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Let'shearitforthe VOLUNTEERS



A-Level students from Plymstock School and Lipson Co-operative Academy are part of a hugely successful volunteering scheme pioneered by Age UK Plymouth.

The first group of students from Plymstock School who completed their volunteering at the Dementia Day Centre, based at Memory Lane in Plymstock, have found the experience invaluable and it has given them the ability to demonstrate proactivity, empathy and an ability to work as part of a team Volunteering has also provided an opportunity to learn, develop and showcase skills, improve confidence and equip these young people with knowledge and experience

A-level student Isabella who has chosen to continue volunteering at the Dementia Day Centre said, "It's been an amazing experience being able to work with such great people. I really enjoyed my time and look forward to continuing this journey with Age UK Plymouth."

The initial trail and subsequent first round of the programme were both a huge success with almost 100% of volunteers choosing to stay with the charity after their six weeks of volunteering, and there’s certainly a pattern emerging as the second round of Plymstock School volunteers are almost all electing to stay “It’s been really incredible to see the dedication from these young people,” said Day Centre's Manager Tracy Walker, “Our

Dementia Day Centre is a really wonderful place to be, it can be challenging at times but all of our volunteers experience the sense of joy that we foster with our clients and that is an invaluable experience for our young volunteers.”

Plymstock student Ewan has been grateful for the welcoming and inclusive spirit at Age UK Plymouth: “In my own personal experience of Age UK at the Dementia Day Centre, I have started to build new relationships with a wide variety of people, in what was previously an unfamiliar environment. The staff, volunteers and clients were so welcoming and kind, and allowed me to give my time and attention to not only listen to people, but to grow as an overall person too”

Young volunteer Ruby also believes she has benefitted from the experience she has gained through her time volunteering, and looks forward to continuing to work with the charity, “I have loved getting to know the clients and staff and having fun with the team. I have gained lots of experience with more elderly people and I feel this has really benefitted me”

Wendy Snook, Volunteer Coordinator for Age UK Plymouth has worked closely with the students from the interview process through their integration into the teams, “We’ve been blown away by the enthusiasm of all the volunteers from Plymstock School The level of commitment has been a real testament to these young people and we’re looking forward to working with our first cohort of students from Lipson Co-operative Academy at our Mount Gould Day Centre”

“We are delighted to be working with Age UK Plymouth to give some of our students the opportunity to volunteer within the local community and for such a good cause,” said Miss Monelle, Head of Sixth Form at Plymstock School “It is another way that our students can show the compassion and goodwill that so many of them have, their willingness to help others always astonishes us during such a busy time in their studies. We have already had a great response to the programme and we are hoping this can be a link with the local community for many years to come.”

Age UK Plymouth has a strong sense of partnership, frequently working with local organisations to bring services, projects and volunteers together. “Cohesion in the community is fundamental to what we do,” said Head of Fundraising, Tara Dale. “We’re a local charity serving people within our city and we’re extremely fortunate to be able to connect with many other organisations, businesses and charities who also see the importance of community. It’s been a really uplifting experience to work on this project which has seen young people able to develop and gain practical and transferable skills such as; working as part of a team, communication, self-motivation, organisation, time management and initiative. But credit where credit is due, these students have been outstanding, a real pleasure to work with”


Tia started on the Young Persons Volunteering Programme and enjoyed her time at the Dementia Day Centre so much she stayed!

“This is a perfect opportunity for me to give back and support people who need it The charity helps so many local people in so many ways, from support at the Dementia Day Centre to helping them in their homes It's such a wonderful place to be and I'm so pleased to be a part of it.”