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ART + DESIGN C o d y N e s b i t t C r e a t i v M e t t e

Graphic designer Cody Nesbitt has had his fair share of projects. When he’s not creating logos and branding with his freelance company Good Co., Nesbitt is the graphic design manager for Sanford Health. He just wrapped up his largest project to date, Great Shots, and is also partially responsible for making people hungry with his work for Blue Rock Bar & Grill. 605 caught up with the creative on what inspires him, what he can’t live without, and what he thinks about his brother-in-law, Philadelphia Eagles linebacker Nathan “Nate” Gerry.

32 | 605MAGAZINE.COM A designer I follow is... too hard to narrow down. A couple of my top designers are Aaron Draplin and Jon Contino. A random fact about me is... I have the swimming level of a 5-year-old, and I love to set daily routines. When I worked on Blue Rock, a big part of the look came from... experience from other restaurants. I have traveled all over the world and have had the opportunity to eat at some amazing places, most recently Disney World. The direction for this restaurant was somewhat loosely known from the beginning, but the team that worked on it helped make that direction come to life while each of us were able to add some inf luence from the inspiration we have collected over the years. It truly was a great team effort, and I am really proud of that. Designing for a restaurant is unique because... you have to design for a wide variety of people in mind. Anyone can walk into the restaurant to eat, and it is the designer’s responsibility to appeal to everyone and make the experience the best possible experience it can be, besides the food, of course. Something I love ordering at Blue Rock is... the Blue Rock Sampler. Super clutch when you need a great variety of food to go with that Busch Latte. Has just a little bit of everything and it is all stellar. Something at work I can’t live without is... coffee and my AirPods. Without those, my productivity level is around six percent. A project I really loved working on was... Great Shots. We just wrapped that up, and it was the biggest project I have worked on. It took over a year and a half of planning, concepting, and building, but it was finally completed in December. I have been out a couple times to golf, and it really is a great time and fun to see all of the hard work pay off in such a beautiful space. What people might not know about the work culture at Sanford Health is... we are one big family. We work extremely hard and fast but always make time for office competitions, ping pong tournaments, home run derbies, potlucks, and outdoor cookouts. It really is a great ‘work hard play hard’ balance we have here. My freelance business Good Co. is... just a simple design business comprised of myself. It was created a couple years ago and is slowly taking off. I specialize in logo and branding work for small businesses. I have been able to help give my friends and family an identity for their new business that they can be proud of, and that is incredibly rewarding. I also dabble in photography and plan on screen printing this year. I really want to be that go-to for design work when a new or local business doesn’t want to go through the hassle or spend the big bucks on an agency. I just want to make good design for good people. Something that would surprise people about Nate Gerry is... he is super down to earth. He always makes time to take fan photos and sign autographs. He is also a huge family guy and loves to spend time with them.

T O U G H D A Y A T T H E O F F I C E ?

Watching Nate play is... surreal. I remember watching him play with his brother, Matt, in the dome for the championship as a freshman with Washington [High School]. Then making frequent trips to Lincoln to watch him play at [University of] Nebraska in front of 94,000 people was crazy. Now in the NFL with the Eagles is just surreal. The kid has worked his tail off to earn his journey every step of the way, so there are no surprises on how he got there, but watching him play against Tom Brady during Monday Night Football? Yeah, that is still insane to me.

When I walk around downtown, one of my favorite places to stop by is... either Josiah’s [Coffeehouse & Café] or Fernson [Downtown]. I love to eat and drink.

Something that is influencing me right now is... my growing family. It just shows me that time is not slowing down, so if I don’t start making moves now and trying to pursue my goals, the opportunity window on accomplishing these goals closes and they turn into lost causes. Also showing my kids that they can be whoever they want to be and do whatever they want to do as long as they follow their dreams and set goals.

One thing I love about South Dakota is... the people. Every time I travel it is fun to be away for a short while and experience a different city, but I quickly miss home and the down-to-earth community that South Dakota offers.


“Taking a break from screens and technology gives me a chance to be present, and that always provides inspiration and a little recharge to hop back on the computer.”

Meet the locals.

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