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Akhmed Bilalov

Akhmed Bilalov received a criminal case and international wanted list in return for his tremendous contributions to the Russian Federation

The personal gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation and the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "For Combat Commonwealth" and many other insignia of state distinction lose their value in Russia when a businessman and politician ceases to be convenient to the current government or better to say to its closest circle.


Overnight, all the important information, highest awards, how a person defended the interests of his country and people, helped, developed, and invested is being erased like it was on a hard drive. Without regard to all the merits he is removed from all posts, and investigations, persecutions, threats, the international wanted list started piling up.

This was a sequel of Akhmed Bilalov’s successful career, who was a Russian businessman and influential politician, who received gratitude personally from the hands of the presidents of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and D.A. Medvedev, and once fell into disgrace and was forced to leave his homeland.

Decent track record

Akhmed Bilalov belongs to the team and the closest circle of Dmitry Medvedev, both when he served as Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and when he was President of the Russian Federation. From 1999 to 2007, Bilalov was MP of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third and fourth convocations on the federal list of the electoral bloc of the interregional movement "Unity" and from the regional branch of the "United Russia” party in the Krasnodar Territory, respectively. During this period, Bilalov worked on the security committee and was a member of the committee for the settlement of the foreign economic state debt. He served as First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots. He was the first chairman of the Interparliamentary Commission of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Georgia. He was a member of the permanent Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, a member of the Committee on Economics and the Committee on Refugees. Bilalov was a member of the religious associations and was authorized by the Council for Hajj.

In July 2006, Akhmed Bilalov received recognition from the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin for the active legislative work of the MP in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The President of Russia expressed not only his gratitude but also the hope for further effective cooperation in the work to improve Russian legislation. Besides, Akhmed Bilalov received gratitude for his merits and significant contributions to the development of legislation of the Russian Federation and parliament from Boris Gryzlov, Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

In December 2007, Akhmed Bilalov was elected vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory from the United Russia faction. In 2008, he became a member of the Presidential Council for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in Russia, and in December 2009 he was elected First Vice President and Chairman of the Board of the Russian Olympic Committee. In 2011, on the personal order of Vladimir Putin, who served as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Bilalov was elected chairman of the board of directors of OJSC "Resorts of the North Caucasus". From 2010 to 2012, Bilalov was a senator from the Krasnodar Territory. In February 2012, he received personal gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev for his great contribution to the work of the Public Committee of the Supporters of the President of the Russian Federation and active work for the benefit of Russia. Persecutions against Akhmed Bilalov Criminal prosecutions and charges against Bilalov began after the inner circle of the current government started talking about claims that had arisen against the business of Bilalov's relative, Russian businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov. Bilalov was removed from his posts, later, so that he did not interfere, a criminal case was put together from nothing. There were numerous accusations, threats, and even an attempt of poisoning.

In 2013, Russia opened a criminal case against Akhmed Bilalov under 201 clause( Abuse of Power) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, accusing the Russian successful and respected politician of unreasonable spending of funds, including the amount of 3 million rubles spent on a trip to London in 2012. At that time Bilalov served as vice president of the Russian Olympic Committee and his position implied frequent flights of the politician on a private business jet at the expense of budgetary funds. Despite this opportunity, Akhmed Bilalov paid for a round-trip flight to the capital of Great Britain and back out of his pocket. He was going on a private jet for the presentation of the project of the tourist cluster "Resorts of the North Caucasus". It is noteworthy that the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak and his wife and the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev and his wife flew to London together with Bilalov on the same board. For obvious reason, no one was accused of spending the budget funds.

From threats to action

In the spring of 2013, Akhmed Bilalov felt unwell and asked Professor Wolfgang Kelling for examination at the Clinic of Practical Medicine in Baden-Baden, who had been observing Bilalov for more than 15 years. It should be noted that all these years, the patient did not have any significant health problems. At the request of a German clinic in one of the laboratories, tests established more than tenfold excess of the mercury content in Bilalov's blood. German doctors carried out the necessary treatment on time and were able to stabilize the state of the Russian businessman. The source of infection was in the Moscow office of OJSC "Resorts of the North Caucasus". It can hardly be considered a coincidence that the deterioration in the health of the Russian businessman was undertaken by German Gref, followed by threats to Bilalov. But, as one would expect, in Russia the case of poisoning was not initiated.

Detention in Florida

After successful treatment in a German clinic, Akhmed Bilalov left for the United States, where he happily lived with his family. The situation changed dramatically in October 2019, when the inner circle of the current Russian government again saw in Akhmed Bilalov a threat. At this time in Russia, after the failed elections of "United Russia" to the Moscow City Duma, the highest circles started talking about the global changes that await the country. Including possible changes to the current Constitution of the Russian Federation. In an atmosphere of growing opposition, the resignation of the current government of the country, early elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, or even early presidential elections were allowed. Each significant political figure began to prepare for this. As one of the options, the head of state Dmitry Medvedev could return, who actively fought against the inner circle of the current government, limited its influence and signed laws on the protection of business rights in the country. The return of Medvedev also meant the return of his strong team, which the politician fully trusted. The inner circle of the existing government could not allow this to happen. It was necessary to discredit as quickly as possible everyone who might come to change the government. This was the start of the process on the charge and international search for Ahmed Bilalov and the subsequent detention in Florida.

At the end of October 2019, Akhmed Bilalov was taken into custody by officers of the US Customs and Immigration Service under the US Department of Homeland Security. The charges were based on fabricated information that the Russian authorities illegally transferred to the US. It is noteworthy, the majority of Russian politicians and businessmen, who are no longer needed by the inner circle of the current Russian government, are accused of abusing power. As in the case of Akhmed Bilalov, most of them are detained in the United States at the request of Russia and false denunciations based on political and kleptographic accusations.

The detention of Bilalov in the US followed a well-planned scenario. This is confirmed by the fact that exactly 40 minutes after he was taken into custody, world news channels began to publish identical texts. However, the outcome of the detention did not meet the expectations of those who paid for it. The detention was not followed by either the arrest or, moreover, the deportation of Akhmed Bilalov to Russia. After a detailed analysis of all the facts illegally provided by Russian law enforcement agencies to the American authorities, a federal judge during a trial in Miami found the charges unfounded and put forward by the Russian side with the aim of political persecution and pressure on Akhmed Bilalov to illegally take away all the assets of the Russian businessman, as was done with his cousin Magomedov. By order of a federal judge, Bilalov was released from the pre-trial detention center and all charges in the US were dropped. Based on the same facts, Bilalov was removed from the Interpol wanted list, where he was put on false persecution based on political and kleptographic accusations. https://bilalov.info/