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Engineering Tech


Minds-i STEM Integrated Robotics

MINDS-i Robotics Education is designed to give students an interactive approach to applied science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). MINDS-i is rocking the Robotics Education world with a hightechnology platform that is simple to use, extraordinarily durable, infinitely modifiable, and will prepare students with the skills they need to excel in the 21st century. MINDS-i inspires a rigorous college and career relevant experience through STEM Robotics in the everyday classroom in a format that can impact each and every student.

Foundations to Robotics Breadboard

MINDS-i Robot Arduino Robot Kit Foundations to Robotics 4x4 and 6x6 Labs

MINDS-i Drone Curriculum - UAV XL Drones Lab

The MINDS-i Drone Curriculum is designed to teach students the complex systems of drone technology aligned with 21st century teaching standards. Designed as an interactive approach to applied learning, students will explore the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. Students will become familiar with the basics of drone systems, robotics, and programming in a team based environment.

MINDS-i Drones Lab and Curriculum UAV Mini + UGV Drones Lab and UAV XL + UGV Drones Lab Available

The MINDS-i Drones Lab and Curriculums are an introduction into the world of Drones and Robotics. It is designed as an interactive approach to applied science, technology, engineering and math. In these courses, students will become familiar with the basics of Drone robotics and programming in a team based environment.

UAV Mini + UGV Drones Lab UAV XL + UGV Drones Lab