1 minute read


3780 King Rd., Ste. 2C, Toledo. 419-327-2273 glaudiology.com

One piece of advice that most changed your life: If I had to pick just one piece of advice, it would probably be that we shouldn’t be afraid to fail as some of the best opportunities only come by putting ourselves out of our comfort zones.

I start my day by: I start my days by saying “good morning” and giving a hug to each of my three children.

Advice you’d give your younger self: I think I would tell my younger self to worry less about the future (but still work hard toward goals) and enjoy making memories with family and friends. Oh, and of course invest early in Amazon and Apple stock, so I can have more free time making those memories!

A perfect day in Toledo means: A perfect day in Toledo is spent doing fun things (like the Zoo) with my family!

What is the one book, movie or play that changed your life: I have enjoyed some great books, movies, and plays; however, to have a life-changing impact I am going to have to say the Holy Bible! Was this a trick question?! :-)

One thing you wish patients would stop doing: I wish my patients would stock putting cotton swabs (or other instruments) into their ear canals!

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