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The Inauguration Ceremony of China-U.S. Soy Value Chain Innovation Center was held on April 12th in Zhengzhou, Henan province, China. Zhou Ji, Deputy Party Secretary of Henan Provincial Party Committee, Dawn Scheier, Board Secretary of U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC), Jim Sutter, Chief Executive Officer of USSEC, Zhang Xiaoping, Greater China Regional Director of USSEC, Jing Quan, Minister of Chinese Embassy in Washington, DC (virtually join), Robert Hanson, Minister Counselor of Agricultural Affairs, U.S. Embassy in Beijing, Melissa Lan, Consul General of U.S. Consulate General in Wuhan, Liu Zhijun, Party Secretary of Henan University of Technology, and other guests from China and U.S. attended the ceremony and delivered speeches.


Zhou Ji says, Henan is keeping in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s entrustment, anchoring the “two guarantees”, implementing the “Ten Strategies” in depth, highlighting the strategy of innovation-driven, science and education, and talent development, accelerating the construction of a strong agricultural province, and deepening the institutional open-up and strive to promote the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Henan. The U.S. is Henan’s largest trading partner, with soybean association members Cargill and ADM investing in the province already. The cooperation between the US Soybean Export Council and Henan to establish the innovation centre is a major event to promote in-depth cooperation between the two parties and achieve mutual benefits and win-win development. It will effectively promote the exchanges and cooperation between the two sides in the whole soybean value chain and help the high-quality development of the soybean industry between China and the U.S.

Dawn Scheier says, it is an honor to attend the Inauguration Ceremony, not only representing the USSEC Board of Directors, but also on behalf of the 300,000 U.S. Soy family farmers. The support of U.S. Soy customers in China is greatly valued. Innovation is a hallmark of U.S. Soy. We continually strive to improve on-farm practices, adopting precision agricultural technology to reduce the use of inputs and implementing conservation practices. By 2025, we should be able to increase yield by another 10%, reduce soil erosion by 25% and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10% by improving the continued adoption of no-till, conservation tillage, narrow rows and use of cover crops. We believe such on-farm innovation practices will benefit China’s innovation-driven and quality-oriented economic development.

Jim Sutter says, during the 40 years in China, we have developed an incredibly successful and mutually beneficial relationship with the Chinese agriculture industry. China has become the No. 1 international customer of U.S. Soy, capturing a 60% market share of globally traded soy. The current polycrisis has made our goals into sharper focus: to collectively nourish our communities in the most responsible and sustainable way; and together we innovate and transform global nutrition, provide climate-forward solutions, and support progress for people and communities around the world. The establishment of the Innovation Center is a successful result of our cooperation. It will continue to bring innovative research & technology, and talent development to industry professionals and is committed to serving as a strong ballast for long-term trade relations between the U.S. and China.

Zhou Ji and Dawn Scheier jointly inaugurated the ChinaU.S. Soy Value Chain Innovation Center. The leaders of Henan Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, Shangqiu City, Henan University of Technology and the experts and students of the first training course of innovation center, and representatives of enterprises in Henan province attended this ceremony.

The first training course of innovation center officially started after the ceremony. The participants had a lively interaction with the U.S. farmer leader and USSEC leaders, exchanging views on prospects for China-U.S. industrial developments. Zhang Xiaoping, Greater China Regional Director of USSEC, presented the research on Global Soybean Supply & Demand Outlook.

The first Livestock, Poultry and Feed Technical Training lasts for three days, with the theme of Low Carbon and HighEfficient Utilization Technologies of Soybean Products and Other Protein Feeds. Nearly 60 students are academic professors and representatives of leading enterprises from industry nationwide.

The China-U.S. Soy Value Chain Innovation Center will further explore the application value of soybean products, display and promote the innovation results of soybean application through innovative technology training and industrial practice, improving the economic and social benefits of the whole soybean value chain, and thus contribute to the high-quality development of China’s economy.