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We’re With You Every Step of the Way

What sets A&K journeys apart is our people and the role they play in every part of your journey. A&K has a staff of thousands working in over 55 offices in more than 30 countries around the world — ensuring every hour of your journey unfolds with impeccable service and flow.

We support you with an unrivalled globe-spanning presence.

With A&K’s 55 offices in more than 30 countries worldwide, our staff members live and work in the very same regions you visit, ensuring responsive support while you travel, with real-time assistance never more than a phone call away. That’s something no other travel company can say. From your very first enquiry, you can sit back while we take the reins. Once your journey begins and you arrive at your destination, our local staff manages everything behind the scenes, leaving you free to enjoy every incredible hour.

Behind every perfect day are logistical experts working in harmony.

Every tailor-made journey includes an entire team of experts you don’t see, each working tirelessly to keep your itinerary running without a hitch — managing everything from the day-to-day logistics to seamless transfers. Unlike other operators, we recruit, train and manage our own full-time staff, orchestrating every detail with precision and flexibility. Whether it’s the seamless flow of an A&K itinerary or the prompt attention paid to an unexpected request, you can be sure that our global family is the driving force making it happen.

We work to keep you safe and healthy throughout your journey.

With experience comes excellence and reliability, and with A&K this translates to peace of mind and security. The safety of our guests is always our priority. Our network of local offices and long-established relationships in every region in which we operate, allows us to keep our finger on the pulse of local dynamics and developments. If unexpected events occur, A&K has resources at the ready to ensure your wellbeing and allow you to safely continue your journey. We adhere to the world’s best practices for cleanliness and disinfection; and our local guides and staff follow rigorous health and safety protocols. Our local offices are experienced in handling any situation and have the contacts and knowledge to support guests 24/7.

Safe Travels is established by the World Travel & Tourism Council.