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A Special Opportunity Montgomery Youth Tour Democracy Finances

The Montgomery Youth Tour concludes with a visit to the Alabama State House where several congressional leaders speak about current issues impacting our state. This year students had the opportunity to hear directly from House Speaker Nathaniel Ledbetter who discussed his hopes for Alabama and how young people can play a role in its future.

CEC selects its Montgomery Youth Tour participants through an essay competition held each fall for high school juniors. Electric cooperatives throughout Alabama sponsor more than 130 students to attend the Montgomery Youth Tour each year.

On March 26, CEC’s Youth Tour delegates were honored with an awards luncheon and competed for four slots to attend the Washington Youth Tour in June. They were given a test on cooperative facts and were interviewed by a panel of judges. The 2023 Washington Youth Tour winners are Cora Wyrosdick of Straughn High School, Landon Hanks of Kinston School, Briley Douglas of Pleasant Home School, and Aubrey Pittman of Straughn High School. Kendal Nichols of Brantley School was first alternate and Ava Sormrude of Samson High School was second alternate. Two essay winners, Madison Lolley and Nicole Frank, were unable to attend the luncheon.

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