitation facility. Wild Heart Ranch provides care and rehabilitation for more than 3,000 orphaned and injured wild animals each year. Since the Wild Heart Ranch operates solely from donations and volunteers, the Theta Eta Chapter provides necessary aid that allows staff members to dedicate their time to caring for injured animals.


When volunteering, members of the chapter help the Wild Heart Ranch in a variety of ways, including cleaning, ground maintenance and feeding animals. During a recent volunteer opportunity, two members, Kathryn Roberts and Ashley Hammock helped a staff member stabilize an injured crow who came into the facility with a broken leg. They ensured the crow received fluids and made a cast for the animal’s leg.

“Our members frequently express Wild Heart Ranch being their favorite local philanthropic partner,” said Kathryn. “Theta Eta finds meaning in the work that we do there.”

While many animals can be rehabilitated and released back into their habitat, some remain at the clinic to be under constant care. Chapter members frequently visit these animals including Helen the blind hawk, Lumpy the tortoise and Mary the loving raccoon who survived an accident that left her with brain damage.

Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter

For the past three years, the Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter has hosted a canned food drive for The Kind Mouse, an organization that assists families and children in the local area facing food insecurity. The work of dedicated Kind Mouse volunteers allows school-aged children to focus on their futures by easing food hunger outside of school settings.

The Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter began volunteering when alumnae member, Lisa Brown, ΓΠ, served as a board member for The Kind Mouse. Over the past three years, participation in the food drive has continued to grow. The first year the alumnae chapter hosted the food drive, they donated a few bags of food. In 2022, they were able to fill an entire trunk full of food to donate.