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Beck’s Role


beck’s role at the half century of progress

By Cindy Ladage Beck’s was proud to be the Premier Sponsor at the Half Century of Progress. Toby Ripberger, Beck’s Event Logistics Lead knew as soon as he spoke with the Directors of the Half Century of Progress that Beck’s and the Half Century of Progress were going to forge a great partnership. Toby knew that Beck’s was a good fit for the show. The directors’ dedication to providing a quality show made it an event that Beck’s wanted to be part of. “Beck’s provided the seed so folks could harvest the corn and soybeans. We provide the corn and soybean for all the field demonstrations,” Toby said.

Beck’s also had a booth where employees that were involved with the heritage equipment hobby brought their equipment to the show. “This equipment included Sonny Beck’s 1974 4430 John Deere, which was the first tractor that he ever purchased,” Toby said. “That tractor went through a fire.”

This was the first John Deere tractor that the Beck family ever owned. It had a cab, 125 hp and a 6.6 liter engine. After 34 years of use, the tractor was retired to the shed then the shed collapsed and caught fire. Sadly five years later, the tractor burnt down to the frame. Rather than just forget about it because of the sentimental value, Beck’s shop manager with Sonny Beck’s approval began restoration in the winter of 2013. Today it is a piece of Beck history and a beloved old iron tractor to share. Toby added that while at the Half Century, the restored 4430 JD went through the parade on multiple days!

Also inside the booth were photos of the progression and growth of Beck’s over the years. The photos displayed a timeline of the company’s history , starting with the first-ever homestead of Beck’s back in 1937 to now, including new facilities and expansion along the way. Located in Atlanta, Indiana, Toby said, “Beck’s Hybrids is the largest retail seed company and the third largest seed brand in the U. s. Today, we serve farmers in 15 states across the Corn Belt.”

“Kudos to the Half Century of Progress Board, we knew from the beginning that they wanted this to be the best experience for visitors. For a show that big, with that many acres from shelling to harvesting, they offered multiple opportunities for folks to use their equipment in field demonstrations.”

The Half Century of Progress could not take place without the help of Beck’s sponsorship. The partnership between great companies like Beck’s Hybrids and the volunteers and leaders at the Half Century of Progress make it all work.