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Learning to Lead

Over the years, leadership development has been a consistent focus for Alpha Phi. Our members have come together to learn valuable skills they may use to lead their chapters to success and later apply to their professional endeavors.

From early best practice sharing and mentoring at Alpha Phi Conventions, to the more modern training opportunities available to members today, learning to lead has always been a priority for our members. Alpha Phi Foundation donors have often supported Alpha Phi leadership programs and opportunities for our members. Over the years, programs have come and gone as we evolve to meet members’ needs.


No matter the generation, members have enjoyed opportunities to hone valuable leadership skills and put them to use on campus, in their chapter and in their professional lives. From weekend conferences, to weeklong Convention, to unique leadership development experiences, leadership encouragement is at the heart of what Alpha Phis have offered to one another since our founding.

Alpha Phi Emerging Leaders Institute & Leadership Fellows

At the Institute, freshman and sophomore members engaged in a five-day intensive opportunity to help them define their voice, identify their leadership skills and abilities and learn how to make practical changes for their chapters and communities. The program evolved into the Alpha Phi Leadership Institute. For Fellows, collegians networked with alumnae, honed their leadership skills and participated in curriculum that inspires members to make an impact in their career and community and strong leaders.

Alpha Phi Leadership Institute

This three-day immersive leadership development experience is facilitated by the Disney Institute. Representatives from all active collegiate chapters are invited to apply and attend. Participants gain tools and skills to lead with purpose, create an environment of trust, understand the impact of their actions and more. They walk away with an understanding of their role as a leader by using values to infuse a culture in building teams of support.

Leadership Conferences & Virtual Leadership Conference

Elected chapter officers and alumnae volunteers take part in the annual leadership training at Leadership Conferences, where attendees gain valuable knowledge and develop skills to use with their chapters and beyond. Appointed collegiate officers also have the opportunity to learn and gain skills for the virtual setting.

Leadership Launchpad

This virtual program targets emerging, new and established leaders with an interest in leadership development.

Congressional Hill Visits

This collaborative program with the Fraternal Government Relations Coalition in Washington, D.C. provides students the opportunity to directly interact with the U.S. legislative process.


Since 1882, Alpha Phi has hosted Convention to honor our sisterhood. Today, the biennial event shares best practices, conduct Fraternal business, elect leadership and celebrate the innovative ways members and chapters are making a positive impact within Alpha Phi and beyond.

Department Academies

Training and networking opportunities are available for department officers and volunteers in departments like housing, finance, chapter president, advisors, live courageously, house director and recruitment.

Build the Skill

This virtual program developed by the University of Arizona gives participants the space to demonstrate their personal leadership style and apply the principles of emotionally intelligent leadership.

Elevate Your Career Series

Hosted by Sound Advice Careers, these sessions include tips to help attendees achieve career success milestones.

Keynote Series

Incredible speakers connect with Alpha Phi audiences to deliver inspiring messages.

EPIC Alumnae Training

Alumnae Community officers attend this training and networking event to gain valuable knowledge and best practices to help them enhance their alumnae offerings.