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The alea journal


Ceo Of Alea Global Group


Hello and welcome to the latest edition of The Alea Journal

As we've been cooking up our LATAM Family Office Investment Summit in Mexico City, we have been reflecting on some of the innovative and forwardthinking entrepreneurs we have been lucky enough to collaborate with on our journey

One of these is Alba Medina, and we are delighted to be able to partner with her at our latest event as well as including in this issue an introduction to her latest project alfred pay

We have also been looking some controversial topics such as the ongoing debate around 15-minute cities as well as looking ahead to the 2024 US election and the candidates we can expect based on what we know so far and we have been asking why energy prices around the world are so high

In more positive news we explore the wonderful achievements of the Peace By Chocolate company and the philanthropic efforts of YouTuber MrBeast

While continuing to think about the future of media and entertainment, we present a new kind of immersive venue called COSM which is springing up in multiple locations with more hopefully still to come

Staying on a futuristic theme, we also look at the interesting problem of space real estate and who owns what beyond earth How do we begin to think of this land as real assets?

And then there's the metaverse, which seems even less real but is a digital concept we all need to factor into our future business activities

Staying very much here on earth, though, we also give an overview of Egypt and its charms should you be looking for somewhere to new to visit for a natural, cultural and spiritual retreat

To share your ideas or news of your own, please don't hesitate to get in touch In the meantime we hope to see you at one or more of our forthcoming events

As ever, you can contact me at info@aleaglobalgroup.com