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Ellie’s Queries!

There’s lots to know and lots to learn about Hive! What do you already know? What will you learn this summer? Ellie’s got a few fun questions for you to help pique your curiosity!

The Ark is a small structure by the waterfront next to the Halekipa. What was the Ark originally used for?

Pets! A long time ago, campers could bring their pets to camp, and they were housed in the Ark. It has hosted hamsters, rabbits, mice, gerbils, and even a chinchilla!

Where might you find ferns and books at Hive?

Fernsworth, our camp library and music room. You can find a great book to read during rest hour or strum a ukelele and play the piano during free time. The name is a play on the name of Hive’s first director, Ellen Farnsworth.

What does KP stands for?

Kitchen Patrol the group of campers and counselors who set the dining tables before meals. We take turns at Hive so everyone pitches in to help!

Hive has large decorated nameboards that list all the campers and counselors who were at camp in a given summer. How long has that tradition been around?

From the very beginning of Hive 1915 camper and counselor names are recorded and displayed. The earliest years are painted on the walls of the Dining Room. The most recent years (since 2000) are painted on nameboards attached to the ceiling of the Comb.

Where is the SS Elfin found?

In the Elfin unit (next to the Lolander unit). It’s a large boat-shaped climbing structure perfect for Lolanders and their friends to play on.

How many corrugated metal ridges (or rings) are in the Tunnel that connect both sides of Hive?

This is privileged information! ☺ Only those willing to put the time into counting them will know the answer to this question (there are MANY)!