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Cathay Pacific - #LifeWellTravelled

Cathay Pacific - #LifeWellTravelled

Cathay Pacific has unveiled one of its biggest social/digital marketing initiatives yet, under a new concept called ‘Life Well Travelled’ . The campaign aims to introduce a new positioning, focusing on the imperfections of travel, and how Cathay Pacific tries to improve them.


The campaign is centered around the hashtag #lifewelltraveled. In the first phase of the rollout, Cathay Pacific selected social media influencers that had already spoken positively of the brand. Fashion blogger Jessica Stein and photographer Tyson Wheatley were two of the Instagrammers involved and were told to simply share their version of what #lifewelltraveled meant to them.

The airline also invites the public to share their own photos as ‘#lifewelltravelled moments’ on a live gallery on Instagram and on the campaign microsite, which also includes quotes from frequent flyers and airline staff.

Working across different platforms, the campaign’s microsite is supported by a series of videos, and printed advertising. The three videos delve into different Cathay customer profiles including ‘The Family’, ‘Road Warrior’ and ‘Miss Adventure’.

Commenting on the campaign, Brandon Cheung, managing partner at McCann Hong Kong Cathay Pacific says,

Our strategy for the launch was to ensure the hashtag had authenticity and momentum before we started to align it with the global advertising campaign. We see #lifewelltravelled as a state of mind that resonates with many different types of travellers, so it was important that it was co-defined by the audience, and not just OUR brand idea.