6 minute read

Dear 2023 Alaska Legislature

I am writing to day the 17th of April 2023 to request you expel, fine, censure or sanction Rep Jennie Armstrong due to the fact she fraudulently obtained her position by a lie.

She is not qualified to serve in the legislature under statue due to her not being a resident of Alaska for 3 years prior. This was hashed out in a civil suit. Which proved the data that her formal residency drivers license was not obtained and she was not physically in Alaska 3 years prior to running. An American can only be a resident with a drivers license in one state at a time. This simply, by statue. Disqualifies her from serving in the legislature. She was several months out of the 3 year window. The judge’s ruling was flawed and not based on fact or law and should be appealed and was a split decision amidst the judges. We were not a party to this civil suit but observed it as we follow state matters. Regardless… The legislature themselves has a responsibility to vet their members and uphold the statue.


There is a clear line in the sand established by statue and Jennie Armstrong has willfully disregarded the rule of law to run and present herself as eligible. Where she simply was and is not.

That is , in layman’s terms. Is and was Lying to get a job. Lying to get state money. Lying to influence state politics. Lying to defraud voters. Lying to influence policy. Lying to misrepresent herself as being qualified when she wasn’t.

It was her responsibility to clarify and confirm she was eligible to run prior to running. And she didn’t do this basic step.

It is irresponsible to allow her to continue to serve. Especially in light of her bringing “baggage” like her bill hb 99 that doesn’t reflect Alaskan Values or needs.

She seems to want to do this to be a “media star”. And push a national or lower 48 agenda on a state that is and has been doing just fine without her for some time.

Her husband can order a mail order bride, but the Alaska legislature cannot legally have a unqualified mail-order rep serving in session.

She cannot lie to get a job, lie to get state tax payer money in a salary. This is fraudulent and un-American and unalaskan in the clearest and most unequivocal way. And violation of statue.

If she was a teacher in an Alaskan school, she would need a teacher certificate or it would be illegal for her to teach the students. This fraud by her is akin to teaching without one. Or being a fishing guide without a six pack license. Or flying a plane without a pilot license. It is illegal. She is not qualified. It is dangerous to our democracy. The students or fishing party or flight passengers aka the residents of Alaska…. Have a right legally to representatives that have met unequivocally the three year minimum of residency before serving. It is the Law.

There must be a penalty, sanction, or expulsion for her fraud.

In her recent testimony for her bill she was unprofessional, awkward and unprepared and unable to answer simple straight forward respectful questions by other reps serving ( see the link here https://alaskawatchman.com/ 2023/04/12/sponsor-of-alaska-gender-id-bill-refuses-tosay-whether-it-lets-men-shower-or-undress-with-girls/). Her aid or others, all men. Had to step in and speak for her. This is unacceptable. This is a bill she has allegedly authored. She herself needs to be Able to speak with regard to its intent, impact and meaning.

She appears to be a puppet by others. Pushing an agenda of others. Not voters. Not alaskans.

She also has been seen to be testifying and maligning/ misrepresenting the motives and policy work of other members serving. There were videos posted online that showed this. This is again unprofessional and unacceptable.

I, like the judge who ruled on her civil case, wanted to cut her slack. I even posted a video suggesting she should be able to serve as her constituents deserved representation… Give her a chance to run with the pack, due to the lateness aka not timely-ness of the civil complaint that brought up her not being a resident for 3 years prior to running.

But I feel that at this point is has been proven there is a reason the statue is written like it is, and her cutting corners to serve in government should be penalized and not rewarded.

I would suggest a 30 % dock in her legislative salary for this session as she wasn’t an Alaskan for three years. Or the legislative body removing her right to introduce bills for this session for the remainder of the session. If the legislative body cannot take it upon themselves to, upon putting it to a vote. Expel her formally from serving for the remainder of the session. Which I would suggest would be the most reasonable course of action and best choice.

To send a clear and unequivocal message to her and other prospective lawmakers. That to make law, to serve in the legislative body in Alaska. First and foremost. You must respect the laws already written, the statues already established.

Alaskan values do not include cutting corners , or lying about your resume or qualifications to get a job.

If a brick layer lies about the composition of his cemant and uses a cheap knock off product to increase his profit margin instead of quality reputable material. The building he has a contract to build, has a likilihood of becoming unsafe for the inhabitants. That is like the legislature allowing a lawmaker like Jennie Armstrong, who doesnt meet the statutary requirements to make law and to serve. It creates an unsafe, unstable and unfair future for Alaska.

These actions by Jennie Armstrong should have consequences.

She shouldn’t be influencing public policy, She shouldn’t be introducing a bill she is unable to answer questions on, she shouldn’t be maligning inappropriately her fellow lawmakers. She shouldn’t treat this like its a media spectacle to get a rainbow sticker to appeal to a national agenda that is not aligned with a state built on self reliance and independence.

She hasn’t been part of the economy for the 2 something years she was here either. She doesn’t understand the economy or the state or the community. Her values and her outlook is reflective of her not being woven into the fabric of the community. She has been in a protected isolated bubble. Glued to tech not to people. During her brief time here she has been with her husband. Matt claman Telling her he thinks she should run doesn’t make her qualified. They both should have looked at the statue and done their research with regard to the statue and how long she has been a resident of the state. Her husband and her do not appear to be stupid people. THere is no reasonable excuse.

She cut a corner because the seat was available due to a vacancy or redistricting. And thought that it would be ok to cheat. To lie. To round down instead of round up…. To err on the risky side instead of the safe side. This is unacceptable. And shows her lack of judgement and lack of self awarness and irresponsibilty and refusal to work within the established framework of Alaskan law and statue.

She shouldn’t cheat to get a paycheck. She shouldn’t lie to get a job. We can’t reward this process abuse and this disregard for letter of law.

She shouldn’t just cuz she is a woman, be allowed to serve. To get a pass. She needs to be held to the same standards as any other person. Its clear she should not be serving. By both statue that she violated to run in the first place, but also now by her actions in session.

And thus we are burdened to request and demand that the 2023 Alaska legislature convene and vote and take action to expel, sanction, fine or publicly condemn her lack of eligibility ASAP. For her ethics and peformance violations.

Before more damage is done to the legal framework and structure as well as the moral fiber and compass of a state that has been built on truth and freedom and speaking for yourself and your literal community in plain terms.

Not on lies and misrepresentations by a carpet bagger mail order bride who hasn’t been in Alaska 3 years but chose to lie her way into office, can’t answer questions about bills she herself has introduced, and maligns other dignitaries who are fairly and reasonably and politely serving their constituents and have a much better understanding of law and state government and living in Alaska than her.

The state of Alaska needs to be firm and clear with Jennie Armstrong. This is not a state that accepts mail order reps.

I would request that the Alaska Legislature expel Jennie Armstrong.