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Our Process of Curb Rash Repair

1. Assessment: A professional technician will examine the wheel to determine the extent of the damage and assess whether it can be repaired or if a replacement is necessary.

2. Preparation: The technician will clean the wheel and surrounding area to ensure that there is no debris or dirt on the surface.


3. Filling and Sanding: If the damage is minor, the technician will fill in the scratches with a special compound and sand the surface until it is smooth.

4. Painting and Finishing: The technician will use a special paint that matches the color of the wheel and apply it evenly to the damaged area. Once the paint has dried, a clear coat will be applied to protect the surface.

5. Final Inspection: The technician will perform a final inspection to ensure that the repair has been completed to the highest standards and that the wheel is free of any defects.