1 minute read

Imagine….Celebrating 50 years of Service!

In 1973 THE Rotary Club of Eltham was chartered with a culture of Fun and Fellowship in Service which has only got stronger over the past half-century. The 50th Anniversary Dinner was a time to celebrate and reflect on our history. Charter member Norm Williams set the scene of Eltham in the 70’s, Co Presidents Mike Englefield and Rob Kilcullen outlined the key events and achievements of the first and second 25 years respectively. Assistant Governor Judy Sharp brought greetings from R.I. and the Governor of District 9790 as well as 30 year recognition for Treasurer Lou Bolzonello. Many messages of goodwill, but none-so-colourful as the floral bouquet from the Rotary Club of Amakusa in Japan. Formalities over, the rest of the evening was filled in true Eltham style with good food, good wine, much laughter, shared memories and lots of dancing 70’s style. The compilation of the 50 year history of the club is continuing from disparate sources and will be reported in 2023-24.
