2 minute read


What To Expect

First year Law has four compulsory subjects: Foundations of Law, Tort Law, International Law, and Principles of Public Law

My personal favourite is Tort Law; of the four, it is the most structured and process-driven course. Rest assured–you will not be at a disadvantage if you missed Legal Studies in high school Lecture and seminar leaders will approach teaching the course as if you ’ re a clean slate

25th March 10am



Club Contact

President: Bryan Lau

Facebook: @AULSS president@aulss.org

Instagram: @aulsstagram

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Law School (and, to a significant extent, the legal industry) is very different from its popular depiction in “Legally Blonde” and “Suits”. Expect lots of readings and legal research Coffee enjoyers rejoice–you’ll definitely expand your taste palette during Law School

First Year Tips

→ Adelaide University Law Students’ Society (AULSS) is famous on campus for its elaborate events and friendships formed Some of the people I met at AULSS events remain my best mates today!

→ Begin putting together exam notes ASAP! All law examinations are open-book, meaning you can bring any study materials into the exam room (with the exception of textbooks borrowed from the Law School library)

→ Spend one hour at the end of each week organising lecture and seminar notes into a Word document while the content is fresh in your head

→ I have been a part of the AULSS committee for four years and made many wonderful memories As a former First Year Representative who gained invaluable experience in that role, I recommend nominating yourself once the election date for the First Year position is announced

What To Expect

Expect six years of absolutely unforgettable memories, forging lifelong friendships, personal growth, and having an absolute blast!


23rd February


22nd & 23rd February


17th-19th March

First Year Tips Club Contact

President: Vi-Seth Bak president@amss.org.au

Instagram: @youramss

→ I remember feeling overwhelmed at the beginning of first year; faced with strange new acronyms and a university event roster racing past at break-neck speed My advice is to simply GAI–“Get Around It” Go to events you ’ re not one hundred-per cent sure about, volunteer, join the Medicine Committee, purchase a ticket to Convention and GHC, say “hi” to older age students, and expand your comfort zone. Don't miss Skullduggery and MedCamp

→ If in doubt, ask for help from older students. Everyone who goes through Med School receives mentorship and guidance, and these students would be delighted to pay it forward. Haven't met an older student yet? Reach out to me or committee members listed under "Club Contact"

Save The Date

AUMS has lots of exciting events lined up for 2023 in what promises to be our biggest year yet! With our Games Night, Pub Crawl, and Industry Night all around the corner, there is something for everyone We’re not just for maths students by the way, so get your friends from other degrees to come along as well

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