1 minute read


'We’re always looking at how to improve, how other businesses are working, and for the next generation of talent. '


When we spoke to Fran she said..

This has been a strange and unpredictable period of time for our sector. The pandemic has offered everyone challenges but there is a sense that from out of this comes opportunity. Lockdown has given us the chance to examine our priorities, freshen things up and strengthen the core of our business. It has allowed us time to prioritise things that we couldn’t before. Although our offices have been quiet, the work has not remained quiet at all.

Since retuning in April, there has been an incredible sense of positivity. We have been championing fresh perspectives and exploring new ways forward. It is great to see the industriousness, innovation, and boldthinking that has come out of this moment.

We continue to build on our successes and are now looking to expand further in London, Exeter and Liverpool. We have been busy training, building and recruiting, which means that we’ve been able to return in a stronger position than before. Our teams have moved ahead technologically—not least with our recruitment moving online in Bristol—and our offices have been given a new life and a fresh look.

I want to extend a warm welcome to our new team members, who are a hugely motivated group and are already demonstrating a readiness to take their new opportunities. Above all, we are a group that thrives on being around other people, so it was a joy to share the same space again at the Owners Meeting and raise a glass with familiar faces. We have sorely missed the personal side to our work, but we can now look forward to getting back to doing what we do best!

This Quarter has been a great success and, perhaps surprisingly given the circumstances, we are on course for the biggest year we’ve ever had. The future is bright for the business and its people.