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Happy Fall!

As this year’s President, I am honored to continue the AADC Young Lawyers Division’s traditions of early career networking, legal education, and community outreach. This year, our goal is to expand our firm representation to diversify our board member composition. On that note, I’m happy to announce we have three new board members to welcome: Andie Logue with Rai & Barone, Jim Carlson with Bowman & Brooke, and John Habib with Snell & Wilmer. Additionally, we will be expanding our mentorship program to focus on law students to assist in navigating their careers in the ever-changing landscape of COVID-19. Our goal is to get the AADC name out there earlier in a young lawyer’s career, so that newly barred attorneys already know about AADC and all it has to offer, starting in law school.

So far we’ ve had a great start to the year. I was thrilled to see both new and familiar faces at our Bar Results Happy Hour at Sazerac in October hosted by Rimkus Consulting. Our CLE Co-chairs, Nathan Gallinat and Seraphim Sparrow, are working to put together a great year of CLE’s for our membership. We’re kicking off the “ academic” year with our first CLE on November 30, which will cover Pre-Litigation Evidence Preservation brought to you by Steven Tuskan of Rimkus Consulting. Our charity partner, Southwest Human Development will be introducing our holiday book donation drive at the CLE. Our Charity Chair, Max Shanahan is working towards getting our softball tournament to be live and in person in early 2022. While last year’s raffle was still a success by Zoom, it will be great to see everyone out there with some competitive spirit! As always, we hope to see you at these events and if you have any ideas for a CLE, or have interest in joining the YLD Board, please reach out to me at kpage@jshfirm.com .

Kimberly Page Jones, Skelton & Hochuli 2021-2022 YLD President

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