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In our school every year a party is celebrated to commemorate the foundation of the Berriootxoa center, this party is called Juan Maria in honor of the founder, and it is celebrated during the last week of November. All the students do different activities in our case (1 high school) we celebrate this party in a pintxo contest but other classes also do different activities such as the tortilla competition, basketball, board games, burned field... Juan Maria only lasts four days, since, on Friday we do not have classes.

Another interesting thing about this party is that a few weeks before the students can voluntarily make some drawings and then they vote among the students so that the drawing with the most votes is on the t-shirt that the school provides us for only 5€, in addition to the school gives you the option to put your name or any nickname you like behind your shirt. The color of the shirt varies with the year you are in, and that is something very nice because they are not all the same and it is a good memory.


The last week before having Christmas parties in December, the Berrio-otxoa school organizes a very special event that we cannot see in other centers, the berrio-olinpiadak. In the berrio-olinpiadak all the first year of high school take part. So that those who don't know, this event began to commemorate the ancient Greek Olympic Games, for that, from each class, the best 2 girls and 2 boys of each class in each sport are selected, so that they can later compete among themselves.

The students who want to dress in robes like the ancient Greeks and are in charge of presenting the event, also once the tests are over, they will name the winners of each modality giving a prize. The berrio olinpiadak are held in the gym and the following modalities are done: running, Frisbee throwing, jumping and ball shooting

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