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Late summer always brings memories of work week, which is now often referred to as spirit week, but for my chapter in the early 2000s, work week was an accurate description. My chapter sisters and I prepared for fully structured recruitment (formal rush) by practicing welcoming potential new members, our songs, conversations and all the things that go along with primary (formal) recruitment. We also planted flowers, cleaned the chapter house top to bottom and polished silver, which I always signed up for because August in Kansas is hot and you could polish the silver in front of the air-conditioning vent! I didn’t join Alpha Sigma Alpha through fully structured recruitment, I joined the spring semester of my freshman year through continuous open bidding (COB), but I have always loved recruitment and that’s because we had so much fun during work week. The long days with my sisters focused on sharing our sisterhood with potential new members will forever be some of my favorite memories and, honestly, the memories my chapter sisters and I laugh about the most. Those days together were special because it was just us finding ways to share the joys of our Alpha Sigma Alpha sisterhood with others.

Thinking back on when I joined, I didn’t understand the meaning behind lifetime membership. I didn’t know the Greek alphabet or even what Alana (chapter president at the time) meant when she extended me a bid. “Bid” was not a word I had used before. I am sure I am not alone in sharing that when I became a new member, I was not thinking about the lifelong friendships, experiences or opportunities Alpha Sigma Alpha would provide. I was thinking about all the Alpha Sigma Alphas across my college campus who held leadership positions and how I wanted to connect with them. Admittedly, I was focused on the immediate possibilities. Also, similar to many of you, those friendships and experiences transformed my collegiate experience by giving me a space to find my confidence, garner leadership experiences, gain access to various university programs and participate in all the campus activities!


When you first joined, whether in college or later in life, did you realize how much fun the sorority would be as an alumna? I know I wouldn't have believed that my alumnae experience would be even better than my time as a collegian. My friendships and network span across the country. Alpha Sigma Alphas continue to bring me to tears of laughter late into the night, especially at national convention. They supported me when I needed a little extra TLC, provided me advice as a first time mother and assisted me as I sought out new professional and personal roles. There have been so many Alpha Sigma Alphas who have modeled how to be an active alumna, how to mentor and how to live life joyously.. They inspire me and demonstrate lifetime membership. They bring an energy that feels like the sorority is giving me a hug. I hope that we each receive that feeling and can share that Alpha Sigma Alpha sisterhood with current and future sisters.

So, as you prepare for a new school year, think about the agape love of Alpha Sigma Alpha and encourage others to join our lifetime sisterhood. Help family friends connect with an Alpha Sigma Alpha chapter and submit a referral on our new website and share your favorite stories! Our experiences will inspire future members and enrich our sisterhood.